23 June 2021

Meir Ettinger 6.23.21 – The Northern Faction

The northern faction continues to act with the eyes of the authorities closed

This week, Kamal Khatib was released from custody in a delusional verdict by Judge Arafat, who stated, among other things, that "there is no apparent evidence of sympathy with a terrorist organization," while Kamal Khatib's activities, like those of other activists, are visible and clear.

Against the background of the attempt of the incoming BTP minister, Omar Bar-Lev and Ram Ben-Barak, chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, to declare the Lehavah an illegal association, we will mention something important: About 6 years ago, the State of Israel declared the northern faction Those who have been at the forefront of disturbances in the last cities involved as an illegal association. The activity of the northern faction has never stopped and the State of Israel has never really made efforts to stop it. The imams on behalf of the movement operate in mosques, The visible and free connection of all this activity to the outlawed movement.

This week, Kamal Khatib was released from custody in a delusional verdict by Justice Arafat, who stated, among other things, that "there is no apparent evidence of sympathy with a terrorist organization," while Kamal Khatib's activities, like those of other activists, are visible and clear, including in his own Facebook posts. In them he openly calls himself the "deputy head of the Islamic movement."

This fact proves that the State of Israel, the Israel Police and the GSS have never really tried to stop the incitement machine of the northern faction, even in the lightest and simplest actions that are on the table. This fact has created the infrastructure by which riots broke out in all the northern factions. : Lod, Acre, Jaffa, the Negev and Umm al-Fahm.

As always, the State of Israel does not want and is unable to protect the Jews, it leaves them at the mercy of the terrorists of the Islamic movement, and even the little it has enacted too little and too late it does not try to enforce at all. Instead, as usual, Bennett's "right-wing government" will make every effort to stop the Jews who are warning of the disaster and who are preventing the terrorist monster that the Israeli government is cultivating from growing uninterrupted.

The declaration of the northern faction as an "illegal association" female in the name of the organization ا ………. The Islamic Movement, explicitly, alongside the list of senior officials and a division among them. In a simple search on Kamal Khatib's Facebook page, you can find dozens of clear results in which he signs on behalf of the movement, or speaks on its behalf.

If the State of Israel and / or the GSS wanted to stop the activities of the northern faction by law, it could have done so at any moment, but Judge Arafat ruled that there was no evidence to identify with a terrorist organization.

Here's the place to ask why they do not? Why are the activities of the arch-instigators allowed: Kamal Khatib in Kfar Kanna, Suleiman Agbaria in Umm al-Fahm, Osama Oqbi in the Negev, Ahmad Abu Uja in Jaffa, Yusuf Elbaz in Lod or someone who until a few weeks ago received a salary from the state as head of the Kfar Kanna council The reason is very simple, the GSS understands that the treatment of the Islamic Movement monster that he grew up without interruption because "Israeli Arabs are not an intelligence target" is too great for his abilities and has no power to stop its activities.

They therefore prefer to pursue a policy in which the Islamic movement will always have continuity and thus it will prefer to continue to conduct its activities rather than break the tools and open an intifada following the arrest of a lone leader. Therefore, they will arrest Raed Saleh only when they make sure that Khatib fills his place in the leadership of the movement and so on.

And what are the Israel Police and the GSS doing in the face of their utter helplessness in the face of the northern faction of the Islamic Movement? Facing the Arab enemy from home.

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