03 May 2024

Visiting A Tzadik’s Grave


Rav Avigdor Miller on Visiting The Grave of A Tzadik

What is the function of going to a kever of a Tzadik? 

And the function is what we spoke about today. And that is, in order to advertise to the world that the greatest thing in the world is to be a tzadik. And in the zechus of you going there and demonstrating that you appreciate the greatness of a tzadik, Hashem will reward you and listen to your tefilla. But you’re not praying to the tzadik, chas v’shalom.

Hakodosh Boruch Hu says, “If you understand how much I love this man, and not only him, but I even love his body because his body was kadosh. And now you come there, where his body was placed, for that purpose of showing that you appreciate the greatness, the holiness, of his body, then I’m going to reward you by listening to your tefilla.”

That’s the purpose of kivrei tzaddikim.

TAPE # E-8 (May 1995)

This upcoming Sundaythe twenty-seventh of Nissan, will be the 23rd yahrzeit of Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l. Join us for the aliya l'kever and demonstrate your appreciation for the greatness of the tzadik!

Can't make it? DON'T WORRY! You can express how great the tzadik is in your eyes by simply helping to spread his Torah across Eretz Yisroel & the entire world.

DONATE NOW l'iluy nishmaso and send in names for tefilla at the Rav's kever on the yahrzeit 

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