14 May 2024

Rabbi Weissman – The Halachos of Siren Observance...and a very important video

 Before we get to the main article, the following video is really important and I hope you will share it widely: Sister of Slain Soldier: "Refuse orders! Return home before you return home in a coffin!"

Watch the sister of IDF soldier Yehuda Greenfield speaking at her brother's funeral.  Even if you don't understand Hebrew, watch it anyway.

Years ago she was thrown out of Gush Katif when Israel destroyed its Jewish communities. She accused the government of being an elitist dictatorship that is staging a cynical war as part of a pogrom against the Jewish people, with the goal of uprooting Jewish communities in Yehuda and Shomron.  

She spoke about how the same people who cracked the heads of Jews in Amona, and were so organized in destroying Gush Katif, are the same people who armed Hamas and are sending our people into Gaza to be killed.

She passionately urged the soldiers to prevent this from happening by refusing orders to go into Gaza and return home, lest they return home in a coffin like her brother. She warned him as well, and he agreed with her, but sadly followed orders and met a tragic end.

(Don't ask me for a full transcript.  She spoke way too fast for me to keep up with everything.  But if someone can make a transcript, I'll gratefully share it.)

More material follows the article as well. Scroll to the end for a real goodie.

The Halachos of Siren Observance

Chapter One

  1. Observing the siren is a toldah of the mitzvah to serve the government of Israel, obey all its commands, and observe all its rituals, no matter what. This mitzvah is the foundation of Judaism, and supersedes all other mitzvos whenever there is a conflict. Thus it follows that observing the siren is a fundamental commandment.
  2. As such, one who does not observe the siren has excluded himself from the Jewish people, and it is a mitzvah to hate him.
  3. It is permitted to take pictures and videos of people who are ignoring the siren for the sake of publicizing these sinners and provoking hatred of them and their communities. There are no limitations here. Even though this requires doing actions while the siren is being blown, it is not considered violating the siren. It is almost on the level of pikuach nefesh to take these pictures and videos, and thus it is both permitted and even a mitzvah.
  4. However, it is preferable to hire a gentile to take these pictures and videos if possible.
  5. It is permitted to join with the gentiles in hating these sinful Jews together, especially since this will bring protection from the gentiles to the good Jews who observe sirens. This too can be considered pikuach nefesh.

For Chapter Two and Chapter Three



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Two longtime subscribers no longer want to read anything from me after I wrote about ignoring the siren yesterday.  That's right, folks.  You can be wide awake about the intentional efforts of the Erev Rav to poison you, and greatly admire so much of my work, but disrespecting the siren is just going too far!

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Marcus is a fake-Orthodox mole for the medical system.  Here she is at this late date, after all that is now publicly acknowledged, mocking the brave doctors who turned out to be right about the shots because they overestimated how many people would die from them and how soon.  

Of course, she doesn't mock the monsters who issued shrill warnings about Covid and what would happen to the people who didn't take their shots.

What a despicable person.

I noticed that her posts are getting much fewer reactions from her snarky groupies than they used to.  Perhaps they've been depopulated by coincidences.

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The ingathering of the Gazans.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting video of sister of murdered IDF soldier Yehuda Greenfield z"l. May his memory be a blessing.
Everybody should see this video, even so it is hard to watch.

His sister honored him by saying a bitter truth.
May HaShem have merci on their family and all Am Israel
May we see Geula Shleima be rahamim VERY SOON

Anonymous said...

How sad that it took this recent horror of horrors for our people to start crying out loud against the military for playing with the lives of these wonderful young soldiers by pausing for phony cease fires, etc. to continue again and again while losing the best of our youth. War has one goal and that is to finish off the enemy!!!
May all these families that lost their loved ones be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion/Yerushalayim! This year, Yerushalayim hab'nuyah!
New military leadership who are true Jews with love of Hashem and His holy Torah is what is needed to lead the nation to battle. We need our goel tzedek to lead us!

Ten/seven Has Arrived in Boro Park

  dear Boro Parkers this is not an Innocent Adventure, the Geula is marching and Hashem wants His Children to come Home. Be part of the “in ...