10 March 2024

Rabbi Zamir Cohen

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In the wake of the public outcry over yeshiva students draft deferrals and the demand that charedi students also enlist in the IDF, Rabbi Zamir Cohen, a veteran in kiruv and the head of the Hidabrut organization, issued a short clip in which he reiterated the basic tenets of the charedi position regarding IDF enlistment.

Rabbi Cohen stressed first that it is untrue that charedim do no enlist as many of them do serve in the IDF and police as well as in ZAKA, United Hatzalah and other organizations. They do this “because of the values they received in the yeshiva.”

Rabbi Cohen phrased his answer “for those who believe in Hashem and those who don’t.” For those who believe, he stressed that those who study Torah have a crucial role in the protection of the people of Israel.” Studying Torah and strengthening the spiritual aspect of Israel has a critical influence on the success of the military.

Rabbi Cohen said that even gentiles are amazed at the success of the IDF in some of the most complex fighting ever attempted and this is due to those studying Torah for the safe return of the soldiers. Moreover, those who study Torah protect the continuity of the Jewish community, which is proven by all the Jewish communities which have unfortunately disappeared due to Torah not being studied in their centers of influence.

Moreover Rabbi Cohen defined the IDF as a “melting pot for secularity and leaving religion.” He brought a study that from the Religious Zionist community, between 210 and 510 of each 1000 leave the values they have been educated with and part of this is due to the atmosphere of their army service.

The IDF even has a special fund to support those who leave religious life, but none for those who return to religion from a secular background. The IDF even promotes officers based on whether they follow the line of secularizing the soldiers and talented religious officers did not receive the promotion they deserved due to their outlook.

Thus the charedi community is wary of allowing its children to join a system where such secular values are espoused and promoted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is why it is such a chilul H' having 'girls' be in the army. I think I read
where there are only about 3 nations that have conscription for women (didn't think there was even one, except of Israel). Being that it is Eretz Yisrael and we who are Hashem's yeladim and should be a role model for the world, instead conscription of wonen is idolized - what a chilul H'. Having women serve in the military is one of the reasons that in its 75 year history as a Jewish 'state' there hasn't been a day without war or the threats of war, killings, etc. H' forwarned us that the enemy within would be like thorns in our eyes and sides if we act like the nations and go against our Torah.
Praying that we are witnessing an awakening by our people where righteousness will start winning over all the evils which will lead us to our Geulah Shleimah - may it be with great kindess and mercy from Above, in a blink of an eye!


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