21 March 2024


In Mitzrayim, there were **plagues. The plague of frogs, the plague of Darkness etc., all to punish the mitzrim, and simultaneously, to elevate the Israelite slaves for their redemption.

We are currently in a slave-type condition, many against their better sense, some with knowledge, but most still being led in the dark.

Rabbi Winston *writes:

The selection and purification of Israel will not be complete until the ***Erev Rav is separated from Israel completely because they are very attached to the Jews who learn from their actions. (Even Shlaimah).  [...] there are five kinds of klipos - spiritual impurities mixed into the Erev Rav: and their siman is Nun-Gimmel Ayin Raish Ayin (Zohar Bereshis 1:25a) [...] Nefilim Giborim Anakim Refaim and Amalekim [...]. These are the first letters of the five names which happen to spell the words "nega ra" which means "bad plague." 

It is my opinion that, we are living through a "nega ra", The Plague of the Erev Rav!  [after reading more indepth of their source and power I had to close the sefer and try to sleep, but the descriptions and words remained in my mind for a while.)

And because of October 7, we are now very aware of this "nega ra", but many of us do not know the antidote (to bring V'na'ha'poch Hu) to this plague, and how to eliminate (only Hashem knows) this curse from among Am Yisrael. It is not specifically clear who exactly are the Erev Rav (even if one knows the 5 types), but those responsible for the lack of military response for hours and hours can be identified and held accountable, but there are clarifications needed before calling them erev rav and giving them the Purim antidote.


* Pinchas Winston. On The Same Page: Ancient Roots of Modern Nations & Conflicts (Chapter 7, The Erev Rav, pp 103-126 and Erev Rav, pp 127-146 []. This book can be ordered from Thirty-Six, scroll down this link-page to order a PDF and begin reading the amazing information inside. 

**One may believe that what we experienced in 2020 was a plague, but this is doubtful because it does not conform to the Torah definition (Rabbi Green) of a plague. The psychological manipulations and outright lies perpetrated to induce fear and control were more infectious than any virus.

*** They are the heads of the Jews in exile, and therefore they are called "rav" (Likutei HaGR"A)

Also:  In the Torah, "the people" is always a reference to the Erev Rav (Ohr HaChaim, Shemos)

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