21 October 2024


ARI GOLDWAG Happy Inside (English) ארי גולדוואג - השמחה מבפנים (גרסת אנגלית)


To see the good when its raining to go the day without complaining it’s not easy, it takes training but it’s worth all the waiting 'Cuz I know that there’s one truth and forever it’ll never change that feeling happy only comes from one place It comes from inside Hashem’s in your life Get on for the ride Be happy inside You can look at challenges that you got through you can look at all the dreams that did come true It’s great to breathe and be alive ma yisonen adam chai Cuz I know that there’s one truth and forever it’ll never change that feeling happy only comes from one place it comes from inside Hashem’s in your life Get on for the ride Be happy inside Can you have an ayin tova Can you look for Hashem’s plan Can you keep on singing Even when you don’t understand Can you try just one more time Even if you got it wrong And you'll see that all that all your happiness was there all along.

Hear O Israel, Joe Biden is trying to kill us all

Hear O Israel, Joe Biden is trying to kill us all

The Jews have not survived for nearly 4,000 years just so the uneducated and cowardly appeasers leading the west will set the stage for the future destruction of Israel. Op-ed.

 Robert Besser is a news editor who has worked in television and newspapers in the United States, Asia and the Middle East.

If Israel bows to the demands of US President Joe Biden, all Israelis would die as every Israeli border community is wiped out by swarming Arab savages and every Israeli city is destroyed by Iranian nuclear arms. 

Too often, we have heard former US Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ pronouncement that Joe Biden "....has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Unfortunately, we in Israel have experienced first hand that Gates was correct about Biden.

Joe Biden’s lunatic calls for ceasefires and the survival of Hamas and Hezbollah, made even as Israel is fighting an existential war, have been clearly based upon two things.

First, he receives advice from staff who are exclusively true believers of the woke religion, with its credo that war can never, ever be a legitimate response to any provocation. 

Second, during this election year the Democrats appear fearful that every Israeli action will reveal the truth that the Biden administration has lost control of, well, everything. And particularly international affairs.

If Israel listens to Biden’s unhinged demands for ceasefires and de-escalations, it will guarantee that Hamas will be allowed to rebuild itself in Gaza, even as it loudly promises future October 7th attacks on Israel.

And listening to Biden ensures that Hezbollah will remain a permanent terrorist army that has taken over Lebanon and forever threatens Israel with hundreds of thousands of missiles, as well as tunnels reaching inside Israel.

Listening to Biden also ensures that we must fight forever-wars against Arabs in the north and south and sacrifice our best sons and daughters....forever.

Listening to Biden means that we purposely do nothing while Iran develops parity with Israel, as it brings its nuclear arms online. 

Critically, Israel has no choice but to believe what we have heard and what we have seen from Joe Biden.

Biden has disgraced his office during obscenity-filled rantings at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reports the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward. Further, we watched in sorrow for the collapsing America as Biden’s UN ambassador boycotted Netanyahu’s September 27th speech at the UN, joining with the Jew-hating lowlives who populate the United Nations zoo.

We felt the same despair for America as the ignorant Vice President Kamala Harris boycotted Netanyahu’s July 25 speech before the US Congress. At that time, she said that she had to instead attend a college sorority reunion….where her intellect was again probably over-taxed. 

What does it all add up to? It means that just as Israel is a pariah state at the Jew-hating United Nations, so it is the same illegitimate county among those in the Biden White House and the eternally antisemitic Yale and Harvard-educated US State Department.

Again, never mind what is said in Washington… Israel must only watch US actions.

Biden, and the equally weak-witted Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, think they know what is best for Israel.

But we remember that these are the same officials who planned the US surrender and retreat in Afghanistan. Prior to the withdrawal, the United States had pacified Afghanistan and only had 2,500 soldiers remaining in the country. That is fewer than are enrolled at the US military academies. 

Yet, in spite of the pleadings of top US policy makers, the leaders of the US Congress and even the always-surrendering EU….crazy Joe Biden ordered an unplanned withdrawal, leaving behind billions in armaments to shore up the Islamo-fascist Taliban.

What was Biden thinking?

Is there even evidence that Biden can think?

Why would Israel trust such people with our own life and death decisions?

How about the White House commitment to oppose aggression and maintain the world order? Biden has rarely taken action, in the face of third world Yemeni tribesmen shooting Iranian missiles and closing down international shipping lanes in the Red Sea. The same US appeasement has followed after 100 Iranian attacks on US troops in Iraq, Syria and Jordan.

And for all of the White House crying about Palestinians in Gaza, they certainly have shed no tears for the 14 million Afghan women who are today enslaved in Afghanistan, a Moslem prison, because of the cowardly US retreat. 

This is also the same Biden gang that has prevented Ukraine from waging an offensive war against the invading Russians. Rather, they restrict how Ukrainians can use American weapons, guaranteeing that young Ukrainians are forever fed into battlefield meat grinders.

So it has been the same with Israel, as the Biden administration has over and over sought to handcuff the IDF by slowing the delivery of armaments, despite written obligations. And now it is threatening to shut them off if Israel doesn't allow humanitarian aid - that is stolen by Hamas.

Among the horrifying questions we must one day face is how many Israeli soldiers have died unnecessarily because, as Biden demanded, we paused the war in Gaza? 

Instead of overwhelming the Hamas terrorists, forcing them to run low on arms, food and water, our ally the United States demanded that Israel stop fighting so we might provide humanitarian relief, thus allowing Hamas to rest, feed their troops, re-arm and build new fortifications from which to kill Jews.

Just imagine, had President Biden ordered General George Patton to pause his war in 1944 to allow the retreating German army to catch their breath and rearm, be assured that Patton himself would have lobbed more than a few shells into the Biden White House.

And would President Biden have dictated to Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill how US arms could and could not be used in World War II?

If Israel had forgotten, it certainly re-learned the truth about our continued existence during the past 12 months. 

For only we, alone, can guarantee our survival. 

No western allies, no United States, no European Union…..nobody, nobody, nobody can be relied upon to ensure we overcome our enemies.

In 1948, the US Pentagon and State Department told Jewish Agency officials not to declare a state because the Jews would be butchered by the invading Arab armies. Well, so much for those American experts.

In 1967, no less than the Jew-hating French war hero Charles DeGaulle demanded that Israel not strike first against the Arabs. So did US President Lyndon Johnson. But imagine the state of our Jewish world over the past 57 years had Israel obeyed.

And we should not forget that in 1973 it was the US that opposed Israeli war aims when they saved the encircled Egyptian Sinai army from annihilation and a complete Israeli victory.

Your Succah Doesn't Have a Safe Room...and much more

 This week's Torah class is packed with fundamental wisdom from Tanach, the Gemara, Midrash, the Peleh Yoetz, and Sefer Habris about how to deal with worries and sadness.  Hint: it's quite the opposite of what the Erev Rav and their controlled media want you to do.

The recording is available here.

Also, if you missed last week's class about the signs from Chazal that Moshiach is on the way, I highly recommend it.  I offered explanations of many of these signs that seem plainly obvious and unique to our times, yet are somehow "novel" interpretations that you won't find anywhere else.  The recording is available here.

Please check it out and share.
*   *   *
People are seriously buying the "news" that a drone from Lebanon attacked Bibi's home?  The lies are getting more ridiculous by the day.  Anything to justify the meat grinder.

On that note, this is what happens when fake news outlets, fake rabbis, and false narratives collide:

How did I guess this "leading rabbi" shilled for the shots?

*   *   *

Roni Eshel is one of the female spotters who was murdered by Hamas proxies at a base in Nahal Oz on October 7. Her father, Ayal, corroborates what many have been reporting from day one: the attack did not begin at 6:23 AM as the regime claims. It started at approximately 2 AM. The entire official timeline never made sense, and is a lie, a cover-up.

Ayal reports that already at 3:45 AM there was a meeting with the Prime Minister's military secretary and many other senior officers. They knew everything that was happening. At that early hour they moved forces to a base in Tel Aviv to protect their own, but were, of course, too "surprised" to move forces to the south and protect the people until sufficient bloodletting was permitted to justify the "war" that resulted. The "war" itself is just another link in the chain of planned events to advance a larger agenda of betrayal in the name of progress and protection.

Accept reality and deal with it accordingly.


*   *   *

How many Molech sacrifices were offered up in Gaza and Lebanon by the Erev Rav today?  What did we get in exchange for the daily blood offering?  How are we better off after more than a year of blood offerings?  

If the best you can manage is a thoughtless "We'd be far worse off without them", you sound just like so many fools who suffered heart attacks, strokes, etc. from the miracle shots, and made the same baseless, utterly insane rationalization.

Share with your brainwashed friends and ask them for a thoughtful response.  I don't mind being the bad guy.


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The Serenity and the Security of the Sukkah - The Incredible Insight of the Aruch L'ner

 Listen all the way to the finish....

4 plants that have NO SAR OR MALACH over them





Jerusalem News – ITS NOT WISE TO BE “SMART” ……..rising hi

 JUST THINKING: Was this "idea" included in the drafting of new residence projects even before beginning the building of them? Since most of them are in haredi areas, because of already overcrowding and lack of apartments, was this "idea" schemed into their building plans? The Mayor is too gun-ho on transforming 'Yerushalayim of Yore' into a pretentious and pendantic modern hi-rise **crowding. 

*  *  *  *  *

Jerusalem residents to see property tax hike?

New proposal suggests that residents of newer buildings will be charged a higher property tax fee, regardless of geographic location.

The Jerusalem municipality has recently submitted a request to the Interior Ministry, asking to change the way property tax fees for residential buildings are calculated - in a change which may significantly affect residents of the city's new construction projects.

The proposal would see residents of any building populated since January 1, 2020, paying the highest property tax rate in the city, regardless of the building's location.

The city explained the change by noting the demographic and physical changes which have taken place in the city following the wave of construction and urban renewal. A prominent example is the Romema neighborhood, where thousands of new housing units were recently built. Residents of these projects may now find themselves paying a higher property tax rate, despite the fact that their financial situations have not necessarily improved.

A senior source in the municipality expressed concerns over the plan, telling Mynet that, "Jerusalem will become a city for rich people only."

The source added that many of those who own the new apartments, including in haredi neighborhoods, do not have the financial means to pay the higher price.

The municipality, meanwhile, said that the change was necessary due to the enormous investment in developing the neighborhoods and infrastructure. It also noted that of the approximately 230,000 housing units in the city, only about 12,000 are expected to be affected by the change. The city admitted, however, that most of those affected apartments are in haredi areas.

Responding to the criticism, the municipality announced that residents of "pinui-binui" demolition and reconstruction projects would not see a rise in property tax fees, at least for the next five years.


*They are already ridiculously high!!

The projects already bring the municipalities a ton of money with all the taxes that they will receive from the additional apartments. Out of an old apartment building of 8 apts turned into 60+ apartments the municipality will get richer. And they make the builder of each project contribute to the infrastructure by building kindergardens and shops etc at their expense. So it is highway robbery to raise the taxes of those living in these projects.

*Arnona is outrageously expensive in Jerusalem.

Now the VAT will go up as well because of the war... it's too much.


** or as R' Weissman calls them: ""luxury" towers of Bavel"

or, "prison cities for serfs who will own nothing and be happy"

And the YomTov ads in the usual mags has grandiose inside new apts SMART fixtures, so smart they know everything you're doing in every room!!

Good Grief:  look at these squashed together, not much air passing thru these, looks like more apts could have mirpesot, but didn’t get them; they don’t look as if they have too much head room either. 

It's Geshmak to be a Yid

ARI GOLDWAG - It's Geshmak to be a Yid [A Cappella Video] ארי גולדוואג - גישמאק - קליפ ווקאלי

20 October 2024

Bitachon 179 - Hashem Gives Strength and Honor


We study together the passuk in Tehillim perek 62 passuk 8 which speaks of the request of Dovid Hamelech of Hashem to save him and bring about honor for him. This is in the merit of his having been promised by Hashem that he would be king, and in the merit of his trust in Hashem and seeking to be righteous.

REMEMBER the Patriach Shepherd - Avraham ?

REMEMBER:  Pious Jewish shepherd grazes flock in Samaria since Muslims orphaned his 6 grandchildren See 2017 article here:

Three months after his passing: Samaria patriarch's flock stolen

About three months after the death of Avraham Herzlich, a founding member of the Samaria shepherd community, his flock of goats was stolen.  

130 head from the goat flock of the Samaria shepflock Avraham Herzlich, who passed away three months ago, disappeared from their pen in the town of Kfar Tapuach in Samaria on Friday morning.

The flock had been raised by the Herzlich family for nearly forty years, making them among the first Jewish shepflocks in Judea and Samaria.

the modern "Avraham" Shepherd

Upon learning of the disappearance, theft was suspected, and military and police forces were dispatched to the scene.

The security forces were joined by civilians from the area, who began chasing the suspected thieves. These included the Israel Dog Unit, a nonprofit specializing in working dogs, who brought dogs and drones to the chase.

Roadblocks were set up in numerous locations in the area, and searches were conducted on the outskirts of nearby Palestinian villages olive groves. Violent clashes broke out between the Israelis and Palestinians during the searches. 

The Herzlich family claims that in the past two weeks, Palestinians from the village of Yasuf, who approached the settlement of Tapuah under the guise of olive harvesting, have been regularly observing the flock flock and the pen in which it was held. They also attempted on several occasions to approach the shepflock while the flock was grazing.

"It's hard to say that we were surprised that the flock was stolen now during the olive harvesting season," the family said. "For more than two weeks, we have warned about the Arabs approaching under the pretext of the harvest. Time after time, we reported to the security forces about Arabs observing, photographing, and gathering information on the he, but nothing was done. Moreover, even the civilian security coordinator in the settlement was prevented from assisting in expelling the Arabs due to the insistence of the security system that the harvest is approved and does not pose a problem. This morning we woke up to an open pen where the entire flock that our father raised with dedication and love was stolen to one of the villages."

"Every year we warn that the Arab olive harvest is just a cover story, and Arabs exploit the proximity to Jewish settlements to carry out acts of terrorism and gather information. The time has come to stop this criminal recklessness and ban Arabs from approaching Jewish areas at any day. We hope that the flock will be found and the thieves will be brought to justice," they added.


Miracles! How Two IDF Soldiers Survived an RPG Blast


In this powerful story, we follow two Israeli soldiers who faced an intense, life-threatening moment on the battlefield. With a sudden RPG blast close to their position, these soldiers were miraculously spared in what can only be described as a moment of profound resilience and protection. Join us as we delve into their near-death experience, sharing how they defied the odds and emerged with a renewed sense of purpose and appreciation for life. Their journey highlights not only the bravery of those on the front lines but also the strength that can come from facing unimaginable challenges. If their story inspired you, please like, subscribe, and share your thoughts in the comments. We invite you to support us by clicking the “Thanks” button below the video, so we can continue to share stories of courage, hope, and survival.

The Fall of Sinwar on the First Day of Sukkos - The Stunning Significance

  Hodu L'Hashem Ki tov Ki L'olam Chasdo ....Hodu L'Hashem Ki tov


Trust in HaShem; be strong and of good courage! O Trust in HaShem!"

  (Psalms 27:14)
Tishrei 16, 5785/September 18, 2024
Safety! Security! We want it, we need it, we demand it! Bolted steel doors, padlocks, electric gates, security cameras, alarm systems, safe rooms, bomb shelters... We live in a frightening world and all we want is to feel safe and secure in our own homes.
Nowhere has home safety been so compromised as in Israel, as evident by the atrocities committed by Gazan terrorists one year ago on October 7th, when thousands broke into Israeli homes and murdered, tortured, raped, burned alive and kidnapped innocent families waking up on a sleepy Shabbat morning. Just one day later Hezbollah terrorists began firing into northern Israel the first of what would become more than 10,000 missiles, RPGs and suicide drones, forcing 100,000 people out of their homes.
This Wednesday evening, with the war on both fronts still raging, the entire population of Israel did the inconceivable: they left the (relative) safety of their concrete homes to spend the next seven days living in makeshift booths, barely strong enough to stand up to the elements, let alone enemy rocket fire.
These makeshift booths, known in Hebrew as sukkot, are the dwelling places of every Jew who celebrates the seven day holiday, also known as Sukkot, as commanded by Torah:
"For a seven day period you shall live in booths. Every resident among the Israelites shall live in booths, in order that your ensuing generations should know that I had the children of Israel live in booths when I took them out of the land of Egypt. I am HaShem, your G-d." (Leviticus 23:42-43)
There is no place on earth safer or more secure than the sukkot that G-d commanded Israel to dwell in. Just as the clouds of glory protected Israel in the wilderness, the sukkot protects Israel today. To dwell in the sukkah for seven days, to have one's meals in the sukkah, to invite guests into the sukkah and to sleep in the sukkah is an uncompromising act of faith in HaShem, and trusting in HaShem is the ultimate attainment of security.
One year ago, on the very day following Sukkot, when all Israel had left their fragile booths and returned to their permanent homes, disaster struck. This Thursday afternoon, while all Israel celebrated the first day of Sukkot in their fragile booths, a tank unit from the Israel Defense Forces eliminated the evil, despicable beast Yahya Sinwar, the mastermind of last year's massacre, may he rot eternally in hell.
As the psalmist implores us, "Trust in HaShem; be strong and of good courage! O Trust in HaShem!" (Psalm 27:14)

18 October 2024

Rabbi Weissman: Where are you safer?...And a Knesset Member admits the color war is an act

Where do you believe you would be safer?

1. With the Chafetz Chaim at his table

2. In a "safe room"

Where do you believe you will be safer on Wednesday night and the entire following week?

1. In a "safe room"

2. In a Succah

You know what the correct answer to both these questions is.  

But be honest with yourself.  Do you actually, truly, deeply believe it?

If not, therein lies much of the problem.

*   *   *

Knesset Member admits the color war is all a show for the camera

In this short video, Knesset Member Matan Kahana gives us a brief tour of a special lounge that surrounds the Knesset plenary. It's called the "parsa", which means horseshoe in Hebrew. Presumably this is because of the shape of the corridor, or because this is where the puppet leaders go to trample on the people.

As Kahana states: "The parsa is the antithesis to the arguments and shouting that go on in the plenary. How can this be? Because only Knesset members are permitted to enter the parsa — no journalists, no cameras. Therefore, in the parsa it's possible to see Knesset Members from all the factions, Charedim, Arabs, Jews, leftists, rightists, all sitting together in brotherhood, peace, and friendship.

"And I say that if we, the representatives of the people, 120 Members of the Knesset, can live in such peace with one another without cameras, all the people can live in peace with each other. I wish the State of Israel would behave like the parsa.”

What?! You mean all the Knesset members are just putting on a performance for the media and the cameras, who are in on it and dutifully play their role? You mean Ben Gvir and Smotrich actually sit and chill with their Arab counterparts after dishing out inflammatory sound bites for public consumption? You mean the Charedi puppets sit with Lapid and Lieberman like friends and brothers after demonizing each other's constituents? You mean Bibi sits and jokes around with the leftists that are trying to bring down him and his "right wing coalition”?

You mean the whole color war is all a big act, and they are really all working toward the same agenda while pretending to represent you and advocate for you? You mean they get their marching orders and rehearse their lines, divide the people and turn them against each other, then go to the lounge and laugh about how stupid the people are?

Where's the evidence? Right from the horse's mouth, standing in the horseshoe.


*   *   *

The brainwashing to worship the state and the IDF is so deep that even many people who were on the ball with covid and the shots have become very hostile toward me for slaughtering these sacred cows.  The cognitive dissonance is incredible to see.

They should make a vaccine for Stockholm Syndrome.

*   *   *

The vast majority of people are willing to acknowledge the "gross stupidity" of the regime, and even acknowledge to a small extent its wickedness.  And yet they will keep voting, keep sending their children to the IDF, and keep supporting the regime no matter what.  Literally, no matter what.  There is no red line, no breaking point, where they will stop doing the same things and expecting different results, let alone make a fundamental change in the relationship.

Many people have been referring to this phenomenon as mental illness, but that absolves these people of responsibility for their actions.  This is incorrect.  They are most definitely responsible for their actions and the ramifications they have for them and others.

Many people have also been blithely remarking that "Hashem has a plan".  Duh.  Of course Hashem has a plan.  So what?  People still cannot willfully blind themselves, make themselves into easy prey, and expect miracles to bail them out.  

One way or another people have to wake up, either the easy way or the hard way, and do real teshuva, which includes fundamentally changing their orientation and their behavior.  How about we stop doing it the hard way already?  

What's easy in the short term is most painful in the long term, and what's difficult in the short term is the only way out.  The longer people wait, the more painful it will be, with nothing to show for all the sacrifices.

*   *   *


While "Never Again" suckers are sending their loved ones to be maimed and killed for nothing, while they run to their "safe rooms" every time Pavlov rings a bell, Ramat Gan, Bat Yam, Hadera, and other major cities across Israel are dividing the population into 15-minute cities (i.e prisons, ghettos, camps).  How safe, clean, and convenient!

Keep digging your own graves and getting angry at the people who warn you.


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ARI GOLDWAG Happy Inside (English) ארי גולדוואג - השמחה מבפנים (גרסת אנגלית)    Lyrics:  To see the good when its raining to go the day with...