26 March 2024

Haredi Birrur: New Haredi Draft Bill

 Segregated Units, Economic Sanctions in New IDF Haredi Draft Bill
And Gantz said:
Gantz Threatens to Bolt Government if Haredi Draft Law Pass

“The people will not tolerate it, the Knesset will not be able to vote in favor of it, and my associates and I cannot be part of this emergency government if this law passes,” said Gantz, a member of Israel’s War Cabinet. “Passing such a law would be crossing a red line during normal times.”

Bring it on Gantz

And the Haredim said:
What happens to the day the chlonim say – They are also not going – we are not sending our sons to the army, as others don’t go?
Can Israel survive on only the frum Zionist religious boys being the ones to go to the army. Yo cannot put someone else is child in jail for not serving, while leaving other free. It would never work and Israel will become a volunteer army.
In a certain way this is a greater danger to Israel then Gaza.

I can’t believe the same conversation about drafting the charedim is still going on with no changes. It’s been 75 years. Have they not yet learned???

You can’t jail 500,000 people and you can’t exile them. It’s ludicrous. You aren’t being practical. And your financial idea will not hurt them bad enough. It will just increase divisiveness . I know it’s frustrating but you can’t always get what’s right . That’s life. It’s too bad.

Hashem’s Salvation can come with the blink of an eye. The Charadim will not go into the army and Hashem will help… We are winning the war NO MATTER WHAT TYPE OF JEW IS SERVING!! All Hashem is waiting for is Shalom Between us and Moshiach is here.


Anonymous said...

Just read on another blog a nice post about 'machloket' which is the cause that brings on
all the suffering that 'Am Yisrael' goes through.
With the leftist Erev Rav, there can be nothing but machloket because their whole purpose is
to halt the coming of Moshiach and their fight against Torah Judaism. When their ugly rule
ends, everything will straighten itself out and we pray that the time has come when they lose
their power and the G-D fearing Yehudim take over.

Neshama said...

Maybe Hashem wants the Haredim to get tougher, stronger, and show their allegience to HKB"H !

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Moshiach will be revealed when the erev rav government collapses. So, let it collapse. Will the final days be chaotic and unsettling, perhaps even painful? Yes. Sadly, we haven't earned a sugar-coated geula. But, it has been sweetened considerably already. This war in the north was supposed to have started on Rosh Chodesh Adar bet, according to the mekulabim. And it ends on Erev Pesach, according to the same sources. So, we can see that Hashem has already shortened the time of our suffering. Therefore, we just have to gird ourselves with emunah, know that everything is happening according to the Divine plan, and as we see everything crumble around us, know that Moshiach is very near.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Gavriela. Of course, H' is in control of everything and is going according to His Plans.
He will end the evildoers with His Forces of Nature where they won't be able to wage their
evil wars against am Yisrael. Watch out for the earthquakes, volcanoes, fire & ice, etc., from the Heavens that will all do their jobs and the Bnai Yisrael and all good people of the earth will be spared.

Neshama said...


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