06 January 2023

AM YISROEL “The Awesome Glory to G-d it brings for a Jew to walk on His Holy Mountain…"

DBL:  "The Rambam, the greatest codifier of Jewish Law in world history, made an Aliyat Har HaBayit which he likely would have repeated had he not lived during the time of the 2nd and 3rd Crusades. Because of the horror of Eretz Yisrael being a theater for war between Edom and Yishmael, he left for the more peaceful confines of Egypt firmly in the power of Saladin. Yet, he celebrated the anniversary of his Aliyah to the Temple Mount as a Chag for himself and for his descendants. I need a more convincing argument than the Arabs might have their feelings hurt. Ben Gvir has been monthly ascending the Temple Mount long before he became an MK. Why should he or his wife stop now?

"For any Jew thinking of holding another Jew in some sort of contempt for walking on the Temple Mt, please listen to Rav Moshe David Tendler zt"l on the Awesome Glory to G-d it brings for a Jew to walk on His Holy Mountain in the places that are permitted to him after making proper preparations to ascend.”


Itamar Ben-Gvir, the newly appointed Israeli National Security Minister, visited the Al Aqsa compound in Jerusalem. The Palestinian Foreign Ministry denounced the stop as "an unprecedented provocation.” Ben-Gvir's heavy security surrounded him during the trip due to threats that his presence at the site could cause "an explosion." Showing their disapproval, US officials stated it stood “firmly for the preservation of the status quo" at the sacred location. Jordan currently controls Al Aqsa and only allows Muslims to worship there, while other faiths are permitted to visit.

Several Gulf countries, including the UAE and Saudi Arabia, were equally critical. Ben Gvir has developed a history of conflict with Palestinians. Jordan's Foreign Ministry warned that Israel is responsible for "the dangerous consequences of this escalation." Ben Gvir contended with his critics and asserted that the Israeli government would not relent to Hamas' threats. He argued that The Temple Mount is open to all religions, including Jews. He also stated that freedom of movement would be maintained for Muslims and Christians, but Jews have the right to visit the site, and threats must be handled "with an iron fist." The visit reportedly lasted about 15 minutes and passed without incident.

People of Israel Need Your Help

We are living through a tough stage in history. The economic crisis has brought many people into poverty. Help your brothers and sisters.

God Will Remember You

People who study Parashat Vayechi are people who do not get excited about media storms. Here is why.

Rabbi Hagai Lundin

The book of Genesis is accompanied by struggles throughout – Cain and Abel, Abraham and Sodom, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esav, Joseph and his brothers. One can despair of such a beginning of human history. Great figures who seemingly fail to bring peace and harmony to the world. Must the sword devour us forever?

The ending of the book of Genesis is also bleak. Jacob dies. Joseph dies. And the curtain falls on the Israelites who are enslaved in Egypt. We were so looking forward to a happy ending, and it didn't happen. The great are gone; who will save us now?

But at the end of the Torah portion, Joseph says four words that have resonated forever and ever in the ears of every man and woman faced with a bleak future: "And God will remember you". True, now it is difficult; and there is also no immediate solution to the enslavement. Great Torah scholars have left us; it is not clear when there will be peace; and it is not clear how our family, political and personal problems will be solved.

But one thing is for sure: there is a God and He will remember us! It may not be in our time but in the time of our grandchildren, in the end it will happen. You will bring Joseph's coffin to the Land of Israel. We will live forever.

People who study Parashat Vayechi are people who do not get excited about media storms. They are also not stressed by difficulties and look for shortcuts because otherwise "the end of the world will come". They simply do what they understand needs to be done and know that God will remember them; in this world or in the world to come.

The bad will pass.

The good will prevail.

With God's help.

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