05 May 2024

"It Isn’t Enough to Say 'We Hear You'” By Tzvi Fishman

Dear President Herzog – It isn’t Enough to Say “We Hear You, We Care for You” to American Jewry. Words are important but this is a time for action.

Immediately we must send 100 “Aliyah Commandos” to 50 colleges and Jewish communities throughout America to alert Jewish youth of the new opportunities to receive college degrees in a variety of disciplines IN ENGLISH in universities in Israel.

The “commandos” will also shout out the message to American Jewry that it is time to come home! They will urge Rabbis and the Jewish leadership in America to face the writing on the wall that there is no future for Jewish youth in America. Assimilation is already a cancer which is devastating American Jewry at an ever-increasing pace. Now the spreading anti-Semitism is a malevolent genie which has escaped from the bottle and which no amount of TV and billboard advertising can ever contain.

Caring about the worsening situation in America won’t help the beleaguered Jews there. We have to act!

At last week’s Emergency Aliyah Conference in Jerusalem, some 20 grassroots Aliyah activists, including Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi Leo Dee, spoke passionately to a large gathering about the imperative to act now in order to help our brothers and sisters in America. New concepts in outreach and new strategies sounded from every corner of the hall. Grassroots Aliyah activists who have worked independently for decades to further the cause of Aliyah, activists whose websites and outreach in the social media cover several million Jews, are ready to fly to the United States to rally American Jewry around the flag of the one-and-only Jewish State.

Emergency Aliyah Conference in Jerusalem (can be viewed)

An initial group of “Aliyah Commandos” will fly to New York this week to hand out pamphlets at the Israel Day Parade about new college opportunities in Israel and about the imperative of Aliyah. A recruitment drive for young activists willing to travel throughout North America during the summer to college campuses and Jewish communities to promote a deeper connection to Israel and to the eternal mission of Am Yisrael will soon, b’ezrat Hashem, get underway.

To our great chagrin, the Government of Israel has not met the challenge of providing an escape route for Jews still lingering throughout the Diaspora. Perhaps their absence at the conference, excluding the presence of Nefesh B’Nefesh, explains the sorry state of Aliyah to Israel and the pathetically small numbers of new Jewish immigrants. It seems that when it comes to Aliyah, we are a ship without any gasoline.

Indeed, Jonathan Pollard, who recently returned from Aliyah-related activism in France, expressed the apparently widespread opinion of French Jewry that the Government of Israel doesn’t care about their desire to make aliyah.

Even worse, other activists at the conference claimed that when it comes to a mass movement of Jewish immigrants from the West, the Governments of Israel for the past several decades doesn’t want them here. I pray that these accusations aren’t true. The fight for world Jewry is as vital as our victory over the enemies which surround us and those who dwell in our borders.

The war with Hamas fell on us like a meteor from out of the sky.

Today, the State of Israel is at a crucial crossroads.

When it comes to Aliyah we must not be caught unprepared like we were on October 7th. Plans must be formulated to evacuate the Jews from the Diaspora if such a need arises. Housing for the great numbers must be prepared in Israel. The urgency of the hours demands that we all act together, government agencies and grassroots soldiers. Together, with the help of G-d, we will prevail!


Gavriela Dvorah said...

1. Yes, the rumor is true; the government, by and large, doesn't want diaspora Jews to come home. The Jewish agency does nothing to encourage aliyah. But, then, Israel didn't do much to help the Jews in the fires of Europe either, until guilt finally took over, and they sent their "hero" Hannah. Great pat on the back there!

2. The first people these "commandos" should approach are not the youth but the rabbis who don't tell their people to make aliyah and the roshei yeshivot who tell their talmudim to go to Israel to learn and then "come home."

3. American Jewry is so entrenched in America that it will take HKBH Himself to jerk them out from their delusion that they are already home. They cannot shake free from doubt, but more importantly, from the fear of suddenly becoming "a nobody" in their eyes. Because there, they are "somebody." They prefer to hang on to status, jobs, big houses, easy access to kosher food, and say Tehilim and add learning for the suffering Jews in Israel. Sorry, this sounds harsh, but that's the reality. I've heard it myself. Rav Kahana was writing for years to the Jews in America, prodding them to come home, raise their children here, and avoid assimilation. I think he finally gave up.

Neshama said...

There are two groups of Jews in America.
One are the semi-partial connected; and the other are the “waiting for Mashiach to bring them” home.
Many if not all sages determined that both groups will be brought Home. How we don’t know.
These same sages indicate that we approach both groups out of acceptance and compassion because they all have a Pintele yid that needs a “spark” to kindle their neshoma, wake them up, and get the process started.
This is a big order, but the nature of achdus.

Our final days are nearing the time for techias hameisim . We are going down to the wire!
“ This is as in that practice of Rabbi Zeira, who, when he would find Sages who were engaging in discussions about the coming of the Messiah, said to them: Please, I ask of you, do not delay his coming by calculating the end of days. As we learn in a baraita: There are three matters that come only by means of diversion of attention from those matters, and these are they: The Messiah, a lost item, and a scorpion. (Sanhedrin 97a)"

Anonymous said...

We know from our Sages that H' will bring home all Jewish neshamot. In fact, at the time when Moshiach is here, the nations that will be left will assist the Jews to come home.
The gvt of Israel, especially in the last # of decades, has purposely made it difficult, especially with their outrageous bureaucracy, to help the Jews in free lands to come home.
It is the G-D fearing 'religious' Jews who speak of and want to come home and since they are not the Jews the radical leftist Erev Rav leadership want in EY and that's why they were only too happy to bring in non-Jews from the former Soviet Union, etc., knowing full well that having a Jewish grandparent does not make one Jewish. The state has become part of the 'global' agenda and are striving to make Israel like other nations, r'l. But, it is true that many well-to-do observant Jews are hesitant to make aliya and the assimilated and/or non informed ignorant Jews have no connection whatsoever, but the 10/7 massacre was an awakening to many but definitely not to the masses, but we learn from Chazal that the final ultimate Geulah will be for all Jews where many will make last minute teshuvah of realizing there is only Hashem because that is how far removed from Yahadut they were. The nations that are left at the time of Moshiach, will assist to bring home the Jews from the four-corners of the earth. Hashem is in control.
This last tragic wakeup call is showing us the truth of the hatred of the nations to Am Yisrael and is a 'big reminder' that a plan must be put in place for emergency aliya. But as long as the Erev Rav are in charge of most of the divisions of leadership in EY, it will take much effort on the part of the people like J.Pollard to take hold so change can be made for the medinah to become the real Eretz Yisrael.

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