30 August 2015

"He Who is Merciful to the Cruel will End up Being Cruel to the Merciful”

"He who is merciful to the cruel will end up being cruel to the merciful”

"The IDF's policy of restraint in Judea and Samaria … has led, and is leading, to the murder of Jews and one must not remain silent"

Jewish Soldier Abandoned to Arab Mob in Nabi Salah
Attacked by Screeching Arab Women, Tearing at and Biting the Soldier.

This is the full video, a deliberate provocation, a set-up play enacted every Friday, and the soldiers are not being taught how to react to such provocations. The cameras are there, the actors are the same at many such incidents, and i’m sure they are getting paid for their repulsive behavior, especially that blonde in the pink shirt. She’s in many such videos. In the video watch how she makes sure the camera is getting the right shot.

You can see the cameras juggling to get into a good position.

“Avi Naim, head of the Beit Aryeh Regional Council and chairman of the local regional security committee, railed on Sunday against the shameful video depicting an IDF soldier being beaten by Arab women and children in the village of Nabi Salah on Friday. "On Fridays, hundreds of Arab rioters accompanied by Israeli anarchists throw stones, curse and humiliate IDF soldiers," Naim continued. "This is an intolerable reality that harms both soldiers and Israel's image.” Arutz Sheva

Lieberman: “It is disgraceful. The Nethanyahu government isn't worth a pinch of (…). They have let us down internally: the Temple Mount is almost juden rein, the cops of Israel are as corrupt as any 3rd world country, no one stops Arabs from attacking Jews in Jerusalem and now this! How will they defend us against the Iranian nuclear threat? (,,,)” Arutz Sheva

This is What the People are Saying.
Israelis are furious and Respond in the Comments section:

“Why is anyone surprised by this? There is systematic effort on the part of powerful people in and out of Israel to destroy Israel and annihilate the Jewish people and the IDF is a primary target. Rules of conduct and engagement have been established that place the lives of every combat solider in danger. The lives and wellbeing of our enemies is placed above that of our own people. Who is behind all this and why? The brass hats are more concerned with the right portfolio strategy than the right military strategy. So who is really running the Army? Who is giving the orders to persecute children and raid a lawful meeting? Who gave the orders to allow terrorists to take control of the Temple Mount? In short, who is really running the country?”

“I recognize some (…) in this clip, from other Pallywood productions where women and little girls harrassed and beat our soldiers…the little girl in the pink shirt has been in a few of these provocation videos, but I think she's actually Israeli.”

“... they were VERY STRONG when they came to arrest teenagers who they imagine are "Jewish terrorists". They know that those "Jewish terrorists" would never harm a soldier; neither would the surrounding Jewish crowd. The army was also VERY STRONG when they came to my neighborhood and took away a trailer, and all the cheap furniture, including the pots, food and refrigerator, of a young family, who are also imagined to be "Jewish terrorists". These "brave" IDF soldiers were only following orders. There is a saying from the Talmud: "He who is merciful to the cruel will end up being cruel to the merciful”.”

“It is only the tip of the iceberg catching the stone throwers. Arrest the inciters including Abbas, all their terrorist moslem preachers, leftist NGOs... And Untie the hands of the IDF. They should be creating determent by their presence, and not find themselves attacked by anyone. If little girls are not afraid of them, what does that tell you about Bibi's/Ya'alon's policies?””

“One of these days soldiers will say no more-- will Yaalon imprison hundreds of soldiers? Total government insanity. They fear young settlers will become more powerful than the leftist scum anachist Yaalon backs and protects, and humiliate Jewish soldiers.”

"He who is merciful to the cruel will end up being cruel to the merciful”.

What Happens When a Jew Defends Himself 
from Arab Rock Throwing:

Noam Federman of Kiryat Arba will stand trial for an incident last year in which Arabs ambushed his vehicle with rocks…when Federman was driving through Hevron with two of his children. They were ambushed at close range. Federman and his son immediately got out of their car and chased the rock throwers into an alley.

“In the alley, Arabs threw more rocks at Federman and his son, who threw rocks back. (,,,)

"It is a very grave matter, that the prosecution in the State of Israel has turned the attacked into the accused,” he said. “We all know that rocks were thrown at me and my family, and all my actions were in self defense.

“The IDF's policy of restraint in Judea and Samaria … has led, and is leading, to the murder of Jews and one must not remain silent, even at the cost of a charge sheet.” INNews

28 August 2015

"The High Court Is Killing Us" OR Are You Ready for the Court in Shamayim?

Issues in Israel

This is such an important article, that I am posting it here for all to read. Little by little issues in Israel are slipping into not Democracy but into another more sinister society. That is why we need to return to the ways of the Torah given to us by the Creator of the World on Mount Sinai. There is a great deal of opposition by our own Israelis and by the nations of the world who cannot stand that there is a higher authority Who has instructed His people how to live in a world of just these times. We must prepare ourselves for a new dimension of living, with Mashiach when he finally arrives.


Many prophecies have risen to warn and instruct, appearing on the following sites: yeranenyaakov, ShiratDevorah, TomerDevorah, and sometimes here. These warning should not be taken lightly, but with contemplation as to why we are receiving these messages.


It is not so difficult to observe the Shabbat, in fact it is very refreshing and good on the physical and mental planes, but those who fight it are lost in the gravity of earth. The family unit is the most rewarding scenario one could live within, developing the middah of sharing, caring, emotional clarity, and physical delights, not to mention the culinary delights of the Shabbat table, as many can attest to. Slowly, elements in Society are demanding that opposites are of supreme value, which in fact are breaking down the fabric of the very society that allows these elements to thrive.

Jewish Customs

By returning to our Jewish customs we will reinforce our society as it is meant to be, and then Mashiach will come and rid the world of confusion, doubt and destruction.

The High Court Is Killing Us 
by Uri Tzipori of Kol HaYehudi

Yet again the High Court has involved itself in the Knesset’s work of passing legislation. This time the court decided that detaining illegal migrants for 20 months, as was passed in the Knesset, was inhumane and instead the maximum period of detainment will be 12 months.

The High Court has replaced the discretion of elected representatives with its own discretion. It has decided that its own opinion is more important than the opinion of the people (as shown through their representatives).

Take note of what has happened here. The law by which the High Court has time and again abolished the Migrants Law is the Law of Respect to Man and his Freedom. The law respecting man and his freedom was passed in the Knesset in 1992 by a slim majority of 32-21 (60%-40% in favor). By contrast the first law regarding the migrants passed 37-8 (82% majority), while the second law passed 30-15 (67% majority), and the third law passed 47-23 (67% majority).

In other words, in every instance the support for the Migrants Law was greater than the support for the law by which the High Court abolished the Migrants Law. In two of the three cases the absolute number of Knesset members supporting the Migrants Law was greater than the number that supported the law by which the court abolished it. Despite the strong support, the High Court had no qualms abolishing it.

How could it be? Very simply. Judge Aharon Barak established in 1995 that a law by the Knesset that is given the status of “Basic Law” cannot ever be abolished, even by the Knesset itself (which originally passed the law!). In the eyes of the High Court, it makes no difference how much support there was for a Basic Law, even a minimal majority is enough to prevent future legislators from changing it.

Who gave Aharon Barak the power to make such an absurd decision? The answer is Barak himself! The Knesset never established that Barak’s interpretation of the meaning of a Basic Law is the actual meaning. Rather legislators stated just the opposite.

Uriel Lin, the head of the Committee for Law, when presenting the Law on Respect for Man and his Freedom, stated, “We are not giving more power to the High court. By establishing this law we are not giving the court special rights to abolish other laws… such a power has not in any way been transferred to the court. That power remains in this building [the Knesset]. If experience proves us mistaken and this law is misinterpreted, the Knesset will have the power to change it.”

Uriel Lin clearly stated that representatives of the public are not supposed to rely on the High Court, rather on themselves. The Knesset, instead of clarifying its position, chooses time and again to allow the High Court to continue and impose its will on the public. Instead of passing the law to allow overturning the court’s decisions, the people’s representatives shout empty condemnations while doing nothing in practice.

To put it simply- we have no one to rely on but ourselves. The High Court has usurped the power from the people and as Prof. Richard Posner, a Federal Appeals Judge in the US, said, Aharon Barak has committed “judicial piracy.” Until the people, and by extension their representatives, make clear that the Jewish people are the sovereign rulers here and not the court or its false definition of equality, we should not be surprised by similar future rulings coming out of the court.

Originally published on Arutz Sheva in Hebrew

27 August 2015

Another Cat Story

Limpy (who lost a rear foot somehow)

I like cats, both big (like Cecil and Cubs) and small ones, like Limpy, Blacky and Smokey, as I've written about previously on another blog. So the following also captured my attention.

This is Blacky

and this is Smokey

Cecil and his mate


"Tzuk and Eitan were rescued from the fighting zone in the Strip during Operation Protective Edge by an IDF soldier, who is now the protagonist of a new optimistic and colorful book for children."

"All of a sudden, a weak yowling was heard, and then another very weak, shaky yowling, and then a third. 'What is there in the corner?' Matan called with wonder. Two pairs of eyes sparkled in the darkness. Matan shone his light at the whispering, bustling corner, and then another weakling meow was heard. Matan saw two skinny, gaunt cats, and he felt sorry for the hungry and abandoned kittens."

"Author Nurit Sternberg from Moshav Sde Warburg (...) decided to write a children's book about the operation and the kittens' adoption. Despite the fact the book takes place in war time, she wrote an optimistic and colorful book which makes for a light reading."

"And so the book describes it: 'With a heavy bag on his back and his weapon on his shoulder, Matan marched with his friends along their journey, while the white and ginger cats were closed up in a cardboard box.'"

"'I found the story really touching. It opens up a window into what went on in the soldiers' hearts, and how they did not lose their compassion and gentleness despite the difficult operation,' Sternberg said.'"

You can read the whole heartwarming story here

A Warning From Shomayim

Message From the Next World Comes to 
Israeli Mystical Rabbi Amram Vaknin

Rabbi Vaknin Warns of Imminent War and Danger….As previously reported by Breaking Israel News, Rabbi Vaknin receives periodic messages from the Next World, warning about events in Israel. Gil Nachman, a close student of Rabbi Vaknin’s, told Breaking Israel News, “Pray that it’s not going to be today, tomorrow or in two weeks.”

Nachman recounted the specifics that Rabbi Vaknin received in the message.

“The Muslims are going to contaminate the water, the fruits and vegetables.

They are going to damage the electricity,” he said.

“And there are going to be people dying in the streets, thousands of people all over Israel.”

Nachman urged that the Israeli water company, the electric company and food importers should be prepared for these attacks. (The Rabbi names a member of Knesset who is a spy for the enemy.)


“We’re getting close to the big day of Moshiach. Before that happens, Hashem wants us to do teshuva. We have to be ready and prepared,” pleaded Nachman. “When we do real teshuva, Hashem will fight for us.”

The article which appeared on Geula Watch can be read in full at Breaking Israel News

Previous messages from Rabbi Vaknin can be read at TomerDevorah and at Breaking Israel News.

26 August 2015


The PLO’s Negotiation Affairs Department issued a press release stating that Ateret Cohanim and the Ir David Foundation (Elad) are colluding to alter the “historic character” of Silwan. JPost article.


“In 1938, after the devastating Arab riots and pogroms, the British Authorities evicted the last remaining Jewish families from their homes in the once thriving Jewish neighbourhood of Kfar HaShiloach (Kfar HaTeimanim), that was first established by the Yemenite Jews in 1882.”

Silwan was once a thriving neighborhood of Yemenite Jews before Arab rioting displaced the Jews living there, Ateret Cohanim’s executive director, Daniel Luria, said (cleared for publication) on Tuesday that the PLO’s claim of ethnic cleansing is nonsensical.

The Arabs decimated the character of the Yemenite area. (see WinstonIsraelNews some of which is posted further below).

“The return and/or establishment of Jewish life in the heart of Jerusalem – whether it be to the City of David, to the old Yemenite Village of Shiloah, or to any neighborhood in Jerusalem – is the natural, moral and historical right of the Jewish people,”

“The left-wing NGOs Ir Amim and Emek Shaveh unsuccessfully attempted to block the center in a joint High Court petition, claiming that it would result in “destruction and damage to the fabric of ancient Jerusalem.”

“The Israeli courts have effectively recognized the historical Jewish character of the area, and the Jewish title to many of the properties in the area. It was a thriving Yemenite community of 144-150 Yemenite families, before it was decimated and destroyed by Arabs in the riots and pogroms of 1929 and 1936-37.”


In fact, “In June and July this year, a total of 580 terror attacks [perpetrated by Arabs against Jews] were documented. That is Ten Terror Attacks Per Day in Old Jerusalem Alone  … The area includes the Old City quarters inside the city's ancient walls, as well as the Mount of Olives, the Silwan (Shiloah) neigborhood and the City of David….”

“Peace in Silwan will only take root when 
the Arab community renounces anti-Semitic doctrine.”

“When they stop encouraging their children to throw Molotov cocktails and stones at Jews, when they educate to ‘love, not hate, thy neighbor,’ and when they finally accept that the true son of Abraham has returned home to Jerusalem and to the land of Israel, then and only then, we will have taken a big step towards true peace in this holy city of Jerusalem,”

“Even the British authorities at the time recognized the Jewish character of the area, and after removing the last remaining Yemenite Jews from the village after the riots of 1937 due to their inability to protect the Jewish residents, the British promised in writing that the Jewish refugees should be able to ‘shortly’ return to their homes.”

“If Arabs can purchase homes in Ramot Eshkol, French Hill or in East Talpiot, and can live side-by-side with Jewish residents in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods, then surely the rightful heirs to this land, the Jewish people, have the right to purchase and live in old Jewish neighborhoods in what may be predominantly Arab neighborhoods in the heart of historical Jerusalem,“ (Daniel Luria)

Shiloach 1901

Picture Looking at Silwan from the vantage point of Kind David’s Palace in the Old City of David overlooking the Kidron Valley (Photo by Robert Mock)

I HAVE A SOFT SPOT FOR THE YEMENITES (to me they are the closest to the both Temple eras, and so include here) Much of the following is from and wikipedia and from various photos from a google search of old Yemenite Village of Shiloach.


“In 1938-39, The British reneged on their written promises, and the Yemenite Village was effectively decimated, and Arab squatters took over many Jewish owned buildings. The neighborhood became known as Silwan.

“In the year 1938, following the fleeing and eviction of Yemenite Jews, the Synagogue itself (Ohel Shlomo) was desecrated, holy books were destroyed, and the place was initially turned into public conveniences for the local Arabs. (See more at Village of Shiloach 1930-38)

“This was in fact recorded and seen by Rechavam Ze’evi’s father and by British officials, who visited the site in 1939. Ever since, Arab families have illegally squatted and built illegal structures in and around the Beit Knesset. WinstonIsraelNews

Zeevi standing over destroyed holy books in Beit Knesset 1938

“Over the years, Israeli courts have ruled that the Synagogue is ‘recognized’ as an official Synagogue and that it must be returned to the rightful Jewish owners – Hekdesh Benvenisti. (This ruling was in addition to previous court rulings against the Arabs for illegal building on the religious and historic site)

“By the grace of G-d, Baruch Hashem, this morning – 17th Iyar 5775 (6th May 2015) Jewish life returned to the Beit Knesset, and it was returned to Hekdesh Benvenisti, its rightful heirs after 77 years..

“Although only part of the original Synagogue has been returned to its owner (As some of the Arab families who have illegally squatted in the old Synagogue are no longer in the premises, while others remain)…’s still the amazing realization of a dream.

“The Beit Knesset and its adjoining buildings is located adjacent to Beit HaDvash and in close proximity to Beit Yehonatan (named for Jonathan Pollard), both buildings with Yeshiva students, and Jewish families.

“It has been redeemed and after some future serious restoration and renovation work, the sweet sounds of daily prayers, Jewish learning and Jewish life in general, will once again be heard from the Synagogue-Beit Knesset complex (

“The old Yemenite Synagogue will G-d willing service the Yeshiva students in the area (Kolel Yehoshua Rohr-Ometz Yishecha) and also the Jewish families and Yeshiva students, currently living nearby, in the Shiloach neighbourhood. (Beit Yehonatan, Beit HaDvash, Beit Frumkin and Beit Ovadia). YemeniteSynagogue.

“(*Note: Needy Jewish families may also move into part of the complex, as this is one of the aims of the original Yemenite Hekdesh- Sanctified Communal Property, which is known as Hekdesh Benvinisti.”


The most famous Jewish Yemenite migration to the Land of Israel took place in 1949 and 1950 when almost 50,000 Jews were airlifted to Israel in "Operation On Eagles Wings -- על כנפי נשרים" also known as "Operation Magic Carpet."

The earlier Yemenite migration took place 70 years earlier in 1881-1882 when a group of Jews of Yemen arrived by foot to Jerusalem.  They belonged to no "Zionist movement." They returned out of an age-old religious fervor to return to Zion.

The new immigrants settled on Jewish-owned property in the Shiloach village outside of the Old City walls of Jerusalem.


There are numerous accounts and legends concerning the arrival of Jews in various regions in Southern Arabia. One legend suggests that King Solomon sent Jewish merchant marines to Yemen to prospect for gold and silver with which to adorn his Temple in Jerusalem.

In 1881, the French vice consulate in Yemen wrote to the leaders of the Alliance (the Alliance Israelite Universelle) in France, that he read in a book by the Arab historian Abu-Alfada that the Jews of Yemen settled in the area in 1451 BCE.

The Sanaite Jews have a legend that their ancestors settled in Yemen forty-two years before the destruction of the First Temple. It is said that under the prophet Jeremiah some 75,000 Jews, including priests and Levites, traveled to Yemen.

Another legend states that when Ezra commanded the Jews to return to Jerusalem they disobeyed, whereupon he pronounced a ban upon them. According to this legend, as a punishment for this hasty action Ezra was denied burial in Israel.

As a result of this local tradition, which can not be validated historically, it is said that no Jew of Yemen gives the name of Ezra to a child, although all other Biblical appellatives are used. The Yemenite Jews claim that Ezra cursed them to be a poor people for not heeding his call. This seems to have come true in the eyes of some Yemenites, as Yemen is extremely poor. However, some Yemenite sages in Israel today emphatically reject this story as myth, if not outright blasphemy.

Historical City of David

25 August 2015


IDF soldiers stopped a terrorist FIREBOMB attack in Judea on Sunday night on Highway 60, just outside of the Jewish community of Efrat, about five minutes south of Jerusalem. Two Palestinian Authority Arabs were caught by the soldiers as they were preparing to hurl firebombs (Molotov cocktails) at an IDF outpost located outside the Jewish community.

Israel Catches Palestinian Authority Firebomb Cell Israeli security officials cleared for publication Monday evening that they have arrested a Palestinian Authority terrorist cell that was behind several firebombing and rock-throwing attacks on Judea and Samaria.

Terrorists attack Israeli soldiers with a Molotov cocktail in Arab village riot near Beit El and Ramallah The terrorists are from a village near Shechem, where the Palestinian Authority is committed to maintain security and tear down the terrorist infrastructure.

8 Palestinian Arab Terror Suspects Arrested Eight Palestinian Arab terror suspects were arrested overnight in the Arab village of El Aroub. Four of the suspects were arrested on charges of terrorism. Two were taken into custody on arson charges and two were arrested in connection with rock attacks.

Terror by Fire

AND DO WE REMEMBER THIS:  The Jerusalem area has experienced several fires in recent weeks, and new blazes raged on Monday in various areas in the vicinity. Molotov cocktails were found at the scene of Sunday’s huge fire outside Jerusalem, causing investigators to conclude that it was the work of arsonists. The massive blaze in Jerusalem on Sunday that consumed property and 74 acres of natural forest was ignited by arsonists, Israeli authorities announced on Monday.


This post is in support of one tireless and 
*devoted blogger who always asks 
“What of the nascent Sanhedrin?”

A rabbinical organization called the Sanhedrin, which includes several prominent rabbis from the hardline wing of the national- religious community and from the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) sector, wrote letters of support to the 10 men who have been banned from entering Judea and Samaria on Sunday by the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency). JPost

“Praiseworthy are you who represent an example and an inspiration to rabbinical judges and to all the faithful of Israel,”

“He who redeemed Israel in the days of Greece will be the One who will redeem Israel from the hands of all the dictators as long as they fail to repent quickly before the great and awesome day of God,”

[T]he letter expressed support for the youth in question “for their self-sacrifice, their dedication and their faithfulness,” and that the reference to “dictators” was directed towards Israel’s current leadership. . .the letter was not praising violence but rather the youths’ dedication to “settling every part of the Land of Israel.”

“There is complete justification in measure for measure and a proportional response and revenge,”

“If the security official tries to beat you, you can beat him back, you are obligated to beat him back, this is a human reaction,” … “You cannot expect Jews not to defend themselves.”

“… acts of vandalism to express anger and opposition to government action were also acceptable, but said that there was no evidence tying Jewish extremists to the arson attack in Duma and the murder of the two members of Dawabsha family."

"The Sanhedrin organization was established in 2004 as an attempt to revive the ancient rabbinical council known by the same name, which existed during the time of the Talmud and comprised 71 Jewish sages. The institution constituted the supreme religious decision-making body of the Jews during that era. . . The newly established Sanhedrin – which is not recognized by the state or by mainstream Jewish denominations and groupings as having any formal standing – has adopted radical and hardline positions on the conflict with the Palestinians and on the place of Jewish law in the State of Israel.”

"The missive was signed by three rabbis from the Sanhedrin organization, including the head of the group’s rabbinical court, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel.

"The group supports the application of Torah law in place of the secular law of the State of Israel, and in February 2010 ruled that “it is obligatory for every Jew to exclude himself from the secular Israeli judicial system in every matter.”

This entire article is from the morning edition of The Jerusalem Post, Tuesday, August 25, 2015


24 August 2015


Many of us knew something just wasn't right about that fire in Duma.  Now that someone has finally had the courage to speak out about this injustice


UPDATE: An important JewishPress article: A PA official told WAFA it was important not to rush into blaming Jewish settlers for last night’s arson, because, should it turn out to have been the result of village in-fighting, the Israelis would claim that the same was true about the previous case of arson. Another home from the Dawabsha clan burned down last night in Duma. There's confusion if it the fire was electrical or from a village feud. So far, the Dawabshe clan in Duma had a house fire in February, a car fire in June and multiple house fires in August.ARE WE GETTING CLOSER TO THE TRUTH HERE!

"There is *information on a conflict of hamulot (Arab clans - ed.), the Shabak (Israel Security Agency) with Palestinian security sources must investigate the motive of the previous arson and provide answers quickly,"

After **Second Duma Fire, MK Demands Investigation

'There is info on Arab clan conflict - find the motive in previous arson quickly,' writes MK *Hazan after another home of same family burned.

"MK Oren Hazan (Likud) on Monday called for a thorough investigation following the fire last night, which burned a house in the Arab village of Duma belonging to the brother of a resident whose house was the target of lethal arson attack last month.

"Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces who investigated the home in Samaria, which belonged to a member of the Dawabshe family, said it was caused by an electrical malfunction. However, unconfirmed reports indicate an ongoing internal dispute in the town may have played a role. HAMAS is actively attempting to use the incident as a cynical tactic to provoke further attacks against Israelis in the area." ArutzSheva

**Just one month after a deadly arson killed two members of the Dawabshe family, another house in the Arab village of Duma was gutted in a fire Monday morning. In an odd twist, that house is also owned by members of the extended Dawabshe family.

Reports of the fire first surfaced on Hamas-linked media outlets, which rushed to blame "Jewish settlers" for "attacking the house" and setting it on fire.

23 August 2015


Mount Zion (הַר צִיוֹן) is a hill in Jerusalem just outside the walls of the Old City. The term Mount Zion has been historically associated with the Temple Mount, but its meaning has shifted and it is now used as the name of ancient Jerusalem's so-called western hill. In a wider sense, the term is also used for the entire Land of Israel. (Wikipedia) The following Mt Zion Archaeological Team is uncovering a FIRST CENTURY Jewish Mansion.

However, there is a battle for possession of Har Zion between the Pope and his minions, and the lovers of Zion and HaMelech David. This is all happening just near the City of David

The Archaeological Site

Two years after discovering the lower levels of a first-century C.E. mansion in the Old City of Jerusalem, the Mt. Zion archaeological team led by Shimon Gibson and James Tabor of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte have continued to excavate the site, uncovering more of the mansion in the process. Excavating at Mt. Zion: Jerusalem Dig Uncovers Ancient Mansion I met and heard Shimon Gibson speak at a City of David Seminar this summer.

During this summer’s dig season, the team resumed their excavation of the finished bathroom found in 2013. The archaeologists also found another complete vaulted room.

“These remains are extraordinarily well-preserved, such that not only do we have the complete basements of houses with their rooms intact, but the first story of these houses are also very well-preserved,” Gibson told The Charlotte Observer. “This is truly amazing.”

Gibson explained that not many buildings from first-century Jerusalem have remained intact because of the Romans’ destruction of the city at the end of the First Jewish Revolt in 70 C.E. and Roman emperor Hadrian’s subsequent rebuilding atop the ruins 65 years later.

“Then, in the Byzantine period (330–1453 C.E.), the buildings were filled in so the area could be flattened in order to build houses and structures on the top,” Gibson added.

It is remarkable, then, that the mansion being excavated by the Mt. Zion dig team is so well preserved.

The archaeologists believe that the mansion belonged to aristocrats or to a member of the wealthy Jewish priestly families. While this hypothesis seems to be a likely explanation from the types of artifacts found at the site—including a cache of murex shells, from which the highly sought-after rich purple dye was extracted—further evidence is needed, such as attestation from an inscription or other writing.

The Spiritual Site
HAR ZION: Diaspora Yeshiva, 
World Peace Center, King David

The Diaspora Yeshiva, the only Jewish institution located on Mount Zion, was the first in Israel to open its doors to those with little or no Torah knowledge. Since opening in 1967, the yeshiva has grown to include a multitude of programs for men and women of all levels of Jewish knowledge.

The holiness and the spiritual sensations give an incredible yet tangible feeling of pure Oneness, pure love, pure peace. Here is where prayers or affirmations are said for the well-being of oneself, family or friends with difficulties on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. Prayers for all humankind, and for all nations are said and felt from this place. This is the place where King David rested while deciding the area of the city to be built in his name. This is the place where you may rest and realize the potential of peace.

An Aerial View of the City of David, Har Zion and David's Tomb (center, a little left and a little down on top of the "Z" of Mount Zion)  

Reading on the battle over David’s Tomb on Har Zion

Kever David Must Remain Jewish

Years of Awe: And David Slew a Bear and a Lion, March 14, 2013

Is it Pope Francis or Francis Pope?

What's Really Going on at King David's Tomb?

David's Tomb Status Quo Breached by Catholic Mass Services

Due to the Pope’s visit, Jews were thrown out of Kever David

Netanyahu wants to give Mount Zion to the Pope (Poop)

"It is I, I am He who comforts you"

Shabbat Parshat Re'eh was Rosh Hodesh Elul, the time of introspection, leading to Rosh Hashana when we crown HaShem as our King. This Rosh Hashana thru Simchat Torah we expect great things to happen for the Glory of Hashem and His Chosen Nation Am Yisrael.

On a regular Shabbat Parshat Re'eh, the Haftorah commentary reads (*from the Stone Ed of the Artscroll Chumash):

"In a lyrical prophecy of Messianic times, Yeshaya (Isaiah) speaks of a world where the currency will be righteousness, where defense will be faith in G-D, and where sustenance will be bought with obedience to the word of G-D. The leader of Israel will be the offspring of David, and the nations of the world will flock to him and his nation -- because all will recognize that G-D has glorified Israel."

The Haftorah of Parshas Shoftim which we just read this Shabbat, reads:

"It is I, I am He who comforts you. The day will yet come whe Israel will hear G-D calling out joyously to Jerusalem, wake up, wake up! Don your strength (Emuna), O Zion, don the garments of your splendor, O Jerusalem ..."

And both Devash, Transitioning from Seven to Eight and ShiratDevorah, The Shmittah Connection both post about the possible beginnings of economic downturn estimated by many forecasters coming this September, together with other foreboding or promising events depending on your perspective (Geula), The Mystery of September 23 and The 33 things to happen in September.

And this coming Shabbat we will read, Parshas Ki Seitzei,

"When you go out to war against your enemies, and HaShem, your G-D will deliver him into your hand...."

Do we see a pattern here, so relevant to our current situation, the gematrias in Devorah and Devash posts, the crash of the market over a two-day spread, and the escalation of Iranian missiles fired from Syria, and Israel's swift reaction. The Prime Minister, loud and clear, "PM warns 'we'll harm those who try to harm us,' slams world powers for nuclear deal after 'Iranian commander ordered rocket strike.'" Iran/Persia is send out its tentacles of war, provoking Israel.

What will happen next, I believe, will depend on our teshuva and calling out to HaShem to heal our Nation, and bring us into the Geula with Mashiach.

Now and then we are privileged to 'see' the Hand of HaShem working in the world on our behalf. We must reciprocate and show that we appreciate and look forward to more and greater things.




Startling article on Haaretz:

"My two-and-a-half-year-old son is trilingual (Hebrew, English, Arabic). The thing is, neither my husband nor I (nor anyone else in our extended family, for that matter) understand his third language, which, funnily enough, has turned out to be his most fluent."  Haaretz

Maybe this baby is not really hers?

Maybe someone switched babies after birth?

Is this a new war-front:  the Delivery Room at your hospital?

Stealing Jewish babies to raise as Arabs? 
They can't wait to meet them at the Mall and marry them.

20 August 2015

Galactic Wars Fought From Earth – Not From Aliens in Outer Space.

WAS THE MASSIVE BLAST IN CHINA THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA OF GALACTIC WARS? What caused it? Who caused it? And how does this fit into the End of Days dialogue? What follows is my hypothesis, open for criticism.

Devash has stumbled upon an amazing object in the sky. Dialogue is centered on the planet Venus or another so-called Nirbiru. But they/we don't know for sure what it is. But it is eery. what was the timing of this in relation to the explosion in Tianjin?

*Her current project is about the Pope and the Jesuits who she writes is in a campaign to rule over the world and reek havoc among the nations. However Pope Francis "Gog", is coming from the hypocritical side of peace, all smiles and handshakes and hugs.

We also read about the French getting closer to announcing that they will recognize a Palestinian State. How they plan to actualize this we don't yet know. One thing we do know, the Palestinians are not exactly all smiles and handshakes! Not to mention the recent "Deal" that pivots Iran/Persia into greater aggression. Together all these powers moving in one direction but not necessarily in tandem, indicate we might be heading toward what the Zohar describes as a *series of wars to claim an absolute ruler of the world. At that point the ‘ruler and his gang' will turn toward Israel. [*Zohar Va'era and Zohar HaKadosh as mentioned by one commenter in response to “The Pope's Assassins and Saboteurs?” *link below]

Galactic Wars coming?

We haven't really mentioned America yet.

23 Nations Around The World Where Stock Market Crashes Are Already Happening. Is the American Dollar next? The Telegraph writes, "Doomsday clock for global market crash strikes one minute to midnight as central banks lose control."

"Last week, China devalued its currency by 4.4%. Some say that the USA is so angry at China, that a covert war has started. The mega-explosion in Tianjin happened right after China devalued the yuan. An old CIA expression says that there's no such thing as coincidence. Did the USA sabotage Tianjin? China's Currency Devaluation and Geula"

Some are claiming that the recent explosions in China were set off by a "Rods from God".

Such a strange concept.

While other sites are claiming that an inordinate amount of cyanide was stored in the place that was stored in the place that exploded. Officials today said that at least 40 types of dangerous chemicals were detected at the blast zone, including 800 tons of ammonium nitrate and 500 tons of potassium nitrate, possibly causing the gigantic explosion. Some streets are covered with "white foam". Rain on China blast city raises pollution and contamination fears – ground water poisoned from a massive blast crater? What could cause such a massive crater?

Huge Massive Crater

What I find interesting in all this is first the timing of action then reaction. And second, the claim about the Pentagon (reacting?) with its Space Based Weapons. The "Rods From God" are estimated to leave a humongous crater like hole.


A 2004 Popular Science article says "This technology is very far out--in miles and years. [They claim it won't actualize for another 15 years. 2004 was 11 years ago] A pair of satellites orbiting several hundred miles above the Earth would serve as a weapons system. One functions as the targeting and communications platform while the other carries numerous tungsten rods--up to 20 feet in length and a foot in diameter--that it can drop on targets with less than 15 minutes' notice. When instructed from the ground, the targeting satellite commands its partner to drop one of its darts. The guided rods enter the atmosphere, protected by a thermal coating, traveling at 36,000 feet per second--comparable to the speed of a meteor. The result: complete devastation of the target..." 

The end of days bloggers have painted a possible scene of outerspace meteors attacking the earth in a doomsday scenario. Knocking out entire countries. Imagine that this is actually describing a galactic war fought from on earth. However,

"The "U.S. Air Force Transformation Flight Plan," published by the Air Force in November 2003, references "hypervelocity rod bundles" in its outline of future space-based weapons, and in 2002, another report from RAND, "Space Weapons, Earth Wars," dedicated entire sections to the technology's usefulness (...) [but instead of from space, from earth on] rods atop intercontinental ballistic missiles, which would slow down enough during the downward part of their trajectory to avoid vaporizing on impact. ICBMs would also be less expensive and, since they're stationed on Earth, would take less time to reach their targets."

Did the USA sabotage Tianjin? Or, like Devash posits, this was the result of
"The Pope's Assassins and Saboteurs?

Rods from G-d or another Sign from Shomayim in ELUL?

"The ruthless game of currency manipulation could continue (...) As Rabbi Brody puts it, [into] 'an impending economic disaster in the USA. This is all part of the Geula script, where Hashem wants us to put our trust in Him and not in the dollar.'"

Add this to the occurrences enumerated in G–D Gives Signs.

ADDENDUM:  Did you know that China has a Bilderberg-like group? This year, the Beidaihe summit started on Aug. 3, a week earlier than is the norm. Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported that the bump was due to China’s stock market meltdown, its economic cool down, and President Xi Jinping’s planned September visit to the United States. (This may be when they decided to devalue its currency to 4.4%. I wonder when their September visit is scheduled? 9/23?)

18 August 2015


It really is a strange world. Tomer Devorah has another post from Binyamin and it is spooky. Japan decides to start up their nuclear reactors, and it so happens that at the same time Japan issues a warning about a humongus Volcano getting ready to erupt ... talk about timing! This morning Nefesh B'Nefesh brought another planeload of 259 Dreamers home to Eretz Yisrael. The rest of the world is in chaos, in war, and heading to complete devastation. How do we make sense of all this?

G–d Gives Signs …

If a Jew lives in America, he/she should consider wrapping up their possessions, signing up with Nefesh B’Nefesh, and coming to Eretz Yisrael, the oasis for Jews on planet earth.

Rabbi Pinchas Winston: “God gives signs. Exiles do not come to an end overnight. They take time. Events develop, and as they do, they give us messages about where history is heading. That ís the way Heaven works. God takes no pleasure in springing anti-Semitism on us and bringing exiles to an ugly and abrupt end. In fact, anti-Semitism occurs to avoid that. Unlike regular racism, anti-Semitism is Divine in origin, designed to inform the Jewish people that the present exile is coming to an end.“

“R. Hanina said: The Son of David will not come until a fish is sought for an invalid and cannot be procured, as it is written, Then will I make their waters deep, and cause their rivers to run like oil; whilst it is written, in that day will I cause the horn of the house of Israel to bud forth. (Bavli: Sanhedrin, Folio 98a”

Following are some ‘signs’ one should take to heart:

FISH – [T]he bottom of our food chain is going through a catastrophic collapse with sea creatures dying in absolutely massive numbers. The cause of the problem is a mystery to scientists who claim that they can’t pinpoint how or why it’s happening. Fish Dying in Absolutely Massive Numbers

BEES – honey bees, which are experiencing their own colony collapse, they are critical to the propagation of the global food chain. … U.S. beekeepers lost approximately 40 percent of their colonies…

SEA LIONS – … 90 percent of this year’s class of sea lion pups were starving for lack of sardines to eat.

US GRAIN RESERVES – The U.S. does not have any strategic grain reserves left at all.  Zero.  Nada.  Zilch.  … the USDA liquidated the remaining reserves back in 2008 … if a major food crisis hit this country, [the] government would have nothing to give .…

BANANAS – … it is being reported that the specific type (Cavendish species) of banana that we eat right now is in danger of being wiped off the face of the globe…

EGGS/CHICKEN – … the recent bird flu epidemic was responsible for the deaths of 48 million turkeys and chickens.  This has driven egg prices through the roof…

FRESH PRODUCE – More than 40 percent of our fresh produce comes from the state of California, but thanks to the worst multi-year drought in the history of the state much of the region is turning back into a desert.

CATTLE – Also due to the persistent drought, the size of the U.S. cattle herd is now as small as it was during the 1950s, and the price of beef has doubled since the last recession.

OTHER WHITE MEAT – Over the past few years, something called “porcine epidemic diarrhea” has wiped out approximately 10 percent of the entire pig population in the United States.

SEA CREATURES – Just off the west coast of the United States, a wide variety of sea creatures are dying in unprecedented numbers.  For example, the sardine population along the west coast has dropped by a staggering 91 percent just since 2007. Sardines, like honey bees, don’t seem important to the casual observer.

CITRUS – Down in Florida, citrus greening disease is absolutely crushing the citrus industry.  Crops just keep on getting smaller year after year.

FOOD CRISES – there are some countries that are already experiencing a full-blown food crisis.  The nation of Guatemala is one of them…intense food shortages are also affecting Syria, the Soloman Islands, Yemen, Zimbabwe, and several nations in southern Africa.

Rav Winston: “Yaíakov Avinu wanted to give us the signs by which to recognize through the events of our day that history, as we know it, is coming to an end. He wanted to give us the signs so that we would not misunderstand the events of our time, so that we could use them to help us prepare for the end of days, and allow us to take advantage of the opportunities of our time. But, alas, he was denied the prophecy, and we, the signs. (Parshas Vayechi)

“However, the truth is, though we were denied the prophecy, we have not been denied the signs. The signs are still there. The fundamental difference is that we have to create the prophecy for ourselves, as a function of our own understanding of Torah and our connection to the national goals of the Jewish people. That is what provides us with the spiritual glasses necessary to properly interpret the physical vision, each person on his or her own level.”

And the following comes from

Strange Animal Behavior Around The World – It Is A Sure Sign Of The End Times, Rabbi Says. Is the World Witnessing Another 10 Plagues?

STRANGE SEA CREATURE – On Sakhalin Island in the far eastern side of Russia, remains of an unidentified sea creature, twice the size of a human, washed ashore a few days ago. The marine animal has a furry tail and a long, bird-like beak, but does not resemble any known creature.

SHARKS – North Carolina is experiencing a rash of shark attacks. In mid-June, two teens were badly injured, including a 13 year-old girl who lost part of her arm. Four additional shark attacks occurred in North Carolina within a two week period.

RED TUNA CRAB – In Southern California, masses of red tuna crabs washed ashore, carpeting the beaches with red. Each red tuna crab is no more than 3 inches long, but when their carcasses are piled on top of one another, they resemble a thick red carpet.

TOXIC ALGAE – The Pacific Ocean is also the site of a huge and unprecedented toxic algae bloom that runs from Santa Barbara north to Alaska. In essence, a large portion of the Pacific Ocean is being engulfed by the growth of algae that produces domoic acid, which can poison humans.

Rabbi Pinchas Winston, who writes extensively about the End of Days, teaches that everything that happened during the Exodus from Egypt will recur in some form in the generation just before the Mashiach (Messiah) is revealed. Rabbi Winston told Breaking Israel News, “Many know that a comparison is made between the redemption from Egypt and the final one for which we now wait. However, few know just how comparable they are.”

R’ Nir Ben Artzi, a mystic … from Southern Israel: “The changing weather, all of the conflict in the world and the forces of nature – it is all fear of God. It is not usual and not easy when the crowning of the King Messiah is near.”

Return of the Holy Temple Menorah, Vessels and Treasures to Jerusalem

B'esrat HaShem
With the Help of G-d

August 9, 2015

Pope Francis
Apostolic Palace
Vatican City 00120

Re: The return of the Holy Temple Menorah, 
Vessels and Treasures to Jerusalem

Pope Francis,

A Call to Pope Francis from the G-D and People of Israel to Return With No Delay the Holy Temple Menorah, Vessels and Treasures, that are presently located in the Vatican, to
G-D's People Israel in Jerusalem

The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement in Jerusalem, which is dedicated to the rebuilding of the Holy Third Temple on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the lifetime of this generation that is now experiencing the prophetic end-time redemption of the People of Israel in the Promised Holy Land given by G-D to Israel in an eternal covenant, is calling you to answer the call of the G-D and People of Israel to return to the State of Israel, with no delay, the Jewish Temple Menorah and other Temple Vessels and Treasures that were taken away to Rome by the Romans in the year 70 CE after they destroyed the Holy Temple of G-D in Jerusalem.

As you well know, in the year 70 CE the Roman Empire occupied Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the G-D and People of Israel, and the Land of Israel. They destroyed the Holy Temple of the G-D of Israel on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem and demolished and burned the city of Jerusalem. They robbed and took away with them to Rome the seven-branched Holy Menorah and many other Holy Temple Vessels and Treasures used by the Jewish priesthood in the worship of the G-D of Israel in the Holy Temple. Titus, who destroyed the Holy Temple and burned it, built his Triumphal Arch in Rome on which is depicted until today the Holy Menorah and other Temple Vessels carried to Rome by Jewish captives. Since this terrible event in the history of Israel and mankind, we know very well that the Menorah, the Vessels and the Treasures that were taken to Rome have remained in the vaults of the Vatican. Travelers and visitors to the Vatican throughout history have reported seeing them.

This is G-D's timing to return these vessels to Israel, and you are called by the G-D of Israel to return them with no delay to Jerusalem to be used in the Holy Third Temple that is soon to be rebuilt. Today the re-establishment of the Kingdom of G-d and Israel by the G-D of Israel is the most exciting fulfillment of G-D's end-time prophecies and promises.

The climax of this prophetic time will be according to the Word of the G-D of Israel with the rebuilding of His end-time Holy Temple on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem soon, in our lifetime, exactly as all the prophets of Israel prophesied:

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. And many people shall go and say, 'Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the G-d of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for from Zion shall go forth Torah, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall decide for many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts has spoken it.”
Isaiah 2:2-4, Micah 4:1-4

Israel is presently experiencing the fulfillment of all the last days and end-time redemptive promises of G-D for His People Israel. The G-D of Israel is rebuilding in these days, together with His Chosen People Israel, His Holy Kingdom in the Promised Holy Land that He gave to His People Israel in an eternal covenant. As we said before, the climax of this prophetic time is going to be the soon rebuilding of the Holy Temple of G-D in Jerusalem by His People Israel exactly as it was prophesied by the prophets Isaiah, Micah and all the other prophets of Israel. The rebuilding of the Holy Temple of the G-D of Israel by His People Israel will have a deep significance for all of mankind. Real peace for all the nations will come to pass only when Israel rebuilds
G-D's Holy Temple on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem and fulfills the end-time call of G-D given to His People Israel: “Build Me a temple and I will dwell among you” (Exodus 25:8).

It is the time for you to return the Holy Temple Menorah, the Vessels and the Treasures to Israel with no delay to be used in the Holy Temple of G-D that is soon to be built. Cyrus, the ancient Persian King obeyed the call of G-D during the time of the redemption of the Jewish people after the destruction of the First Holy Temple and he returned the vessels from the First Temple that Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, robbed when he destroyed the First Holy Temple in Jerusalem in the year 586 BCE. The G-D of Israel blessed King Cyrus exactly as He promised to Abraham and his seed Israel: “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you” (Genesis 12:3). King Cyrus was so blessed and appreciated by the G-D of Israel for what he did that G-D even called Cyrus, “my Machiach” (in Hebrew - 'my Anointed') (Isaiah 45:1-7). King Cyrus even encouraged the Jewish people to rebuild the House of G-D in Jerusalem, he set them free from their captivity and he regathered them back to the Land of Israel (Ezra 1).

You are called by the G-D of Israel to do what the great Emperor Cyrus did in his time and you will be blessed and deeply appreciated for this by the G-D of Israel. More than this, it will be for you the greatest privilege and considered as a major historical deed that no other Pope before you had the privilege to accomplish.

You are called to appreciate the major godly redemptive event that is taking place in the Holy Land of Israel at this very special time in the history of Israel and all of mankind. The prophet Zechariah in his prophecy described word-by-word the exciting godly event that is presently taking place in Israel. In the midst of his prophetic words is the rebuilding of the Holy Temple of the G-D of Israel in Jerusalem where the G-D of Israel will dwell again in the midst of His People Israel:

Again the word of the L-RD of hosts came to me, saying, Thus says the L-RD of hosts; I was zealous for Zion with great zeal, and I was zealous for her with a great fury. Thus says the L-RD; I have returned to Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called The city of truth; and the mountain of the L-RD of hosts, The holy mountain. Thus says the L-RD of hosts; Old men and old women shall yet again dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, and every man with his staff in his hand for the fullness of days. And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets. Thus says the L-RD of hosts; If it be marvelous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, it will also be marvelous in my eyes, says the L-RD of hosts. Thus says the L-RD of hosts; Behold, I will save my people from the east country, and from the west country; and I will bring them in, and they will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; and they will be my people, and I will be their G-D, in truth and righteousness. Thus says the L-RD of hosts; Let your hands be strong, you that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, who spoke on the day that the foundation of the house of the L-RD of hosts was laid, saying that the temple might be built....Thus says the L-RD of hosts; It shall yet come to pass, that there shall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities: and the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to entreat the favor of the L-RD, and to seek the L-RD of hosts: I will go also. And many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the L-RD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the L-RD. Thus says the L-RD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men out of all the languages of the nations shall take hold, and shall seize the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that G-D is with you.” 
Zechariah 8:1-9, 20-23

In the year 1990 the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement dedicated and anointed a foundation stone for the Holy Third Temple to begin the process of the rebuilding of the House of the G-D of Israel on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem and to fulfill the call of G-D to His People Israel through the prophets Zechariah, Isaiah, Micah, Haggai and other prophets of Israel. This cornerstone was brought to Jerusalem during an exciting event and is waiting to be laid on the Holy Temple Mount through an historical decision by the Israeli Knesset and government in order to start the process of the rebuilding of the Holy Temple of G-D. The Temple Mount Faithful Movement is conducting a public campaign in Israel and throughout the world to make the rebuilt Holy Temple of the G-D of Israel on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem a reality in the lifetime of our generation.

We look forward to you answering this call of the G-D and People of Israel with no delay and to return the Holy Menorah, Vessels and Treasures of the Holy Temple of the G-D of Israel that are presently in the Vatican, back to Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the G-D and People of Israel, so that they can be used in the services of the priests of Israel in the Holy Third Temple that is soon to be rebuilt on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The entire world is waiting for you to answer this call of the G-D and People of Israel with no delay. All of mankind will appreciate this historical event.

We look forward to your prompt reply.

Sincerely in the Name of the G-D of Israel,

Gershon Salomon
Chairman, The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement