14 May 2024

R' Green – Time to End the Silence


Israelis are trained to be silent at the earliest age.

The siren for 'Yom Hazikaron' is sounded and the entire nation stands silently for what feels like an endless minute. Then the next morning the siren is sounded again and the silence ritual is repeated for double the amount of time.

Programmed silence.

The Israeli population is groomed for silence. When their rogue regime invokes its annual pagan human sacrifice ritual commemorating all the lives it cruelly sacrificed, the people are trained to stay silent.

And now we can understand the enigma of widespread Israeli silence during covid tyranny, while seniors were left languishing to suffer and die in isolation, while patients were being helplessly euthanized with ventilators and Remdesivir ("run, death is near") in authoritarian hospitals, while millions were being force-injected with a lethal bioweapon, while healthy people were being marginalized, banned, penalized for their non-compliance.

Now we can finally understand the shocking behavior of the Israeli rabbinate with regards to the diabolically democidal death dart. I'm not even referring to the incompetent so-called rabbis who endorsed this bioweapon in full cooperation with the regime. Rather, I refer here to the overwhelming majority of rabbis who were silent. Their silence amounted to tacit approval.

Complicity through silence.

While it's true that most of the human population worldwide were also silent, that doesn't explain Jewish silence, not in our land or in the diaspora.

Jews are the loudest people on earth. "The voice is the voice of Jacob" [1]. At the youngest age, a Jew is taught to raise his voice thunderously in affirmation of the truth. "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our G–D the Lord is One. The Lord is G–D! We shout out together at the end of Yom Kippur, the holiest of days.

Abraham the first Jew taught his descendants speak up and speak out in the name of truth, even if you're just a lone voice. Moses and Aaron taught us to speak truth to power. Shifra and Puah taught us not to comply with democide. Mordecai and Esther taught us never to kneel or bow before tyranny.

Jews are the one people on earth [2] who would have been expected to speak out in protest. 

Since "the air of the land of Israel makes one wise" [3], the wisened rabbis of the Holy Land ought to have had the clarity to resist this diabolical assault, but alas, they did not. They chose silence over truth.

It's not only the rabbis in Israel.

US rabbis were silent in 2019 when unvaccinated Jewish children were cruelly banned from Talmud Torah, in grave violation of Torah law. This evil decree persists unabated nationwide five years later, yet rabbis are still silent. 

Their silence is deafening.

Synagogues and yeshivas were shut down for months during covid with nary a word of rabbinic protest. Mandates and sudden deaths are the order of the day, yet rabbis are largely silent worldwide.

But nowhere on earth has silence been more ingrained than in our Holy Land where it's been hallowed and ritualized.

If you dare speak during their Moment of Silence, you'll be indignantly scolded by the masses: "Shhhh...have some respect for the fallen soldiers!" they demand with contempt.

Curiously, this same attitude made a resurgence during covid on a greater magnitude. When I dared question the necessity, safety, or legality of mask policies, quarantines, "social distancing," or the gene-altering vaccine, folks were furious and attempted to silence me. They demanded that I "show some respect" (sic) to the many thousands of people who allegedly died from covid.

Huh? How did my speaking out against injustice and democide dishonor anyone's death? Just the opposite. I sought to prevent their deaths from being trivialized and exploited to justify an unjust policy of tyranny.

"Who says a mask would have saved anyone?" I challenged the self-appointed thought police. "How can we know that any of your data is accurate?"

My protests fell on deaf ears.

Chabad's self-proclaimed executive directors sent me a gag order, demanding my silence over anything covid-related. Their urgent letter insisted that I refrain from "disrespecting" any so-called medical authorities.

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. How is questioning the science tantamount to "disrespecting" anyone? Furthermore, my protests weren't about challenging anyone's competence per se, but rather about asserting Torah law.

Since when did speaking unpopular truths become a sign of disrespect in Chabad Lubavitch?

Everyone recalls the Rebbe's dire protests concerning the deadly fallacy of "land for peace" concessions. He spoke incessantly against this democidal policy, nearly at every public gathering over the course of thirty years [4]. Alas, the Rebbe's was a lone voice. Nearly all other rabbinic authorities stayed silent in deference to the government's position. 

Was the Rebbe's urgent protests a sign of disrespect or insult? Of course not. He was merely stating the truth.

Was the previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yizchok Schneerson, being disrespectful when he publicly urged his adherents to defy unjust communist decrees against our faith?

And now, nearly a century later, his followers are silent, in tepid deference to the so-called authorities. Stalin would be laughing in his grave.

Of course, I refused to comply with the unreasonable demands stipulated in the pathetic letter sent by Chabad "headquarters." Instead, I challenged them to meet me in a Din Torah, a dispute to be adjudicated by a competent Beth Din. They ignored my response, so I continued to speak the truth. Their next move was rather shocking. Chabad's so-called executive directors publicly maligned me in Israel's major newspaper (read: liberal rag) and terminated my membership in the roster of officially-recognized Chabad emissaries.

I could no longer represent Chabad, since I refused to stay silent, thereby "disrespecting" the "authorities."

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Long gone are the days of our fearless Rebbe and his bold predecessors.

Today's Chabad rabbis are muted, paralyzed by fear of being "disrespectful," to "authority" or to anyone else in the mainstream. Objective truths are no longer relevant. Instead, their goal is not to offend, to be perceived as contemporary and mainstream. Avoid stating uncomfortable truths at all costs. The modus operandi is silence.

My mind drifts back to that Yom Hazikaron in Israel during their empty silence ritual.

How ironic. Don't they realize that silence doesn't bring honor on victims of democide, but just the opposite?

My friends, it's time to END THE SILENCE.

Speak out against dystopian democide. 

Time is short. The stakes are too high. Ignore the silent and the silencers.

Be vocal and speak the truth.

Don't worry if you're the only one. People will hear you. You'll save lives.

Follow the example of our saintly Rebbe and use your voice!


[1] Genesis 27:22.

[2] Samuel II 7:23, Chronicles I 17:21.

[3] Bava Bathra 158b

[4] See “When Silence us a Sin: the Obligation to Protest and the Obligation to Settle the Entire Land of Israel, from the Talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,” published by Sichos in English.

1 comment:

האיש said...

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