09 May 2024

Rabbi Weissman: Hate Crimes According to the Torah


When are we allowed to hate someone?

When is it a mitzvah to hate someone?

What is the Torah's position on "hate crimes"?

How do we know if we're doing a mitzvah to virtue signal or if we are sincere?

We learned about this and more in this week's Torah class. The recording is available here.

*   *   *
Speaking of hate crimes, Rabbi Jonathan Gross wrote a terrific article about the sinister anti-semitism bill that passed the House of Representatives.  Not only won't this absurd legislation protect American Jews from hatred, it will only stoke more hatred against them, while facilitating more tyranny from the government in the name of protecting people.  This is all by design.  It is evil.

You can see from the comments to Rabbi Gross's article that many Americans, who don't need an excuse to scapegoat the Jews anyway, are eagerly taking the bait..  You can read the article here.

I also wrote about the sinister nature of hate crime laws last year in an article called Pangar's Trap.  Legislation from corrupt, evil people that you think protects you today will be used against you tomorrow.  The solution is not more legislation, but rooting out corruption and evil!

*   *   *
Some people wondered why I put so much effort into debunking Chabad Messianism when the Orthodox world doesn't take them seriously and these clowns have no real Torah to stand on.  

The answer is because, whether or not the Messianists comprise a majority of Chabad (who knows?), they are the dominant public voice of Chabad.  Their messaging is widespread, well-funded, and very aggressive.  Meanwhile, the Orthodox world is doing nothing to oppose them and set the record straight.  The Messianists are taking full advantage of that, slowly legitimizing themselves in other communities.  

One Chabad in Beit Shemesh has a large framed posted on their wall.  It's a "halachic ruling" signed by 100 "rabbis" that the dead Rebbe is Moshiach.  After every tefilla they chant three times "Long live our lord, our teacher, and our rabbi, the King Messiah forever and ever."  People from all over the community daven there, and no one cares.  It's just done.  It's accepted.  A Chabad in the heavily anglo Jerusalem community of Katamon does the same, and I'm sure these are not rare exceptions.

This is not okay.

As usual, the phony gedolim are like the IDF on October 7 -- nowhere to be found when needed most.

Besides, anytime a large group of people who present themselves as Orthodox Jews distort the Torah and engage in deceptive tactics, they should be exposed and rejected.

I attached the article as a pdf for easy sharing.  FYI, the author of the garbage I debunked, like so much of Chabad, was a big public proponent of the death shots (see attached).  When I asked him about this and Chabad's rejection of Rabbi Michoel Green, he refused to comment on it.

I don't want to hear any more excuses for these shenanigans from people who are courageous enough to play devil's advocate with me but lack the courage to do anything of consequence. 

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