07 January 2023

Attack on Bees – Honey and Almonds in Distress


USDA Grants License for First-ever Vaccine for Bees – Be Careful Where you Source Your Honey & Almonds!

It’s becoming more and more obvious that the U.S. Government’s answers for almost all health issues now are new vaccines.

Dalan Animal Health announced this week that the U.S. Department of Agriculture granted them a conditional license for the first-ever vaccine for bees.

The US Department of Agriculture has granted a conditional license to the first-ever vaccine for bees, Dalan Animal Health announced on Wednesday. The Athens, Georgia-based company has developed an oral prophylactic they hope will be effective against a highly destructive spore-transmitted bacterial infection.

“Our vaccine is a breakthrough in protecting honeybees,” Dalan CEO Dr. Annette Kleiser said in a statement, suggesting it might “change how we care for insects, impacting food production on a global scale.”

American Foulbrood is a bacterial infection transmitted to bee larvae by spores. While antibiotic treatment can mitigate the impact to adult bees, US regulations adopted almost a century ago require the burning of an infected colony.

Dalan’s technology “uses a transgenerational immune priming approach,” using the queen to pass the immunity onto larvae before they hatch. In practice, the vaccine containing “killed whole-cell Paenibacillus larvae bacteria” is passed along by worker bees to the queen via the royal jelly, and ends up in her ovaries. The company claims that efficacy studies have indicated this “may reduce larval death” associated with the Foulbrood infections.

If the approach proves successful, Dalan intends to apply it to “other honeybee diseases and underserved industries, such as shrimp, mealworms, and insects used in agriculture.” 

California accounts for almost half of all the US honeybee colonies, due to the high demand of the almond industry. Almond plantations in the state’s central valley provide an estimated 80% of the world’s supply, and require up to 30,000 colonies to be shipped there by truck every year during pollination season.

The concentration has a downside, as bees can get poisoned by pesticides or catch infections from other swarms, requiring apiaries to destroy millions of insects rather than sending them back. (Full article here.)

We have been warning people for almost a decade now that California’s government-subsidized $4 BILLION+ almond industry is threatening the entire U.S. food supply, because it takes most of the country’s commercial bee population just to pollinate the almond trees each year, where they are exposed to all the pesticides and herbicides used for the mammoth almond industry. See our previous coverage on this issue:

Are California Almonds Destroying the U.S. Bee Supply?

How Did Almonds Surpass Peanuts as America’s Top Nut? The Dark Side of Almonds


Almonds are now the most-consumed nut eaten in America, surpassing even peanuts. Americans consumption of almonds has increased 220 percent since 2005.

Is this meteoric rise in almond consumption due to consumer demand, or consumer compliance?

A look behind the scenes at just how almonds came to dominate the market, and what it takes to produce such large quantities, reveals a dark side to almonds of which most consumers are probably unaware.

California Uses Farm Subsidies and Tax Revenue to Dominate the World’s Almond Supply

80% of the world’s almonds come from California’s Central Valley. Almonds are the #1 agricultural crop grown in California. It is a $4 billion industry.

Like many commodity crops grown in the U.S., almonds are regulated by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and receive millions of dollars in farm subsidies and other tax revenues. This gives California almond growers a distinct advantage in controlling prices. (Full article.)

No other state in the U.S. can compete with California, so you are unlikely to find any almonds grown in the U.S. that are not from California.

I know, because I looked for them, so we could offer an alternative in our online Healthy Traditions store. We had to import them from Italy, where we found growers who do not use pesticides and herbicides and test clean. They cost more, but our almond products are so popular we have a hard time keeping them in stock.

Almost All Honey in North America is Contaminated with Glyphosate Herbicide

Honey is one of nature’s most perfect and beneficial foods. The documented research on the incredible health benefits of honey is truly astounding. If you type in the search term “honey” in the National Library of Medicine on the NIH Government website, you will get almost 16,000 results from peer-reviewed medical journals.

It is the ONLY sweetener on the market that you can purchase that is a complete, whole food, as opposed to granulated sugar which is an extract from either a grass (sugar cane), or from beets (sugar beets).

But even before this license by the USDA to allow beekeepers to vaccinate their bees, almost all of the honey sold in North America has been contaminated with the herbicide glyphosate, from RoundUp. This includes even Canada:

Study: 99% of Canadian Honey Analyzed Contaminated with Herbicide Glyphosate

My Own Experience in Trying to Find Pure, Clean Raw Honey for my Healthy Traditions Store

For almost a decade we were very fortunate to have a source in the remote areas of British Columbia, Canada, that produced a Canadian honey that was among the less than 1% that tested free of glyphosate and other chemicals.

Not only did this honey test clean, it was certified organic, which is one of the hardest certifications to get for honey, since the radius a bee can fly covers many miles, and one must ensure that the bees have no access to commercial crops.

The bees drew their pollen from a wide range of wild flowers growing in this remote area in Canada, and the owner only harvested the honey during a 6-week period during the short Canadian summers.

We considered it to be the best honey in North America, and our customers overwhelmingly agreed. It was one of our best-selling products, second only to our coconut oil products.

But in 2020 we got the sad news that even in this remote area of Canada, the honey was now showing small amounts of glyphosate when tested, and we sadly had to stop selling it, as we refuse to sell any product that tests positive for glyphosate.

So we began our search for a replacement, and our contact in Chile who sources our Extra Virgin Olive Oil told us about a source of raw honey that was harvested in the Chilean Andes Mountains and Rain Forests. They exported their honey to Europe where it has won several awards, and they tested every batch for pesticides and herbicides.

After testing their current batch ourselves to verify their claims, we imported this honey to the United States and started selling it, and now offer it in 14 oz. glass jars, and in gallon pails and 5-gallon pails for those who want to invest in long-term storable foods, since honey never goes bad if stored in air-tight and moisture free containers.

You can learn more about this premium product here.

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