Listen carefully as this Huge Whale picks up the Diver into its Mouth to save him from a Shark; and then later “SPIT” him out and pushed him to the surface and to safety. After seeing the Diver was safe (and/or back into his Boat, did the Whale move on:
31 January 2023
Sorry Mr Gallant,
Gallant: "Terrorists will be Brought to Court or the Cemetery"
Sorry Mr Gallant, you just don’t get it!
So full of your “new title” but empty on solutions
A photo-op also??
This is not a theatrical tryout
The same old same old
At the Urgings of Itamar Ben Gvir –
Ben-Gvir: Anyone who massacres civilians should get the electric chair
WINTER RETURNS FULL-FORCE TO ISRAEL: Rain, Thunderstorms, Flooding, Heavy Snow On Hermon
Terrorist Expulsion bill passes first reading in the Knesset
70% of terrorists on PA payroll could be eligible for expulsion under new law, as it passes first vote in the Knesset.
Another 13 Year Old ...
GILAD: “There are few moments in a Jew's life that are as moving as the moment when he stands next to his son as he puts on tefillin for the first time.”
"Ambassador Erdan and his family were in for a surprise when the Ambassador’s parents arrived from Israel to celebrate the occasion. "The excitement was doubled since my father, Avinoam, came especially from Israel with my mother, Yehudit, to celebrate with us," shared Erdan, who wished "that we will be happy and celebrate together always."
Shalom Pollack: One Thirteen Yr Old – One Day
Tu b’Shvat – Reb Dov bar Leib
“[…] We have spoken about how the dividing point between receiving one's Qeren Qayemet and the Peirot from one's good deeds takes place either on Rosh Chodesh Shevat or Tu B'Shevat.
“Since a Tzaddiq or a Beinoni gets the largest portion of his/her Qeren Qayemet in Olam HaBa, the bulk of one's parnassah as a Tzaddiq or Beinoni in Olam HaZeh, is decided right now and not in Tishrei.
“As those who strive to come close to and walk with G-d, we or you are dependent on the reward for the fruit of our deeds since the reward for our deeds themselves is in the World to Come.”
Give Thanks to HaShem
Hodu lashem ki tov, ki l'olam chasdo. Yomar-na Yisrael, ki l'olam chasdo. Yomru-na beit aharon, ki l'olam chasdo. Yomru-na yirei Hashem, ki l'olam chasdo. | הֹדוּ לַה׳ כִּי טוֹב, כִּי לְעוֹלָם חַסְדּוֹ יֹאמַר-נָא יִשְׁרָאֵל, כִּי לְעוֹלָם חַסְדּוֹ. יֹאמְרוּ-נָא בֵית אַהֲרֹן, כּי לְעוֹלָם חַסְדּוֹ. יֹאמְרוּ-נָא יִרְאֵי ה׳, כִּי לְעוֹלָם חַסְדּוֹ. |
The most bizarre out there, the closer we are
For God's mercy endures forever.
Let Israel say now:
God's lovingkindness endures forever.
Let now the house of Aaron say:
God's lovingkindness endures forever.
Let them that revere the Lord say:
God's lovingkindness endures forever.
*Snow on the Hermon and rain on blessed Eretz Yisrael!
30 January 2023
FOR ISRAEL TO WIN, THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM MUST BE REFORMED. The Supreme Court should not have a veto over Israeli security and counterterrorism policies, let alone other professional decisions.Op-ed
(JNS) The American Declaration of Independence famously guarantees the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Over the last 250 years, people have tended to focus on “liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” but it is no coincidence that the phrase begins with the right to life.
The right to life is and should be paramount over all other considerations, because it is the basis of existence. In the current debate over potential reforms to Israel’s judicial system, this element has been glaringly absent.
The conflict with the Palestinian Arabs has been raging for over 100 years. It has taken many forms—economic, diplomatic and mainly terrorism. It is not a war that can end Israel’s existence in one fell swoop, but it can deliver devastating blows to the longevity of the Jewish state.
Let there be no doubt, this war will continue until one side gives up. Sadly, we have witnessed this once again with the deadly terrorist attacks over the weekend.
We know that Palestinian Arab rejectionists envision nothing less than the dismantling of Jewish sovereignty in the Jews’ ancestral and indigenous homeland. As such, Israel must ensure that it takes the necessary steps to force the Palestinian Arabs to give up on this dream.
We know quite well that the Palestinian Arabs use the international establishment, whether multilateral institutions like the United Nations and the International Court of Justice or the media, to further their aims, but there is an obstacle closer to home.
Following the 1992 passage of Israel’s Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, the increasingly activist Supreme Court has used it as a tool to overturn many of the Knesset’s laws, especially in the security sphere.
According to the Israel Democracy Institute, some of the laws the Court has struck down are Exemption from Damage Claims against Security Forces (2006), which grants the state immunity from compensation claims made by Palestinians injured by security forces.
There is also Security Detention without Appearing Before a Judge (2010), which revoked a temporary order that allowed for a hearing to extend the detention of a suspect in a security offense without the suspect’s presence. The Supreme Court rejected the state’s position, which argued that the purpose of the law is to improve law enforcement officials’ capacity to conduct effective counterterrorism and investigations into security offenses.
Most recently, in 2021, the Supreme Court struck down a law that allowed the government to withhold benefits from the parents of a minor imprisoned for security offenses. The Court found that the law was unconstitutional and violated the parents’ rights.
These are just three examples of how the Supreme Court’s unregulated power has hampered Israel’s efforts to defeat terrorism and violent Palestinian Arab rejectionism. These are not minor issues. They have prevented Israel from using all the tools at its disposal to fight and win.
Another problematic decision taken by the Supreme Court was in 2019, when it overruled then-Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s attempt to prevent over 200 Palestinian Arabs from attending an event on Remembrance Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism. Liberman felt that the presence of the Palestinian Arabs blurred the line between those who perpetrate and those who suffer from terrorism.
The Court’s decision didn’t necessarily hamper Israel’s security forces, but it did delegitimize Israel’s war on terror and created a false equality between the two sides. This has a chilling effect on those who believe in the righteousness of Israel’s cause, a necessary element for any people that has to fight for its national existence against those who seek to extinguish it.
Simply put, the justice system may see itself as the bastion of liberty and equality, but it is prioritizing those ideals over the right to life, both personal and national.
The right to life should be prioritized, especially in a war against an enemy that does not care about our right to life. Our elected representatives should be able to pass laws to protect that right and assist our security forces in taking all measures necessary, within reasonable boundaries, to end this war in victory for Israel and peace and security for all.
Judicial reform will not prevent the justice system from challenging laws, but it will put an end to the judiciary’s complete and unrestricted veto over our democratically-elected representatives who seek to provide the security forces with the ability to win.
This is as it should be in any democracy, especially one constantly fighting ruthless enemies who challenge our long-term national existence.
For Israel to win, the judicial system must be reformed.
Alex Nachumson is a Major (Res) in the IDF, CEO of Mivtachi Israel, an organization of former IDF officers, and an adviser to the Israel Victory Project. []
IN RESPONSE TO MURDERS: National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir ...
Otzma Yehudit Zvika Fogel OR Otzma Yehudit Itamar Ben Gvir
National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir demanded during Sunday’s cabinet meeting to immediately regulate seven “illegal outposts,” a.k.a. the young settlement, in Judea and Samaria, and to regulate essential infrastructures in the rest of the outposts, in response to Friday’s murderous attack in Jerusalem and in memory of the seven victims.
As I reported earlier today, one of Netanyahu’s security cabinet’s 6 responses to Arab terrorism was Item 5: “In response to the abhorrent attacks and the celebrations in their wake, Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided on steps to strengthen the settlements that will be submitted this week.”
Seeing as Netanyahu’s promises usually have the shelf life of a package of butter in the July sun, Ben Gvir swiftly went about anchoring the PM’s sudden burst of Zionist patriotism to real action.
The outposts that minister Ben Gvir wants to regulate include
Shaharit in Samaria;
Tel Zion and Givat Harel in Binyamin;
Avnat by the Dead Sea; and
Kedem Arava in the Jordan Valley.
Minister Ben Gvir added: “We will act with a hard fist and firmly against the terrorists and terrorism, and will utilize a toolbox of deterrence measures – both measures on the ground and political measures. The regulation of the settlements will be added to the sealing of the terrorist’s house and the demolishing of homes in eastern Jerusalem by the police this morning, as well as an additional series of measures to deter terrorism.”
FASCINATING Information About Mitzrayim – PART I
The following is excerpted from Toras Avigdor by Rabbi Miller zt”l on Parshas Bo [Also included are links to items mentioned within]
Where’s Egypt?
When you begin learning Nach, in the beginning, in Sefer Yehoshua, you see
that the Bnei Yisroel were busy conquering Eretz Canaan. That’s a good part of the
first many chapters of Nach. Al pi Hashem, they were fighting against various kings
and tribes and taking over the land, town by town.
Now, if you think about it for a little bit there’s something quite surprising
about this period in our history. And that is that we don’t hear anything about
Mitzrayim. We’re reading the Sefer Yehoshua and the Sefer Shoftim and Shmuel
Aleph and Shmuel Bais, and we find no mention of Egypt. It’s as if it didn’t exist.
Other countries, other nations, yes. They had trouble with all nations around them;
Aram, Edom, Amon and Moav, the Plishtim. But Mitzrayim? Nothing.
One mention is made. When Shaul went to battle with Amalek, so it’s
mentioned derech agav that one of the Amaleki slaves was an Egyptian. That’s the
one mention – an Egyptian slave boy! It’s unusual. An Egyptian should be a slave?
Egyptians weren’t slaves. They were a master nation. And here’s an instance where
you find a Mitzri slave. But otherwise, besides for that passing story, we would
think that Egypt didn’t exist.
There’s Egypt!
Now, if you know anything about ancient history and especially about Ancient
Egypt, it’s a very big question. Everyone knows that Ancient Egypt was a powerful
country. Already when Avrohom Avinu came to Mitzrayim he found a rich
civilization, and it continued to grow and develop for a long time. And then when a
once-in-a-lifetime famine wreaked havoc on the whole Middle East, Egypt, by
means of its store of granaries, was the only country that remained standing. And
then on the backs of Jewish slaves, they grew greater and greater after that. They
were the breadbasket of the world, the superpower of those ancient days.
And the Egyptians were not such nice people that they kept to themselves;
they always wanted to have hegemony over all the nations around them. And so
how could it be that a little nation of Jews settled right next door to them and yet
for five hundred years there’s no mention of trouble? It’s very strange! Eretz Canaan
had always been the province of Egypt; it’s right next door! In their own backyard,
would the Egyptians allow somebody to conquer their provinces? The nation that
came in from the desert was living in villages and farms, spread out in the open
country, and they were easy prey for a country like Egypt. And yet we hear nothing.
You don’t hear a word out of Egypt. For a country like that to just disappear from
the scene?! It’s a remarkable fact of history.
But actually it’s only remarkable if you haven’t studied this week’s sedrah. You
remember how the Torah describes Pharaoh’s advisors begging him to reconsider
his decision to keep hold of the Bnei Yisroel: הֲטֶרֶם†תֵּדַע†כִּי†אָבְדָה†מִצְרָיִם†– “Don’t you see
that Mitzrayim is lost already?!” (Shemos 10:7)
Lost already!
And it wasn’t an exaggeration. Mitzrayim was laid so low from the makkos that
it couldn’t even lift up its head; they couldn’t make a peep. Now, if they had been
able to, if they had been the great nation they were formerly, absolutely they would
have interfered constantly. The truth is, had they been anything they would have
intruded constantly in the history of our people.
History’s Hole
But אבָדְהָ†מצִ†רְָיםִ†– they were destroyed. They were so destroyed that from the
time that the Bnei Yisroel went out of Egypt, that superpower is not heard from
again for hundreds of years! Everything went quiet. There is a five hundred year
gap when Egypt just vanished from history.
Now this gap is so queer, so unusual in the history of the world, that it became
one of the primary causes for a disruption, a big error, in the chronicles of world
history. Anyone who is familiar even a little bit with the studies of the history of
ancient nations knows that the secular historians are fond of making a fuss about a
discrepancy of about five hundred years that they’ve found between their
calculations and ours.
Now, the truth is, I don’t feel much of a need to reconcile their chronology
with ours because we are the ones who have an exact chronology according to
generations. We have enumerated in our Tanach every generation in sequence
from the beginning of time.
And Josephus, writing at the end of the second churban,
says that we have in writing all the generations of our priests from Aharon Hakohen
down to his time. Now, if you have our Torah chronology and also from Aharon
Hakohen down to the Churban Bayis Sheini, that means you have from
Adam Harishon to Churban Bayis Sheini!
So we have pedigrees, clear-cut pedigrees, from the beginning of history. And
therefore it’s gratuitous, it’s entirely unnecessary, for us to bother our heads to
reconcile our chronology with theirs. Let them worry about reconciling their
records with ours because we are the ones who have an exact chronology according
to generations, every generation in sequence, from the beginning down to today.
Inventing History
People are so naïve, so weak-minded. They don’t realize what’s behind the
secular histories. The secular histories are riddled with errors. First of all, many of
the earlier historical works were rigged for the purpose of justifying the Gospels of
the New Testament, books which are full of falsehoods anyhow. Calculations and
chronologies were created and manipulated to promote a false narrative. And they
did quite a poor job at it. It’s a joke! The Christian books weren’t written by scholars.
Anybody who knows a little bit about their books can recognize the ignorance of
the early Christian writers and the untruths as they create generations out of thin
And the Ancient Egyptian records are even more lacking. You have to
understand that the ancient Egyptian records are like a palimpsest. You know what
a palimpsest is? It’s an old scroll written on parchment, and then someone needed
some page to write on, so he erased part of the parchment and wrote something
on top of the old letters. So experts who want to discover what the original writing
was, they photograph the present writing, then they erase it carefully, and they try
to find underneath the furrows that were caused by the stylus of the original writer.
That’s a job for experts. It’s one kind of writing imposed on another kind of writing.
Now that’s what happened in the Egyptian chronology.
When the makkos
devastated Egypt for a full year, so during that desolation almost all of the Egyptian
records were destroyed. And later when they began to rebuild and write again, it
was like writing on top of old records. And so when Herodotus, the ancient Greek
historian, began to copy his history from ancient Egyptian records, what did he do?
He took the two sets of records that were overlapping and he thought they were
consecutive. He pieced together the ancient Egyptian chronicles that were before
this period and after the period and he considered them one continuum because
he didn’t know there was a five hundred year gap in between when Egypt was
Ages In Chaos
This subject is explained at length in the work “Ages in Chaos.” It’s a secular
Jewish writer and therefore I won’t give him the honor of mentioning his name and
I’m not recommending that you read it either, but that’s the place where it’s spoken
about most fully. He states there that there’s a very big mixup in the secular
chronology because all of the secular histories of antiquity are based on Egyptian
records, and that’s why they are hundreds of years out of line – because it was
something unfathomable, that the once proud powerhouse, the land of Ancient
Egypt, should be so utterly destroyed.
Now, our little cheder boys and our little Beis Yaakov girls, on the other hand,
already know all about it. They all learn the Chumash and remember what the
Egyptians themselves were saying: כִּי†אָבְדָה†מִצְרָיִם†– “Our Egypt has gone lost.” But
the secular historians, what could they do? They’re bumbling around in the
darkness of a long-lost history and they’re tripping on every little thing, making
mistakes at every turn.
The truth is that today even the secular historians admit it. They’ve begun to
begrudgingly admit it because of ancient records they’ve found. Our possuk doesn’t
need any proofs from the goyim but today they’ve already found ancient papyri
with the testimony of Egyptians who lived through the makkos.
We have the Papyrus of Ipuwer.
In the early 1900’s a certain gentile professor published these
papyri, composed by an ancient Egyptian sage who witnessed these events with
his own eyes. “The river is blood … Blood is everywhere … Men shrink in disgust
from tasting … That is our water … What shall we do? Everything is in ruination!”
You can read the descriptions over there. “The land is turned over like a
potter’s wheel … there is no end to the noise … trees are destroyed … no fruit nor
herbs are found … gates, walls and columns are consumed by fire … the land is left
over to its weariness like the cutting of the flax … the cattle moan … all the animals,
their hearts weep … there is no light in the land.”
(The Admonitions of an Egyptian Sage From a Hieratic Papyrus in Leiden; Alan H. Gardiner)
Papyrus of Ipuwer []
Ages in Chaos []
Wiki: Ages in Chaos: = Ages in Chaos is a book by the controversial writer Immanuel Velikovsky, first published by Doubleday in 1952, which put forward a major revision of the history of the Ancient Near East, claiming that the histories of Ancient Egypt and the Israelites are five centuries out of step.
We Know All About It
Now that’s news to the secular historians – these papyri were published quite
recently – but we know all about it; we grew up on these stories. (Bo
10:15). Whatever little bit was left after the hail, was completely destroyed by the
locust. There was nothing left at all. Destruction and darkness, that’s all. No Nile, no
vegetation, no food, no safety and security.
It’s a remarkable thing how low Egypt was laid. The makkos were one blow
after another, until everything the Mitzrim relied on was completely destroyed.
Egypt was so ruined that it didn’t have the nerve to get up out of the dirt! For five
hundred years, they laid in the dirt prostrate!
The Lesson
The question is what was the purpose of such a destruction? After all, in order
to allow the Bnei Yisroel to go free, no makkos and no miracles were necessary.
Egypt could have had an internal revolution or some other misfortunes that would
have divided them and the Bnei Yisroel could have left in a natural manner. Didn’t
the slaves in America go free without ten makkos? There could have been an
Egyptian Abraham Lincoln too; why not? There could have been a civil war and the
Bnei Yisroel would walk out to freedom without the land being destroyed. So what
was the purpose of ?אָבְדָה†מִצְרָיִם
When Hakodosh Boruch Hu began the series of the ten makkos, one plague
after the other, He introduced them with a preface that reveals their purpose. The
Torah states as clearly as could be, וְיָדְעוּ†מִצְרַיִם†כִּי†אֲנִי†הַשֵּׁם†– Mitzrayim should know
that I am Hashem! (Shemos 7:5). Or לְמַעַן†תֵּדַע†כִּי†אֵין†כָּמֹנִי†בְּכָל†הָאָרֶץ†– in order that you
should know there is none like Me in all the world (ibid. 9:14).
It means, “I’m the Boss here”.
The ten makkos were ten courses of instruction in emunah, reminders of
Hakodosh Boruch Hu. But not only for Egypt – after all, the people of Mitzrayim are
long gone; they’re not learning anything. It’s the Am Yisroel, the ones who still
study sefer Shemos, who are expected to learn the lesson of כִּי†אָבְדָה†מִצְרָיִם†, of why
the most powerful nation of the time was laid so low that their disappearance
caused a gap to appear in world history. By means of studying the destruction of
Mitzrayim and why it happened, we are the ones who gain; we’re the ones expected
to be recipients of that lesson!
Calm vs Explosive Indignation – Maccabees vs Milktoast
Otzma Yehudit Mk Zvika Fogel, a retired Brigadier General, 66, on Saturday night, following Friday night’s massacre of 8 in Neve Yaakov, Jerusalem by an Arab terrorist, and Shabbat morning’s attack on civilians by a teenage terrorist, told a News12 panel: “I’ll tell you in the simplest possible language – between calming things down and exploding the arena, what would, in the end, bring the results I want? I’m going with the explosion, never mind the calm. Look where the calming has brought us.”
“Let’s admit that this reality is intolerable, and we must change it,” Fogel continued. “Because if we continue to do the same thing, we’ll get the same results. I propose: let’s do different things.”
. Earlier today, I commented on the Security Cabinet’s series of steps to fight terrorism and exact a price on terrorists and those who support them, saying they were feeble and mostly horsepucky (Security Cabinet Declares 6 Steps to Shut the Barn Doors before the Next Horses).
On Sunday morning, speaking on Reshet Bet radio, MK Fogel elaborated: “I’ll tell you what needs to be done in four words: closure, destruction, thwarting, and expulsion.”
Here’s the thing, though: Israel has been doing all his four ideas since the 1970s, under left- and right-wing governments, with dubious results. They were inconsistent, often the AG or the High Court of Justice would steal their thunder, and sooner or later a left-leaning defense minister such as Ehud Barak or Benny Gantz would shift directions and quash any effort to stomp out terrorism in a big way. The last time Israel tried something massive and long-lasting against terrorism was following the March 2002 Park Hotel massacre.
Frankly, when Fogel started talking, I expected him, the definition of a right-wing hawk, to suggest imposing a military rule on Israeli and PA Arab populations as a temporary measure to rid the country of all terrorists.
Can’t work? Depends on who you ask. The fact is that back in 1948, Israeli Jews mistrusted their Arab neighbors whom they just defeated in the war of Liberation, and so, the first Ben Gurion government imposed a military regime on its Arab citizens that lasted until 1968. When Israeli boomers talk wistfully about the good old days before the Six-Day War when there was zero Arab terrorism? The answer is that Arab terrorism was held in check by a repressive military regime that controlled everything, including the most elementary human rights such as freedom of speech, and freedom of movement.
The legal instrument for establishing military rule was the Emergency Defense Regulations that had been enacted by the British Mandate government in 1945, against the Jewish undergrounds. All ben Gurion did was turn the same regulations against the Arabs.
These regulations allowed the military government to take actions such as confiscating property, demolishing buildings, deporting residents, expropriating land, and restricting movement without a permit against the Arab communities in the Galilea, the Arab Triangle between Hadera and Afula, and the Negev. Among other things, the military government used regulation 145, which, according to historians Ismail Abu Saad and Rasem Hamaisi, “gave the military governors the authority to declare the closure of a certain area and to limit movement in and to it, or to completely prevent entry to it after the relocation of its residents. The use of this regulation resulted in the reduction of the Arab territory and was an effective means that allowed the institutions of the Jewish settlers to create a new Jewish settlement layout, and to house the million-plus new olim in abandoned Arab houses, especially in cities that were emptied of their Arabs.”
At the same time, the military government worked to limit the mobility of the Arabs and expropriate some of their lands.
As part of the military government, Israeli Arabs were required to leave their villages only with their movement permits (day and night until 1963, only at night until 1968 – DI). The movement ban was based on Rule 125 of the Emergency Defense Regulations. These approvals were sometimes obtained in return for assistance to the Shin Bet.
All of these regulations are still available to the Netanyahu government, and it can choose to impose them again either in a blanket fashion or on individual communities. There are ample legal justifications for doing it, and if they are used temporarily and for specific goals, no Attorney General or Supreme Court can stop them.
What’s needed is imagination and fearlessness.
29 January 2023
‘Neo-Nazi’ Palestinian Authority
Diaspora minister: ‘Neo-Nazi’ Palestinian Authority is ‘antisemitic to its core’
Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli, speaking in the wake of the deadliest terror attack against Israelis in over a decade, said Sunday that the Palestinian Authority was a “neo-Nazi entity” and that alternatives to it should be examined
“I think that the Palestinian Authority, as of today, is the enemy of the State of Israel. We still do not have any peace agreement with it. It is an enemy entity, an entity that is antisemitic to its core, and we need to examine alternatives to it,” he said.
“The most antisemitic political entity on earth is the Palestinian Authority, in which 93 percent of the population advocates antisemitic positions,” he said, referring to a 2014 report by the Anti-Defamation League.
“I see the Palestinian Authority as a neo-Nazi entity in its essence and outlook,” Chikli told the Ynet news site in response to the Friday evening attack, which killed seven people, including a 14-year-old boy, and wounded three near a synagogue in Jerusalem’s Neve Ya’akov neighborhood
“The address for this is the Palestinian Authority itself and its leader, an avowed Holocaust denier, who accused Israel of committing 50 holocausts while standing on German soil,” Chikli added, referring to a fiercely criticized speech last year by PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
“The PA has pay-to-slay — the more Jews you kill, the more money you get. [The PA] is the source of the problems and terror,” he said. “If I were in the [security] cabinet, I would demand sanctions and actions…. against the Palestinian Authority.”
The PA makes regular payments to terror convicts and to families of dead Palestinian attackers, which Israel and other critics say offer a direct incentive for terror. The practice of paying those allowances — referred to by some Israeli officials as a pay-to-slay policy — has been defended by Palestinian leaders, who describe them as a form of social welfare.
Chikli, who rose to prominence by voting against his former party, Yamina, in the previous Knesset and then jumping ship to the Likud party, also commented on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s appeals for citizens not to take matters into their own hands in the wake of Friday’s deadly terror attack in Jerusalem.
The Diaspora affairs minister, who also holds the social equality portfolio in the cabinet, claimed the premier was in fact referring to protesters against the government’s contentious plans to remake the judiciary.
“The calls for civil disobedience — they’re coming from the left, I’m sad to say, not the right. And I hope the left don’t take things into their own hands,” he said. He later clarified that he believed the premier was making a general warning to all citizens.
There have been no warnings about danger emanating from the protest movement.
Meanwhile, masked attackers set alight a car in a West Bank Palestinian town overnight Saturday, destroying the vehicle in an apparent act of revenge after the terror shooting in Jerusalem’s Neve Yaakov neighborhood.
In addition to Netanyahu’s comments, security officials have warned they are concerned that far-right extremists could carry out revenge attacks.
In fact, one of the journalists interviewing Chikli was attacked by onlookers on Saturday evening at the scene of the deadly terror attack in Neve Yaakov. Video from the scene showed the crowd tearing down fencing around the journalists while chanting “leftists go home” and “death to terrorists.” Several men approached the reporters as they broadcast, shouting and gesturing at them. Others kicked over chairs and attempted to topple lighting equipment.
Vaera - Seeing Signs of Redemption
Why was it proper for Pharaoh to ask for a sign from Moshe when he asked to let the Jewish people go? Why did Noach, Chizkiyahu and Chananya...