23 May 2024


 With the pressure of UNWARRANTED and FALSE claims that FOODS need CONSTANTLY need to be pushed into Gaza for totally not hungry people, that are STOLLEN from the trucks by the terrorists, WE ISRAELIS NEED TO BE WELL STOCKED IN TBE EVENT OF FAMINE there is a diabolical plan to all their so-called AID!

That means dry goods, maintenance supplies, dry foods, vitamins, can foods with long shelf life. Think proactively. This is serious. Yes we have signs that HaShem is with us. However our inside and outside enemies keep planning.

Pentagon Says None of 569 Metric Tons of Aid That Crossed Pier Delivered to Gazans

ISRAEL is feeding the enemy!! Tell me they need food?? Liars, they want to starve Israelis!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We must admit to ourselves and externally to others that as long as the Erev Rav are in control, it is no different than when we were captives by the Bavlim, the Romans, etc., etc.
This is the soneh within. These rulers are all part of the same group; a takover of the world.
This is why it is encumbent upon every Yehudi to wake up, do teshuva and let us all behave with one heart and rely on no one but our Father in Heaven, Hashem Yisborach! We must see to it that
Hashem will hasten the coming of our Goel Tzedek, to set the world right side up once and for all and then the world will know there is no other but HKB'H!
The world cannot continue until all evil is gone.

Ten/seven Has Arrived in Boro Park

  dear Boro Parkers this is not an Innocent Adventure, the Geula is marching and Hashem wants His Children to come Home. Be part of the “in ...