29 January 2023

Shalom Pollack – Can You Hear The THUD?

Can you hear the thud?

In the wake of yet another in a string of massacres of Jews in Jerusalem synagogues, ( my cousin Aryeh Kupinsky was murdered in a previous one) I made a comment to an acquaintance. I said that I would support the expulsion of the many Arabs that provide support for these killers. I suggested that all those who gather in celebration of murdered Jews and honor the killers by offering sweets and shooting fireworks should be expelled from our country immediately.
His concern? Without the Arabs," who will build our houses, collect our garbage, clean our streets, drive our buses, etc..?"
We need them. There is nothing you can do."

His concern and attitude do not come from a Leftist political perspective.
I think that he has just been inured to the idea of Jewish pride, just like many others. This I have noticed since moving to Israel in 1977. This man made "Aliyah" from the US many years ago, before I did. I assume that his decision to leave the comforts of the US for a struggling Israel was based on things like Jewish identity. destiny and pride.
He seems to have lost some of his original idealism, affected by a rather common defeatist attitude that has been engineered by the Left elites since they lost their first election in 1977. He is not the only one affected. He, like many, is confused and would rather not "talk politics"
. I assume that this man, though lacking the initial ardor that brought him to Israel did not vote for the Left. He has not yet been totally tranquilized by the Left machine. He still feels more pain when a Jew is killed by an Arab than when an Arab is killed by a Jew, He is, after all, a Jew and that is important to him.

With the news of the latest massacre, Leftist politicians, "social activists" and the media establishment expressed the usual sorrow for the deceased and wished a speedy recovery to the injured, bla, bla, bla.. They sternly warned the government not to react with haste. They urged moderation and responsibility, respecting the civil and legal rights of the Arab community at large.
At the weekly Leftist demonstration in Tel Aviv against the government, PLO flags were held high.
A reporter asked the Leftist flag bearer if on this day when we are burying Jews killed by those whose flag is raised tonight in Tel Aviv i? appropriate.
Absolutely, was the answer.
Further, the reporter was challenged by the Jew holding the enemy flag: "Do you care at all about the Palestinians who were killed in Jenin (in a dangerous counter-terror operation two days earlier) or only for Jews?

I live in Israel long enough and follow events closely enough to report that the Left reacts quite differently when Arabs kill Jews than when Jews kill Arabs (in a very unusual instance).
As Jews are attacked nonstop the Left is "sorry" and quickly urges Jewish restraint and insists on a "political solution" that will encourage the Arabs to stop killing Jews. One certainly does not sense the visceral pain and outrage when Jews are murdered by Arabs(or should we refer to them as the "minorities"). No anger at the killers. No urge to strike out at our enemies. In fact, there is no mention or sense of an enemy at all.
Faceless terror is the enemy.
It is as if the British identified the planes that bombed London not Germany as the enemy.

However, observe what happens when an Arab is killed by a Jew.
Whole Jewish towns need to be wiped off the face of the earth! The highest officials and social commentators eulogize the Arab and visit the grieving family expressing remorse on the part of the entire Jewish people. In one such case, former president Rivlin announced from the deepest recesses of remorse that "our people have become a nation of murders"

It is clear to me that those on the Left would enjoy sharing a cup of coffee with terror chief Abu Mazen, who denies the Holocaust and pays to kill Jews, than with a Religious Right winger like me.
Alas, those who will not fight wickedness end up hating those who do.
In their eyes Abu Mazenis part of the "solution". I am part of the problem. Abu Mazen just hates and kills Jews. He can be appeased with more of the land of Israel. He is their ticket to acceptance in the world community.
Anything that sounds too favorable to keeping Jews alive and strong is after all offensive to the world.
Rule number one: Never offend "the world".

Jews like me however challenge their legitimacy to rule and ultimately their very identity. I get in the way of "progress" and of a country that should be like all nations. That is the goal.
I would say at one time that the difference between Jews like me and the Left is that theirs is an existential Zionism whereas mine is a Zionism of destiny.
I would have said that a generation ago. Today however it seems that they live in a post-Zionist world. They are trying to escape even the trappings of what their parents once believed in.

Their parents came to plant a new strong Jewish tree. They believed it could grow and flourish even while denying its roots.

Can you hear the loud thud?

tour guide and author
"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"


Anonymous said...

After just reading the first paragraph, I had to immediately respond and will continue reading the fine post right after writing this comment. I have to say that your acquaintance is either just plain stupid, uncaring, selfish and seems to go a degree higher than what the Almighty commands by putting the 'Land', that we truly love, above 'Life' itself. For an adult to be so self-centered and uncaring is really very depressing. I'm only afraid that he typifies so many in this era of insanity.


Anonymous said...

Guess these leftists have more mercy than G-D. Well, they should look back in history when a tzadik like King Shaul only seemed to have mercy on our mortal enemy, Amaleik, and thought he could let him live - and look what happened to the king and his legacy. What do you think is awaiting these leftist haters (usually stemming from erev rav amaleikim)?

Gavriela Dvorah said...

One of the more shocking and sad things about Auschwitz was the behavior of the Jewish kapos.
There were non-Jewish and Jewish kapos. Survivors recount how they thought their Jewish kapos would treat them better. But, in fact, they were just as horrible. The survivors recount how the Jewish kapos would beat them, kick them, curse them, steal their food and in other ways heap upon them the same humiliation that they received at the hands of the goyim kapos.
This is what we see happening in the bastion of the left-Tel Aviv. They live in a bubble and have absorbed the hatred of the goyim toward the Jews. They see themselves so separate and apart that that same hatred and anti-semitism of the goyim, of the world, has seeped into their very belief system. They don't see themselves as Jews. They are Israelis, a people apart, a people who behave like the goyim, a people like everyone else.
This is why they can go out on the night that we are buying our dead and protest and carry the flags of the enemy and feel good about it.
Hashem will pop their bubble. It will happen soon.
BTW, those Jewish kapos didn't come to a very good end.

Neshama said...

These are the neshomas from the fall of Adam. I think they need to be brought close, as it was the endeavor of Moshe Rabbeinu. Until this happens they will be a prickly thorn in our redemption. They are in denial right now, incl dangerous anger. The next stage should be defeat. From a defeated low, some may eventually come around, leaving only the most desperate. They are part of the Geula process. It will take a little time and much effort to reach those reachable!

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