18 March 2024

Some Questions That Need Answers

About this "fake war", it seems as soon as the soldiers get rid of some of the terrorists, Surprise! more pop up trying to re-infiltrate the so-called cleaned out areas?? [will the soldiers themselves come to this realization?]

Are they being recruited from Yehuda and Shomron? 
Are they maybe coming in from Egypt? 
Or elsewhere, to replenish those "killed or rounded up". 
And BTW where are all those "captured" terrorists being held?
Will there ever be an end to the influx of terrorists? After all, there are millions of Arabs in the world.

Who can we ask these questions of???
Who has any answers?
And will they give them to us?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who remembers the warning of a great late Rabbi about what will happen. He was no prophet but a scholarly & devoted Jew who just looked in the Torah where Hashem warns
us of what will happen because we did not heed His Commands. It's now coming out full force. The country needs a devoted Jewish army with 'G-D fearing leadership', nothing less. Otherwise, it's too depressing to even think of the consequences, until we have the coming of Moshiach to take over completely. May H' have mercy on His children and speed up the Geulah b'rachamim.
Maybe hail/fire from the Heavens, etc., etc. al kol soneinu!

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