19 May 2024

Rabbi Weissman – A Torah-Based Perspective On Honoring Soldiers...and Silence!

This week we learned a sharp Torah lesson about honoring soldiers in the beginning and had an interesting discussion about it at the end.


A dire warning about sparing enemies when you have them in your grasp.

What does a snide comment by donkey-drivers have to do with the World Economic Forum?

How the yetzer hara tricks us to invest too much effort in some areas while going with the flow in others – all in the name of the Torah.

The recording is available here.


*   *   *

Since a moment of silence is so meaningful and comforting to those who've been conditioned to find meaning and comfort on demand, like Pavlov's dogs...

(Many people find comfort in drugs, too.)

Since a moment of silence is so useful to manipulate the emotions of the people, without which they would naturally get enraged and refuse to keep sending their loved ones into the meat grinder...

Since a moment of silence is a necessary part of a relentless brainwashing campaign to keep people compliant, ready to die for an agenda that is very different from the one being broadcast to them by the official propaganda...

Since the maimed and killed continue to pile up, according to plan...

We should not have to wait a whole year for another moment of silence in honor of the mass Molech offering.  There should be more moments of silence, longer moments of silence, every month, every week, every day, every hour.  

We should all be silent.

And those who refuse to be silent should be silenced.

For compassion and the greater good.

*   *   *

I realized something incredible today.  The various people who took great offense at my defiance of the sirens and the faux-holy moments of silence did not argue that there was any inherent meaning in this Commie ritual.  Rather, they argued that I should respect it anyway because the families of the victims find it “comforting”.

That's exactly what many people said when it came to wearing masks that they admitted were ineffective and harmful to the wearer.  Put the mask on anyway to make other people – paranoid fools though they might be – feel better.  Do it even though it's bad for you, and it gives strength to the evil system that is meant to enslave and destroy all of us.

Yet even people who have been right there with me the last few years are making the SAME ARGUMENT about the siren obedience ritual, managed by the SAME MONSTERS for the SAME REASONS.

How deep the conditioning goes...

*   *   *

A Torah scholar wrote me the following: "Rabbi Ovadya Yosef z"l writes clearly in a teshuva (I can't remember off hand where) that the minute silence is חקת הגוי so you can tell those subscribers [who asked to unsubscribe] that on the contrary those who keep silent are מחלל שם שמים and are going against the Torah, irrelevant what is the popular belief."

Another astute reader shared this: 

“Garland is specifically credited with initiating the Anzac Day march, the wreath-laying ceremonies at memorials and the special church services, the two minutes silence, and the luncheon for returned soldiers. Garland intended the silence to be used in lieu of a prayer to allow the Anzac Day service to be universally attended, allowing attendees to make a silent prayer of remembrance in accordance with their own beliefs.”


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Anonymous said...

Very interesting. By now, our people should realize that the 'state' has been working very hard since its establishment and especially the last number of decades to completely modify, transform, change, etc., etc.our Torah laws and way of life.
Many of our people are secular or just unlearned and have been slowly but surely
indoctrinated with the goyish way of thinking, lifestyles, etc. and this has also infiltrated into many religious homes. In fact, the communist way of life has really won over most of the world, as we see today by the radicalization of societies. The ptb's are determined to erase 'religion' from the world because there is a spiritual battle (besides the physical ones which are the results of this spiritual battle) against the G-D of Creation, Hashem. This is probably the greatest and most visible sign that we are very close to Redemption.
So, most everything that Rabbi Weissman brings forth in his articles are correct.
We should all heed his warnings and start opening up eyes and minds and act as one people with one heart as Jews dedicated to the only Truth there is and that is our holy Torah!

Neshama said...

Try it now!

Neshama said...

wow, it was all the links

Anonymous said...

Neshama, try what now??


Anonymous said...

To Anon-y- the links did not work, so I asked Neshama to fix them.


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