23 May 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Chief Rabbi of Israel: The Quintessence of Controlled Opposition II


You can see it in Yalkut Yosef here. I'm told this was added in the 5780 edition.

It is primarily for this that Yitzchak Yosef was just awarded Israel's most prestigious prize – not for humor, but for serious Torah literature.

To make matters worse, this is a book on practical Jewish law that is intended for the masses, who generally will not be equipped to challenge the content, nor possess the gumption to do so.

There are only two possible explanations for how this absurd satire was published as serious Torah in Yalkut Yosef.

1) Torah scholars who have critically examined Yalkut Yosef believe, for a variety of reasons, that it was authored at least in part by a committee of writers and attributed in full to Yitzchak Yosef. (Perhaps there are two Yitzchak Yosefs as well?) One of these writers inserted the satire, and Yosef either didn't bother to supervise the Torah being published in his name, or believed it was real Torah.

It is extremely common for public figures to hire more competent people to write speeches for them and even ghost write their books. This practice, widespread though it is, is not very respectable, but when it comes to Torah – especially practical halacha – it is completely unacceptable.

2) Yosef inserted it himself.

One of these must be true. I'm not sure which reflects more poorly on Yosef, but both are devastating in their implications.

Either way, four years after this complete nonsense was published in his name and sold to the masses, and continues to be sold to the masses, the great Chief Rabbi won a prize from the State of Israel for it.

But there's even more.

A mere week after the October 7 mini-Holocaust, Yitzchak Yosef was busy sending a letter in which he sharply attacked the Sephardic Yeshiva Kisei Rachamim, its Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Meir Mazuz, and his most prominent disciples. You can see the letter here.

Among other things, Yosef lambasted their ignorance, lack of intelligence, and inability to make proper distinctions.

ביחד ננצח!

This, from someone whose magnum opus quoted an absurd satire as serious Torah, and teaches the masses that there were two of each of the patriarchs and two lands of Israel.

But it gets even crazier. The author of the anonymous satire related to me that someone from the office of the Sephardic Chief Rabbi managed to track him down and called him, asking if his piece was serious or a joke. The author replied that it was a joke. The caller asked if the author would agree to speak with the office the next day, but they never called him back.

Meanwhile, Yitzchak Yosef struts around in his bigdei kehuna, issues state-serving rulings that are completely against the Torah, makes inflammatory remarks that bring hatred and scorn upon the Torah-observant world (see here), publishes satire as serious Torah for the masses, and gets rewarded by his employers, the Erev Rav State of Israel, for a job well done.

A politically appointed “Chief Rabbi” of the heretical State of Israel is the quintessence of controlled opposition.

It's all a big Erev Rav farce.

If you are going to defend it, know full well what you are defending.

It's high time the masses stopped making apologies for the charlatans who rule over us, disgrace the Jewish people, and lead the masses to spiritual and physical destruction.

It's high time people stopped defending wicked phonies just because they may possess Torah knowledge and hold prominent positions.

That doesn't make these people honorable or worthy of knee-jerk defense.

It makes them more dangerous.

The facts have been presented. What you choose to do with them is your responsibility.


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Debating is just a sport for people who can't play actual sports, and far less productive.  So I don't do debates.


Neshama said...

You fail to realize and understand the awful (put mildly) people that are running the state and corporation called Israel. They allowed the Shmini Atzeret happening. There is such a thing as pure evil. They are part of the ‘evil’ that is against Torah and religious Shomer Shabbos children of HaShem. One day you may wake up and I hope it’s not too late.

Neshama said...

Try this

Anonymous said...

How true, Neshama, but now more than ever before, it is completely controlled by the the ptb's.
We see it in all the countries called 'western civilization' and 'medinat' Israel is on top of that list, rachaman l'tzlon. It is no longer viewed as a true 'Jewish' country. Of course, it will always be because H' Gave it only to His children Yisrael, but it is presently in captivity to these demonic forces. We never needed Moshiach as much as now because the world is truly upside down! We must cry out to Hashem as we did in ancient Egypt to hasten the coming of our
goel tzedek.

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