26 January 2023


Remember this Post on FOOD SABOTAGE?? 

That was about TNUVA,

Now STRAUSS FOODS in the Limelight (fr R’ Weissman)

Finally, someone contacted Shtrauss Foods, which produces Yotvata milk products and many other products in Israel, and asked them if the cows whose milk are used in these products were given covid crapcines.  The company replied that it's important for them to know why they were being asked this question so they could give "an exact, relevant answer", as if the simple "yes" or "no" varies depending on the reason behind the question.  When pressed further they dodged the question and referred the person to veterinarians.   Totally normal, nothing suspicious, nothing to be concerned about.  

[me: DON’T THINK ITS ONLY YOTVATA! MIGHT BE THE COMPLETE DAIRY LINE? Are they also bought by China? See Google’s lineup: Yotvata by Strauss and then there is the “all brands]

(R’Weissman:)   Screenshots attached. Share widely and make this the big public story it deserves to be.


Anonymous said...

How can we trust any foods now? Insanity run amok!
No matter how low our people and of course, the rest of humanity has fallen, I pray that H' will show rachamim and end this madness ASAP, just because of His Great Mercy alone! The world has reached an 'evil' that's even uglier and worse than was before the great Flood - We must all daven harder and do as much teshuvah as we can so that H' will surely hasten our Geulah Shleimah! The world cannot endure much longer this way.


Neshama said...

Yosef, Im slowly getting the impression that this is what the End Days are all about, and will continue up to and including the moment before Mashiach, or UNTIL THE FINAL END DAY before the year 2040!!

DG said...

Rabbi Weissman, I applaud and admire your courage in speaking out on these important issues in the face of severe opposition. However, I think that you would see more success if you were more careful with your wording. Specifically, there is a "nickname" that you have for the shots that is not as holy as it could be. This could incur judgment from Hashem and hurt your cause. While I understand your anger and scorn for the shots, it is, so to speak, shooting yourself in the foot to respond with a possible violation of nikayon hapeh. I say this as a big supporter, but everyone has room to improve. Behatzlacha.

Anonymous said...

Neshama, chas v'chalila, it should be up until 2040 - humanity would not be able to endure!
Things are moving faster than ever and we pray that this year will be an auspicious one with surpises, hopefully, good ones, and Moshiach will be here in just a few years, at most. We pray it will be so. Amen!


Neshama said...

Reply to DG
I agree that I have room to improve, plenty of it. However, crapcine is not a dirty word. Crap means something that is utterly worthless, though it may also refer to solid waste. I think referring to the shots as solid waste is overstating their value, since solid waste can be used for fertilizer and has actual value.

I appreciate the concern, but I think suggesting I will "incur judgment from Hashem" for calling the shots crapcines -- even if it's not the nicest word -- is taking it a bit too far. He is welcome to refer to shots in some other way if he wishes. I don't think it serves to cause to quibble about minutiae, and definitely not to take such things way out of proportion.


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