17 June 2021


 Rabbi Yuval Ovadia


moshe said...

He inadvertently said 'Roman' empire; it was, of course, before that which was the 'Greek' empire! Only the descendant of Dovid Hamelech can be Moshiach!

Neshama said...

Thanks Moshe.
That was the point of his entire shiur.

Daniel Grad said...
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Neshama said...

DG, I believe it was a linguistic mistake.

moshe said...

Learned that the Philistines were a people from one of the Greek Islands. The word means 'invaders'; that's the only way where they compare perfectly to the so-called non-people, 'palestinians' who are Arabs as above commenter, DG, mentions.
Also, want to mention that eventually the Greeks sort of morphed into the Romans, who became like them, but more vicious. Because of the disunity and in-fighting of the Jews, who invited them in to help, we are still suffering from that galut.

Warren Burstein said...

tl;dr - was this hour plus just to repeat the qualifications from Hilchot Melachim or to name a paricular person?

Neshama said...

Warren Burstein, it was to describe the special characteristics that make up a candidate for Mashiach; once chosen he will receive extraordinary abilities and be guided by Hashem. We don’t know who he is until he is “released”. But in each generation there is someone who could possibly be chosen.

I hope this helps.

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