16 January 2023

JOWMA Exposed Part 1

 [blogger comment: these people are rodfim, out to kill Jews; don’t underestimate]

This article was first published on Dangerous Docs at

JOWMA Exposed

Instead of rehashing everything from the beginning, I am going to assume my readers are well aware by now that the dubiously named Jewish Orthodox Women's Medical Association (JOWMA) is a Trojan horse with three primary reasons for existing:

1. Infiltrate Torah-observant communities with messages that are antithetical to the Torah.

2. Infiltrate Torah-observant communities with vaccine propaganda.

3. Gather data about Torah-observant communities so that their sponsors, who are as far removed from the Torah as can be, can achieve the first two goals more effectively.

I strongly urge those who are at all in doubt about the above to read my previous reports about this shady front organization, as follows:

Front groups: Unmasking JOWMA – the ‘Jewish Orthodox Women’s Medical Association’

Exclusive leaked video: JOWMA Doctor pushing COVID shots on religious Jewish children doesn't believe her own sales pitch

The Moles and Mosrim series, especially Part Two, Part Four, Part Five, and Part Seven.

A few key bullet points about JOWMA, all of which are documented and cannot be disputed, bear repeating before we continue:

  • JOWMA has stated that "Non-vaccination is antithetical to the core beliefs of Orthodox Judaism."
  • JOWMA has stated that "There are no religious exemptions from vaccination within Orthodox Judaism."
  • JOWMA made these radical statements without any rabbinical support.
  • JOWMA has more homosexuals on its board than rabbis (zero of the latter, to be exact).
  • Despite all the above and so much more, JOWMA's advertisements continue to be published in "Orthodox" Jewish media and disseminated within Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, with no objection from those whose job it is protect the community from harmful outside influences. In some communities a pizza store that offers seating past a certain hour will be shut down by the "modesty police", yet somehow JOWMA gets a free pass.

I recently obtained more explosive information about JOWMA that further exposes them for what they are: moles and mosrim, reshaim, enemies of the Jewish people.  Exhibit A is their financial statement for 2021. Two items stand out in particular:

1) Back in 2019, when JOWMA first burst upon the Orthodox community with a ridiculous cover story and relentless vaccine propaganda, their revenue from membership dues was $7996. Their revenue from membership dues in 2021 was a paltry $19,228. It's remarkable that an organization that purports to be community-based receives an insignificant amount of support from inside the community, and in fact makes no discernible effort to fundraise within the community.

Despite massive growth in JOWMA's budget and their activities, their membership remains virtually nil, and this does not concern them. This obviously means that the overwhelming majority of their support and funding comes from outside the Orthodox Jewish community – which brings us to the second item.

2) In 2019 the neophyte organization supposedly created by a medical student in her spare time to increase opportunities for Orthodox Jewish female doctors still managed to receive $72,827 in grants, not to mention a disproportionate amount of media attention and collaboration with high-ranking public officials. In 2021 – despite attracting very few members from within the Orthodox Jewish community – JOWMA's revenue from grants increased to a whopping $562,041.

There is no explanation for this that makes any kind of sense except that JOWMA exists specifically for outside influences to infiltrate the Orthodox Jewish community under the guise of chipper young Orthodox-looking female doctors providing medical education for the community.

Exhibit B is the 81-page contract between JOWMA and the Fund for Public Health in New York, Inc. (FPHNY), which dispersed funds to government collaborators on behalf of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the infamous Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

In simple terms, the DOHMH, FEMA, and the CDC were the parents, the FPHNY was the financial umbilical cord, and JOWMA was one of their many babies.

Do you think these groups were sending JOWMA huge grants to provide objective information to Orthodox Jews about vaccines? For doctors to do their own research, arrive at independent, objective conclusions, and share their professional opinions with callers to JOWMA's hotline? For the community to be told anything other than “the vaccine is safe and effective”, reassured that anyone who claimed otherwise was spreading “misinformation”, and encouraged to hurry and get those shots as soon as possible?

We don't need to speculate. The contract states as follows at the very beginning:

“B: Pursuant to an Agreement dated as of July 1, 2021 between the City acting by and through DOHMH and FPHNY (the “DOHMH Federal Funds Emergency Contract”), FPHNY has agreed to provide to DOHMH services, on a requirements basis, in connection with disbursing emergency Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) and Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) funds to support the Jewish Orthodox Women’s Medical Association in staffing a hotline to respond to COVID-19 vaccine questions in a culturally sensitive and confidential way to increase vaccine confidence in the Orthodox community (“the Project”).

“C: In furtherance of the purpose of the DOHMH Federal Funds Emergency Contract and the Project, FPHNY requires certain assistance and services of the kind Contractor has offered and is able to furnish, in consideration of the compensation set out in this Agreement.”

In other words, the government needed help accomplishing its project – getting recalcitrant Orthodox Jews, who are rightfully suspicious of secular governments and their heretical, eugenicist ilk, to take the covid shots. They hired the pretend-Orthodox women of JOWMA as a cover to manipulate Jews on their behalf and under their direct supervision.

Here is another very significant clause from the contract:

“F. No Publicity: Contractor shall not give any interviews, issue any press releases or otherwise disclose any information whatsoever about this project and this agreement without at least 48 hours prior written notice to FPHNY. Contractor will cause its officers, employees, consultants, agents and representatives to observe the requirements of the foregoing provision.”

In other words, the fact that JOWMA was officially working for the government was to be kept confidential, and the government would tightly regulate all interactions between JOWMA and the media. It's no coincidence that representatives of JOWMA received regular softball interviews on the Nachum Segal show, but, like so many in the establishment, weren't available for comment to those less enamored with their cover story.

Not only wasn't it convenient for them, they were contractually forbidden from commenting in any forum without permission from the government. If I wanted to interview someone from JOWMA, even if they were personally willing to face tough questions, it would be breach of contract without approval from their handlers in the regime.

It is impossible for anyone to argue that JOWMA has been providing objective medical information. They are undercover mouthpieces for the government and the CDC.

But JOWMA's subservience to the establishment goes even deeper. The contract further states:

“Approvals: Contractor shall submit to DOHMH the final draft copy of each piece of written material, educational material, manual, survey, test, brochure, flyer, pamphlet, questionnaire, or video developed by it under this Agreement, as applicable, for review and approval prior to printing. DOHMH will respond in writing to Contractor within twenty (20) business days indicating approval or need for modification of the submitted material. Should this response indicate need for modification, specific written guidance will be given to Contractor. Contractor shall make the modifications as indicated by DOHMH, and resubmit the material for DOHMH’s final approval. The format and content of educational programs (if any) will also be subject to the approval provision of this paragraph A.”

In plain English, literally all the material JOWMA produced required approval by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. They are as independent and objective as a parrot.

And if that's not enough: (see Part 2)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are no doubt erev rav amaleikim and were set up by the ptb's to endanger Jewish children, especially religious ones. These people have no compassion to begin with and their hatred of the Jewish children is self-evident. Hopefully, every Jew is now already realizing the phoniness of these amaleikim. As Chazal teach us, doctors have a portion in gehinnom; now we can understand why.

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