30 May 2024

Israel Summit in Nashville – Judea and Samaria

Life in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) Is Nothing Like You Think | Israel Summit Panel

With all the craziness in the world today, it is really difficult to filter through the noise to find the truth. When it comes to Judea and Samaria, (commonly known as the West Bank) who better to ask then the extraordinary leaders and pioneers living their lives there on a daily basis. Joshua Waller sat down with Yishai Fleisher, Nati Rom, and Rabbi Ari Abramowitz to discuss the reality of day to day life in Judea and Samaria

What Nati said about Israelis being greatly affected by what happened, and are collectively experiencing an awakening, I'd like to compare to Mitzrayim, when Hashem brought the Makkos. They were twofold in their purpose and effect. The spiritually exhausted Israelites were very weary, but with each Makka they gained greater perspective and became stronger. This is what is happening now; the Israelis are searching and going through a painful discourse with their neshomos. B"H Step by step I believe they will eventually connect strongly with their pintelle yid and do what is right in the Eyes of Hashem.

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