21 May 2024

Rabbi Green: When the wicked perish

Regarding the death of Raisi, may his name be erased:

The death of an evil foe is always a good thing. The delay of an evil decree to execute a young Jew (or any innocent person for that matter) is surely a good thing. We should give thanks to Hashem for His manifold kindness and pray for more revealed miracles, especially for Arvin Netanel ben Sonya Tziyona. 

However, I must state publicly that any information fed to us by mainstream news agencies is automatically suspect.

We cannot know if any helicopter crash actually occurred. We don't know if Raisi's alleged death was an accident or if it was scripted. Was he removed by someone or something even more sinister? Or was his death in fact an exclusive Act of G-d?

In truth, all events are ordained by G-d Almighty, even when there are human perpetrators and collaborators, like in missile attacks and false flag psyops. All human culprits, even mastermind terrorists and the super-wealthy predator class, are mere chess pieces in the Hand of G-d. 

Nevertheless, we are obliged to acknowledge Hashem for the death of the wicked, irrespective of whether it was truly an accident or whether it was caused by people who are even more wicked.

When the wicked perish, there is song [Mishlei 11:10].

So too may all Your enemies perish, O God [Judges 5:31].

Rabbi Weissman – Safe for LGBT but Not for Thee

 Consider the following Mockingbird media missives put together:

The same gangsters who orchestrated the mass homicide at Meron, covered it up, blamed the victims for their own deaths, and smeared "haredim" in general for the tragedy, predictably used this false flag as a pretext to seize greater control over the site and crush Lag B'Omer along with the people. 

The "overwhelming" vote of 23-0 is especially interesting, considering 80% of Knesset members were conveniently absent from the vote, so it could take place with a minimum of fanfare.  This is reminiscent of Covid-related power-grabs, such as this one:

"In the vote, 16 MKs supported the bill and three opposed it."

101 MK's were conveniently absent.

Democracy in action, slaves.

Your vote makes a huge affording a veneer of legitimacy to the enslavement system.

Of course they did.  The same people who were beating the hell out of Jews in Meron in the hours BEFORE the mass homicide event...the same people who smear "haredim" as disease-spreading parasites, who have way too many children, who pose an existential threat to "democracy", nay, the entire country...yes, these same people are EXTREMELY concerned with the healthy and safety of "haredim", to the point of doing everything they can to give them lots and lots of safe and effective injections, and now to keep them from gathering in large numbers to celebrate religious events. 

It's just too dangerous.  The Zionist Mafia would hate to see something bad happen to them.

Fortunately, police will be out in full force, risking their lives from Hezbollah attacks, to beat the hell out of anyone who tries to pray at Meron on Lag B'Omer, in order to keep him safe.

Of course they did.  Do whatever the security forces tell you, just like they told you to do whatever the health officials told you.  It's for your safety.  It's what the Torah demands.

Here's Chief Erev Rav Yitzchak Yosef awkwardly standing on stage in very close proximity to a woman whose presence is not due to her intellectual or spiritual attributes, before shaking hands with Amir Ohana, Speaker of the Knesset, who is married to a man, while receiving the Israel Prize for Literature, as everyone there who tramples all over the Torah pretends momentarily that they are honoring the Torah. 

It's extremely honorable for rabbis to receive awards for their seforim, especially in ceremonies such as these, which is why there is a long Jewish tradition of this.  Makes me wonder why none of the authors of seforim on my bookshelf ever won an award for literature.

תנו כבוד לתורה

"The normally exuberant celebration of LGBTQ life...a highlight of the city’s annual calendar for the last 25 years" has tragically been canceled — not because of fears of rockets, but because even the celebration of LGBTQ life, which is normally the most important thing in the world, must take a back seat to relentless hostage/war propaganda. 

Mind you, the LGBTQ agenda never gives an inch, defers to anyone, or takes a back seat to anything. There won't be any cases brought before the Supreme Court of Sodom against the city of Tel Aviv for canceling the parade, nor will a single stooge in Mockingbird media cry foul over this. 

You can see how important the hostage/war psy-op really is to the gangsters who control both the pervert agenda and the hostage/war agenda .

So the pervert capital of Israel has canceled the parade, but the spiritual soul of the nation is marching on with it.  That's right, the "religious" mayor of Jerusalem that all the fake "gedolim" ordered people to vote for cannot do what the dog-eating mayor of Tel Aviv did and cancel the parade out of deference to the hostages, let alone deference to the overwhelming majority of non-perverts in Jerusalem who don't want filth in their streets (democracy in action!).

It's also interesting that in Tel Aviv the pervert parade must be canceled out of respect for the hostages, while in Jerusalem the parade is specifically going on for the very same reason!  A joint parade with the two psy-ops! 

If this doesn't make sense to you, you probably still think there are only two genders, and marriage is a sacred union specifically between one of each.

What do rainbow people and the shady Bring Them Home Now people have to do with one another?  If you said nothing, you really don't get it:

In stark contrast to the freewheeling conviviality of Tel Aviv’s frolicsome parade, Jerusalem’s heavily secured march is generally seen as both a Pride celebration and something of a protest against intolerant religious fundamentalist forces in the heavily religious city seeking to proscribe LGBTQ rights...

"'The connection with the Hostages and Missing Families Forum is natural and necessary, as they fight for the same values we have been marching for over two decades – the sanctity of life, human rights, and the right of every person to be free,' said Jonathan Valfer, chairperson of the Jerusalem Open House.

Here's the kicker: There is no expression of concern that a large gathering of rainbow people and hostage psy-op people would be just about the most enticing target imaginable for Hezbollah, which we are frequently told can accurately target any location in the country.  We are seriously supposed to believe that a bunch of Jews singing and praying at Meron would have rockets raining down on them, but the rainbow/hostage parades are of zero interest to Hamas and Hezbollah, and it's only crazy knife-wielding "haredim" they need to fear.  

Fortunately, police will be out in full force to beat up some of them who innocently stray within a few blocks of the parade, too.  

To keep everyone safe.

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Rebbetzen Tziporah – DAY 28, MALCHUS OF NETZACH



In order to prevail over the lower self, you have to see yourself as Hashem’s servant rather than doing whatever you do for the sake of your own self-fulfillment. This attitude will take you being an explorer – looking at your various personality traits with a much higher level of objectivity. When you do this, you too are a ruler!

The key to all of this is tefillah. None of this can be done on your own. You also have to make time to know what Hashem actually wants of you. This comes from learning from sources that stem from the Oral law (such as shulchan aruch or all of the many halachah books that are now available in English). By and large, the written law tells you “what” (for instance, “don’t steal”) and the Oral law tells you “how” (what defines property, what defines damage etc.) 


Try to find a way to give tzedakah to people who teach Navi, which is the way hashem shares his vision of eternity with us. Also, try to light candles or otherwise commemorate the lives of those who now are in the world of eternity, olam haba.

If you see that your friend is discouraged or just not happy, try to give him the gift of happiness. When someone is down, the yetzer hara can defeat him easily so sometimes by just sharing a joke, you can give him enough strength to fight his battles.




20 May 2024

Rebbetzen Tziporah – DAY 27, YESOD OF NETZACH


Yesod literally means foundation. It is referred to in Kabbalah as “kol” – everything. What is it? It is the will to live with sanctity and purity. This includes distance from any form of promiscuity or immodesty. Shabbos is called a “sign” of the fact that the world, which was created in 6 days, has a spiritual destiny, the tranquility of Shabbos. This is a sign to you that all physical desires have a spark of eternity in them (even eating allows you to live...) and the yesod is not to bury that spark under mountains of external transient desire. Like a building’s foundation, if you relate to yesod, it holds up the rest of the building, meaning the desire to live with an eye to eternity changes all your Middos.

If you are sincere and want to move forward in this direction, the next step is to learn to seek the advice of mentors. Some people have an aversion to hearing about tznius. If this happens to be you, ask yourself what you are really fighting for – not just what you are disturbed with. Ask why this is the battle you are fighting.

When you win your battles, after the victory don’t lose the war you fought to ego. Being aware of how much Hashem helps you will help you win your future battles.


The same way there is a covenant with bris milah, there is a covenant with speech (in the torah the phrases “uncircumcised lips” and “uncircumcised heart” are used to convey the idea of using emotion and speech in ways that are holy and pure.) This is especially relevant when you are engaged in verbal warfare (especially when you are right…) and purity of speech – truth and caring get buried under the desire to win.

Let your desire for sanctity and purity express itself by living with emunah. This is especially relevant in the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim, hospitality to guests. Hashem knows you, and your needs, and He also knows the guests who come to your home. It is His providence that “matched” you. When you show simchah in having the guest come to your home, you are also affirming your belief in hashgachah.

When someone you are dealing with financially makes an innocent mistake in your favor (for instance asks for payment in shekels when he should be asking for payment in dollars) think of what your next move will say about you from the perspective of eternity





EMERGENCY......PRAY FOR Netanelu (Arvin) Ghahremani

a personal note: this bochur represents all the bochurim in the Jewish frum world who are under the same threat, but not yet actual! Without the study of our holy Torah this spells the end of this world. Our way of life and HKB”H are under the same threat. Who does not shudder at that thought!

clarification: this was written by Boruch Weiss of

Bochur Sentenced to Execution - Hashem yeracheim! Plea to Acheinu Bnai Yisroel for Emergency Tefillos

Reports on Motzaei Shabbos that the bochur was freed are false. He is in critical danger. Please don’t stop davening.


Continuous tefillos are needed for a 20 year old bochur in Iran, Netanelu (Arvin) Ghahremani, who has been sentenced to be executed, chas veshalom. 

I received a notice about an emergency Tehillim call-in conference tonight at 11:30 PM Eastern Time in the US - please see flyer below:

Note: Apparently the bochur shown in the picture below is Netanel.

Thousands of Jews worldwide are joining in Tefillos for Netanel, and we need much more, as negotiations to try to save his life are ongoing. It is unimaginable to think of the torture that his family is experiencing.

His name that was given for Tefilla is Arvin Netanel. There is some confusion over the exact name of his mother. In some places I have seen it as Sonya, in others as Tziyona, and some have both, leading me to suspect that one is her secular name and one is her Hebrew name, so perhaps we should daven for Arvin Netanel ben Sonya Tziyona.

Rav Eliyahu Netaneli, an Iranian Rav in Los Angeles, has asked for 1,000 people to recite Perek 13 of Tehillim, 13 times. Rabbanim in Iran have called for a fast day. Thousands of Yidden worldwide are joining together in groups in continuous recital of Sefer Tehillim.

According to reports, Netanel had loaned money to someone two years ago. The individual, identified as Amir Shokri by Iran Human Rights, reportedly ambushed Netanel with a group of six other men, pulled a large knife, and stabbed him. Netanel fought back to save himself and Shokri was killed.

Netanel was convicted of being an “accomplice to the intentional murder of a Muslim” and for “intentionally inflicting nonfatal injuries.”

Since Netanel is a non-Muslim who unfortunately killed a Muslim, the deck is stacked against him in Iran. 

Iranian “Qisas” law states that a killed person’s family can accept monetary compensation instead of demanding a killer’s death, but so far, Shokri’s family has refused and demanded the death penalty for Netanel’s act of self defense. In fact, Shokri’s family pulled a knife on a Jewish delegation who had come to plead for mercy for Netanel.

Netanel was originally scheduled to be executed on Shabbos but it was pushed off to Monday. Baruch Hashem, as thousands of members of Klal Yisroel around the world have been fervently davening for him the past few days, a glimmer of light has appeared, in that the execution has been postponed for approximately one month. This was confirmed by Rabbi Moshe Margaretten of Tzedek.

Please let us not let up on our Tefillos, and let us use this reprieve to beg Hashem for Arvin Netanel ben Sonya Tziyona to have a complete yeshua and be freed bekarov.

Please note that there was misinformation circulating that Netanel was freed. So far, this is unfortunately NOT true.

The reason that these rumors were going around, according to a report I read, is because of immense pressure on the Jewish community in Iran.

From an update I received tonight:

“The family of the victim refused higher money offers and threatened those who approached them.

“Now, the Jewish Iranian community is seeking political pressure from within and outside, gathering support from organizations like Tzedek Association to convince Kurdish leaders to intervene and secure his release, possibly by paying off the family.

“Heavy pressure from within has led Iran’s Supreme Court to take the case and it has agreed to review the case, delaying the scheduled execution of the 20 year old Jewish Iranian by at least 4 weeks, giving Askanim more hope and time for a successful outcome Be’ezras Hashem.

“We should acknowledge the Chessed Hashem that led Iran's Supreme Court to accept the case just hours before the helicopter crash incident involving the Iranian President, a development that might not have occurred so readily in the aftermath of the crash.”

There has been so much Tefilla and Tehillim ongoing the last few days for Netanel, that this positive development is not surprising. 

Please join in storming the gates of Shamayim for the life of this young boy.

Here is a link to a form to add yourself to the list of 1,000 people, after saying Perek 13, thirteen times:

May we hear besuros tovos only, bekarov, Be’ezras Hashem

19 May 2024

Rabbi Glatstein – The Release of ....Lag BaOmer - The Fire and the Soul


Offering Some Relief ….


Rabbi Weissman – A Torah-Based Perspective On Honoring Soldiers...and Silence!

This week we learned a sharp Torah lesson about honoring soldiers in the beginning and had an interesting discussion about it at the end.


A dire warning about sparing enemies when you have them in your grasp.

What does a snide comment by donkey-drivers have to do with the World Economic Forum?

How the yetzer hara tricks us to invest too much effort in some areas while going with the flow in others – all in the name of the Torah.

The recording is available here.


*   *   *

Since a moment of silence is so meaningful and comforting to those who've been conditioned to find meaning and comfort on demand, like Pavlov's dogs...

(Many people find comfort in drugs, too.)

Since a moment of silence is so useful to manipulate the emotions of the people, without which they would naturally get enraged and refuse to keep sending their loved ones into the meat grinder...

Since a moment of silence is a necessary part of a relentless brainwashing campaign to keep people compliant, ready to die for an agenda that is very different from the one being broadcast to them by the official propaganda...

Since the maimed and killed continue to pile up, according to plan...

We should not have to wait a whole year for another moment of silence in honor of the mass Molech offering.  There should be more moments of silence, longer moments of silence, every month, every week, every day, every hour.  

We should all be silent.

And those who refuse to be silent should be silenced.

For compassion and the greater good.

*   *   *

I realized something incredible today.  The various people who took great offense at my defiance of the sirens and the faux-holy moments of silence did not argue that there was any inherent meaning in this Commie ritual.  Rather, they argued that I should respect it anyway because the families of the victims find it “comforting”.

That's exactly what many people said when it came to wearing masks that they admitted were ineffective and harmful to the wearer.  Put the mask on anyway to make other people – paranoid fools though they might be – feel better.  Do it even though it's bad for you, and it gives strength to the evil system that is meant to enslave and destroy all of us.

Yet even people who have been right there with me the last few years are making the SAME ARGUMENT about the siren obedience ritual, managed by the SAME MONSTERS for the SAME REASONS.

How deep the conditioning goes...

*   *   *

A Torah scholar wrote me the following: "Rabbi Ovadya Yosef z"l writes clearly in a teshuva (I can't remember off hand where) that the minute silence is חקת הגוי so you can tell those subscribers [who asked to unsubscribe] that on the contrary those who keep silent are מחלל שם שמים and are going against the Torah, irrelevant what is the popular belief."

Another astute reader shared this: 

“Garland is specifically credited with initiating the Anzac Day march, the wreath-laying ceremonies at memorials and the special church services, the two minutes silence, and the luncheon for returned soldiers. Garland intended the silence to be used in lieu of a prayer to allow the Anzac Day service to be universally attended, allowing attendees to make a silent prayer of remembrance in accordance with their own beliefs.”


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18 May 2024

Rebbetzen Tziporah – DAY 25, NETZACH OF NETZACH



This is the day for recalling the main principles of emunah, especially that Hashem is aware, involved, and responsive to us and to our choices.

Focus on how Hashem is leading the world to its ultimate destiny. Figure out where you want to be in this picture. (For instance, both Pharaoh and Moshe were instrumental in taking us to the great moment of the splitting of the sea, but it is better for you to be Moshe than to be Pharaoh....)

Netzach means prevailing. If you have dealt with your challenges and let your higher self prevail, there is still one battle to fight, the one against pride. Don’t let it ruin your victories. It can distance you from Hashem and from other people, and distort your vision of what reality is really about.


Try to use your influence over other people by encouraging them to see the more eternal picture. Sometimes just sharing a bit of what you have seen changes things.

E.g. – Today I attended a funeral held for a young Argentinian fellow who volunteered to fight for Israel and was killed in battle. He has no family here, so an announcement was made telling the public that there is no one here to give him his final respects. Thousands of people were there. I had been to 2 military funerals over the years and I never saw anything remotely like this one.

The Sephardi chief rabbi, Rav Yitzchak Yosef spoke. He quoted the Zohar that narrates the deaths of Aharon’s two sons, who entered the sanctuary to offer incense offering without the proper authority to do so out of their longing to experience Hashem. It says, “You should shed a tear for the tragedy of their deaths, but have some joy for knowing where they have reached now in their deaths.”

This is true of this young soldier. It can be true of you, not by dying (which is not what Hashem wants of you) but by living with an eye towards eternity when you make choices and face challenges.

Back to Rav Frisch. 

Doing business in good faith, being honest when arguing a point in a debate about principles or torah ideas. Don’t try to win at the expense of truth.  





17 May 2024

Rabbi Kahana – TIME – Emor

Rabbi Nachman Kahana on May 16, 2024 09:09 pm


Predicting the future is more precarious than walking on thin ice in June.

We deduce or produce our predications on an array of assumptions, statistics, historic precedents, psychological or religious-cultural orientation of the expert; but most often it’s just plain good guessing and luck. Experience has shown that in most instances things begin according to predictions, until suddenly something happens (oops or snafu) and we toss our learned charts and designs into the trashcan in order to begin a new set of predictions. What is that “suddenly something happens”? It is HaShem’s interacting in human affairs to direct future human traffic according to His original blueprint.

I am challenged by a repeating theme in our liturgy; in the kiddush over wine, in birkat hamazon, in the texts between Shema Yisrael and the beginning of Shemoneh Esrei, and more. The theme is the Exodus from Egypt and the death of the entire Egyptian army under the waters of Yam Suf.

To fortify the dilemma, I put forward the Gemara (Brachot 12b) that quotes the verse in Yirmiyahu to question the position that even after the Mashiach’s arrival we still praise HaShem for the miracles He performed for us at the Egyptian Exodus:

הנה ימים באים נאם הולא יאמרו עוד חי האשר העלה את בני ישראל מארץ מצרים, כי אם חי האשר העלה ואשר הביא את זרע בית ישראל מארץ צפונה ומכל הארצות אשר הדחתים שם!


Now, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when people will no longer say, as surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt, but they will say, As surely as the Lord lives, He who brought the descendants of Israel up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them. Then they will live in their own land (future redemption).

And the Gemara replies:

לא שתעקר יציאת מצרים ממקומה, אלא שתהא שעבוד מלכיות עיקר, ויציאת מצרים טפל


Yirmiyahu did not intend that the Exodus would be omitted from the liturgy, but that it would  be secondary to our expressions of thanksgiving for the miracles HaShem will perform for us in the future redemption.

The problem here is that, in fact, the Exodus from Egypt commands a much more dominant position in the liturgy than any reference to future miracles, in contradiction to what the Gemara in Brachot explains regarding the verse in Yirmiyahu.

My understanding is:

If the nations in our region are left to their own designs based on cause and effect without HaShem’s direct involvement in their politics and national interests, the following will occur based on the teaching that “What was – will be again”, that our future redemption will be a repetition of the Biblical past.

Egypt will make war on Israel, either because of a civil revolution led by the Moslem Brotherhood or by some small spark in Azza which spirals into Egypt sending its very large army to the Sinai desert to face off with the smaller Tzahal.

There will be a moment when disaster will be imminent.  But as in days of old, Egypt, will be destroyed by tens of millions of cubic meters of water cascading down the Nile Valley from the crumbling great Aswan Dam!

The masters of Yavneh (the Sanhedrin, authors of the basic liturgy) knew this. So, they introduced into the liturgy the past destruction of Egypt in order to hint to us of the future repetition of HaShem’s miracles.

Part two: A piece of good advice

I need not go into details of what is happening in western countries, especially in the US, in terms of Judenhass; they and their potential dangers to Jews are common knowledge. This coupled with the very real possibility of reinstating the military draft and other things are making daily life for Jews in the US uncomfortable.

If and when it becomes apparent that the “time has come” it could be too late to attend to your personal interests. You will want to sell your home, but so too will many other Jews and the price you get will not cover the cost of 2 rooms in Yerushalayim.

If I were in the States and owned property or a home, I would sell it now and go into a rented place. And with the money, purchase a home in Israel which I would rent out for a handsome sum.

It could save your life, if and when the galut roof falls in!

Think about it.

Shabbat Shalom

Nachman Kahana

Copyright © 5784/2024 Nachman Kahana

Rabbi Green: When the wicked perish

Regarding the death of Raisi, may his name be erased: The death of an evil foe is always a good thing. The delay of an evil decree to execut...