14 May 2024

Rebbetzin Tziporah


You want to be whole. The key is holding Hashem in awe. The way to achieve a more integrated level of yirat Hashem is to read the books that can give you the inspiration and knowledge to lead you in this direction. The classical mussar sefarim are Path of the Just, The Way of the Righteous, Duties of the Heart, and Gates of Tshuvah. Looking at the table of contents of these books may give you an informed glance at what topics would be the ones that can touch your mind and heart. There are many other books on these topics, as well as the Chassidic classics which may be the ones for you. Tanya, Nesivos Shalom, Sfas Emmes , and Lekutei Moharan, are all potential life changers and are often available in translation 

The other way Rav Frisch recommends is tefillah. Asking Hashem to make it possible for you to become more whole by opening your heart to His awe-inspiring presence after you learn, or after you do a mitzvah (after all, the reason you did the mitzvah is because He commanded you to do so. If you can feel, and not only know, the implication of what that means, your relationship towards learning and mitzvos will change and become integrated into your spiritual self rather than your action-oriented, get-it-done self). Also, in the same way that you ask Hashem for success in whatever you are attempting in life (from taking a test, to choosing the right partner for marriage, to success in your career, or maintaining your health), ask for success in understanding the Torah you study and not missing the boat and drawing wrong conclusions.

When you pray, you are asking Hashem for mercy. Look at your character carefully to see that you are merciful towards others, and not an “accountant” who only gives “when it makes sense and will get me a substantial return.”


This is a day to give praise and bring joy to others, especially kids who are learning torah, and becoming “subjects” in Hashem’s kingdom. Helping your adult friends (I guess some of us have those) to reach their goal of being more whole by being in tune with how you can help them.

LIMB- Since this is a day in which tefillah is central, using your body to straighten the shul out is particularly good.

TIME- Try to give tzedakah, to learn, and to find a time to show respect to those who teach halachah during the day.

TEFILLAH- All of the places where Hashem’s kingship is mentioned.


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