20 May 2024

EMERGENCY......PRAY FOR Netanelu (Arvin) Ghahremani

a personal note: this bochur represents all the bochurim in the Jewish frum world who are under the same threat, but not yet actual! Without the study of our holy Torah this spells the end of this world. Our way of life and HKB”H are under the same threat. Who does not shudder at that thought!

clarification: this was written by Boruch Weiss of

Bochur Sentenced to Execution - Hashem yeracheim! Plea to Acheinu Bnai Yisroel for Emergency Tefillos

Reports on Motzaei Shabbos that the bochur was freed are false. He is in critical danger. Please don’t stop davening.


Continuous tefillos are needed for a 20 year old bochur in Iran, Netanelu (Arvin) Ghahremani, who has been sentenced to be executed, chas veshalom. 

I received a notice about an emergency Tehillim call-in conference tonight at 11:30 PM Eastern Time in the US - please see flyer below:

Note: Apparently the bochur shown in the picture below is Netanel.

Thousands of Jews worldwide are joining in Tefillos for Netanel, and we need much more, as negotiations to try to save his life are ongoing. It is unimaginable to think of the torture that his family is experiencing.

His name that was given for Tefilla is Arvin Netanel. There is some confusion over the exact name of his mother. In some places I have seen it as Sonya, in others as Tziyona, and some have both, leading me to suspect that one is her secular name and one is her Hebrew name, so perhaps we should daven for Arvin Netanel ben Sonya Tziyona.

Rav Eliyahu Netaneli, an Iranian Rav in Los Angeles, has asked for 1,000 people to recite Perek 13 of Tehillim, 13 times. Rabbanim in Iran have called for a fast day. Thousands of Yidden worldwide are joining together in groups in continuous recital of Sefer Tehillim.

According to reports, Netanel had loaned money to someone two years ago. The individual, identified as Amir Shokri by Iran Human Rights, reportedly ambushed Netanel with a group of six other men, pulled a large knife, and stabbed him. Netanel fought back to save himself and Shokri was killed.

Netanel was convicted of being an “accomplice to the intentional murder of a Muslim” and for “intentionally inflicting nonfatal injuries.”

Since Netanel is a non-Muslim who unfortunately killed a Muslim, the deck is stacked against him in Iran. 

Iranian “Qisas” law states that a killed person’s family can accept monetary compensation instead of demanding a killer’s death, but so far, Shokri’s family has refused and demanded the death penalty for Netanel’s act of self defense. In fact, Shokri’s family pulled a knife on a Jewish delegation who had come to plead for mercy for Netanel.

Netanel was originally scheduled to be executed on Shabbos but it was pushed off to Monday. Baruch Hashem, as thousands of members of Klal Yisroel around the world have been fervently davening for him the past few days, a glimmer of light has appeared, in that the execution has been postponed for approximately one month. This was confirmed by Rabbi Moshe Margaretten of Tzedek.

Please let us not let up on our Tefillos, and let us use this reprieve to beg Hashem for Arvin Netanel ben Sonya Tziyona to have a complete yeshua and be freed bekarov.

Please note that there was misinformation circulating that Netanel was freed. So far, this is unfortunately NOT true.

The reason that these rumors were going around, according to a report I read, is because of immense pressure on the Jewish community in Iran.

From an update I received tonight:

“The family of the victim refused higher money offers and threatened those who approached them.

“Now, the Jewish Iranian community is seeking political pressure from within and outside, gathering support from organizations like Tzedek Association to convince Kurdish leaders to intervene and secure his release, possibly by paying off the family.

“Heavy pressure from within has led Iran’s Supreme Court to take the case and it has agreed to review the case, delaying the scheduled execution of the 20 year old Jewish Iranian by at least 4 weeks, giving Askanim more hope and time for a successful outcome Be’ezras Hashem.

“We should acknowledge the Chessed Hashem that led Iran's Supreme Court to accept the case just hours before the helicopter crash incident involving the Iranian President, a development that might not have occurred so readily in the aftermath of the crash.”

There has been so much Tefilla and Tehillim ongoing the last few days for Netanel, that this positive development is not surprising. 

Please join in storming the gates of Shamayim for the life of this young boy.

Here is a link to a form to add yourself to the list of 1,000 people, after saying Perek 13, thirteen times:

May we hear besuros tovos only, bekarov, Be’ezras Hashem

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