22 May 2024

Brilliant Observation and Tefillin “Photo–op” .......IMP UPDATE and Postscript

Another brilliant observation by the Pres.:

Pres. Herzog: Saudi [uh, *wahabi] normalization would be a 'victory over the empire of evil'[they are an adjunct of Wahhabism??? What is he talking about?]

* * * * *

The following article brought a very caustic response. I apologize for not posting the author, who is known to be very ascerbic. If there are any other objections, please leave a comment below


Just wondering:

How should Jews react to a highly publicized image of a megalomaniacal traitor -- whose rogue regime recently betrayed their people to wholesale slaughter, rape, abduction; and who sacrifice the lives of young soldiers on a daily basis in an endless bloody game with a genocidal jihadi group of their own creation and bankrolling; and who recently attempted to mass murder of his own population with a lethal bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine; and who has obviously sold himself to globalist eugenicist depopulationists -- posing for a photo op wearing tefillin? 

Should we acknowledge that wearing tefillin is an objectively good thing, even for a wicked man?

Should we ignore any image of that villain, since "it's forbidden to gaze at the face of a wicked person," with or without tefillin?

Should we lament the fact that a person guilty of such heinous crimes posted an image of himself wearing tefillin? Does this constitute a chillul Hashem, a public desecration of G-d's Name, since people might now associate the wearing of tefillin with villainy? Would it be like a Jewish bank robber who committed high-handed crimes and then publicized a profile photo of himself in an identifiably Jewish posture, like wearing tefillin lighting a menorah or giving tzedaka, bringing ignominy on his people and the Torah?

Should we infer a kal v'chomer: if such a lowlife can perform a mitzva like putting on tefillin, how much more so should every Jew put on tefillin?

Should we pray: may G-d Almighty Whose holy Name is inscribed in those tefillin please rescue us from the tyrant who's wearing them?

Should we hope for G-d Almighty Whose holy Name is inscribed in those tefillin to please arouse this wicked man to repent and makes amends for his incorrigible crimes? Is that even possible for someone who has sold his soul to Amalek?

All of the above?

None of the above?

Asking for a friend.


Here's the highly publicized photo-op tefillin, in case you haven't seen it yet:

Here's an image of the said individual receiving a pair of tefillin as a gift when he served as Israel's ambassador to the UN some 40 years ago, well before he betrayed his people in the most egregious of ways in October of 2023 and in the few decades leading up to it:

Photo Source:

Article Source:  R’ Green


About Netanyahu, many are now reporting that he is doing teshuva, and gave instances of him and his family involved in mitzvos. One frum yid wrote: [Binyamin Netanyahu's progress in doing teshuvah in accordance with the Targum Yonatan on Zekharia 12:11?]. Is it possible?

Yes I agree about what he did in 2020 with the poison shots, but I don’t think he really knew they were deadly, just a Novel concoction; and all the other not good things he did. However with 10/7 he may not have been apprised of what was happening, but the military generals and upper echelon were the culprits, and kept it from him early in the day. [this is what i read] I’m only questioning bc there is a great divide of opinion. If he is truly trying to make amends, which only HKB”H knows, and should we give him the benefit of doubt and let Hashem do the ruling?


Anonymous said...

Lashon Hara in its ugliest form !!!

Judge your own self!!

Calling your leader a tyrant...
Perhaps you are one..!!

Shame on you.

Shame to see this article on an otherwise good blog.

Neshama said...

Wow. First of all, my leader is HKB"H

Second, I did not write that; it was written by Rabbi Green. If you follow this blog you should realize that the language was not mine. I don't write those things in that manner. It was composed by Rabbi Green. At the bottom of the article was the "Source". Rabbi Green can be very ascerbic [=sharply or bitingly critical, sarcastic, or ironic in temper, mood, or tone].

This was my error for not stating up front who wrote this.
You weren't very nice with your raw comment.
Sorry to say; why did you judge me w/o asking or giving me the respect of answering you. Where is the "benefit of doubt" for another yid?

Anonymous said...

Ok. I apolgize to you.

I really do.

But why publish these negative things, even if they are from Rabbis.

No one is perfect, and I am far from perfect.

Perhaps I will write to Rabbi Green.

Sorry again, Neshama, you can delete the comment I made.

Forgive me.

Neshama said...


Plus its not about perfect or imperfect; there is too much here to ignore.

Anonymous said...

Read your postscript.

I Apologize to you.

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