01 May 2024

Rabbi Weissman: FOUR QUESTIONS and A Letter From the Rebbe

 In honor of Pesach, here are four questions each for two of my favorite establishment figureheads.  They do plenty of softball interviews with the Mockingbird media, and allow peasants to fawn over them, but somehow we never get to ask them more critical questions.  

Four questions for Asher Weiss:

1. When I asked if you had anything to say to the many people who were harmed by the shots you forcefully said they had a mitzvah to take, you refused to discuss it, and when I asked if there's really nothing to talk about you replied “Not right now”. That was over a year ago.  How about now?  

2. You let it slip that you answer questions for the Shabak.  The Shabak has a long history of persecuting religious Jewish pioneers, and they are not the sort to be interested in Jewish law — unless, I surmise, to help them infiltrate religious communities.  

What sort of questions do you answer for the Shabak?  

What is the nature of your relationship with them?  

Why did they select you of all the many rabbis in Israel to be their “posek”?

Do they compensate you?

What do they have on you if you fail to cooperate?

Did you give them halachic guidance on torturing a confession out of Amiram ben Uliel?

Did you ever bring it up?

If not, why not?

3. You've done photo-ops with creepy Argentinian President Javier Milei, and his pet rabbi, Axel Wahnish, is a protege of yours.  

Why did you rule, contrary to halacha, that Wahnish was obligated to go to a Christian cathedral for an event honoring his friend?

Have you looked into Milei's seedy background at all?  His very strange relationship with his dog, which continued after his dog's death?  His support for “free love” and other abominations?

Does any of that disturb you?  It doesn't seem like it disturbs you at all.

4. We have many more questions for you, but it's already been more than 4, so we'll stop here for now.

Four questions for Eli Beer:

1. Hatzalah is an organization whose express purpose is to save lives.  So why are you affiliated with the World Economic Forum, whose stated agenda is to “depopulate” the world (code for genocide and curtailing procreation)?  You should be the most bitter rivals.  Please explain.

2. Why did Hatzalah go to great lengths and expense to promote the Covid poison shots and collect data (gather intelligence) on the Jewish community for the government?  What business does Hatzalah have promoting a pharmaceutical product of any kind, even one that is truly safe and effective (unlike the garbage you pushed)?  It's totally out of line, and Hatzalah never did that before.  What's the whole story behind this?  And how was Hatzalah compensated for their contributions to the cause?

3. Why in the world did the Queen of Jordan, of all people, nominate you to be a Young Global Leader for the WEF?  What's the story behind THAT?

4. You had a widely publicized bout with Covid, after which you miraculously emerged, then proceeded to urgently push the shots.  We've seen similar stories with other high profile community influencers.  Be honest.  Was it all a WEF production?

Unfortunately Weiss and Beer aren't available to take questions from me, but if you catch up to them sometime and ask them these questions on camera, you will win an Afikoman present from me.

What questions would YOU like to ask other establishment figureheads in the Orthodox Jewish world?  Go for it.

*   *   *

There are many reasons why what the early Zionists did has no bearing on our right/mitzvah to return to Eretz Yisrael.

1. The ruling powers agreed to give the land to them and the war was defensive.  Ironically, they've been bending over backwards to give back whatever they conquered in spite of themselves!

2. Even if the early Zionists DID violate an oath, what does that have to do with you and me?  Does that pasul Jews living in Israel forever until everything they did is undone and started again from scratch?  The very notion is absurd — especially considering the same people who make this argument worship the Kotel, which was built by Herod.  The early Zionists did many things that were prohibited, and bearing arms is the least of them.  Nevertheless, Jews are in no way restricted from moving to Israel because of what they did, nor is there any indication from Chazal that that would be the case.

3. There's no reason why Jews shouldn't be allowed to move in large numbers.  How many can move at a time?  In how short a span of time?  Does getting a group rate on the flight violate the prohibition?  Why do the Rambam, Shulchan Aruch, and other poskim not lay out the details of the prohibition for us?  Clearly because there is no such prohibition.

However, since the actual prohibition is to raise an army and fight our way out of galus, there are no details to delineate.

*   *   *

The battle for our children’s very lives

The government wants us dead. NY State Bill A6761 is ONE front of their attack. Euthanasia is another. The Evil Planners don’t want you to realize that they’ll JOIN the two to literally KILL children.

I saw someone in Jerusalem wearing one of these in October of this year.  Clearly there are some issues there.

Speaking of Chabad, someone shared an interesting letter from Rabbi Schneerson to a professor in South Africa, written in the 80s: Is Aliyah to Israel Good for the Jews? 

Take a look and then come back.

This is remarkable.  Basically, the Lubavitcher Rebbe expresses a Communist / eugenicist approach to aliya. Poor Jews, elderly Jews, and unhealthy Jews shouldn't make aliya, because they will be a “burden” and a “detriment” to the state.  Only those who can “contribute towards the development and wellbeing of Eretz Yisrael” – in purely economic terms – should come.  The rest should stay in exile.

This was basically the approach of the Zionist founders of the Erev Rav state and the basis of their transfer agreement with the Nazis.  Give us the rich Ashkenazi elites and gas the rest.

But then he writes that people shouldn't make aliya if their leaving would be a detriment to their galus community. So spiritual leaders and, presumably, rich people are out too.

No Torah sources to support any of this, just “pragmatism”.

The only part I agree with is that we should try to facilitate the integration process so that people who make aliya can do so successfully.  But the rest of this letter I find extremely disturbing, and I don't really know what to make of it, except...

It's also ironic that “Moshiach” would be discouraging aliya...


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האיש said...







Neshama said...

“How to fight the horrible NY Bill A6761/S8352, (Minor Consent Law) which will be voted on anytime very soon: Here are the legislators’ contacts!”

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