19 March 2024


RABBI DAVID YOSEF: Charedim Should Refrain from Public Purim Celebrations 

to Avoid Chillul Hashem

don’t think that is proper don’t think one can “cancel public simcha, let alone simcha shel mitzvah.  The churban itself doesn't cancel Purim.”

Sounds like a 2020 edict, “don’t go to Shul on Yom Kippur”

We obey only HaShem

We Go To Shul on Yom Kippur

We Celebrate Simchas Purim


na'aseh ve-nishma


Maoz said...

This brings to mind a post by R' Chananya Weissman in February 2022, "Erev Rav in Israel" in which he pointed out several "rabbis", including David Yosef, pushing Jews to blindly accept the clot-shot "vaccines" and all the Health Ministry shtuyot.

R' Weissman closes that post thusly: "This is not a time to be humble and defer to authority. This a war for our physical and spiritual survival. We must not be afraid. We must speak out, rid ourselves of these Erev Rav moles, and establish true Jewish leadership – with fear of Hashem, and Torah as our law."


Neshama said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

With the help of the Erev Rav, those powers that want to rid the world of Jews and our
Torah, are trying to stifle everything they can, but Purim rises above all their wicked plans and the good will win over the evil.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Many have criticized what he said, but I don't think it's justified. I think we have to strive for balance. Yes, be simcha, this is our life. Yet at the same time, we cannot forget that we have hostages who aren't even getting food on a daily basis, and G-d only knows their condition. We continue to lose soldiers and there are thousands now who are permanently disabled. Their families are suffering. I don't see this as bowing down to any government authority. In fact, Tel Aviv intends to have the biggest toiva celebration ever. It's more a matter of being sensitive, feeling the pain of our family members and avoiding excessive public displays, especially by a sector that is already accused of avoiding service and who cares nothing about Israel. Balance. It's so important. We can do all the mitzvot. You want to dance and celebrate outside--go to an army base, go to the border, dance, celebrate, get drunk, pass out mishloach...just remember that we are one family, be sensitive and maintain balance.

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