30 June 2021

Inside 8777 Collins Avenue, the Champlain Towers South

This video gives one a more crucial idea of what these apartment looked like before the tragedy; and imagine all the appliances, furniture, equipment and personal belongings that came tumbling down, layer upon layer to the ground below.  You can understand the immensity of the debris. The video was probably made for prospective tenants. The eerie part is that the ending is focused on the side of the Condo that fell (as it was demolitioned), think WTC 7, which also started to disintegrate from the top down].

What I didn’t know, however, is that 6 floors were below ground and 13 above. Therefore, those below ground may be in better shape for rescue than the rest. If only they could reach them.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

I think he said 6 floors collapsed under ground and 7 collapsed on top of the ground. The garage sank and took 6 floors with it. But the distribution is interesting...6 below and 7 above. It also means that a very big hole had opened up beneath the parking garage which was the first to collapse.

Neshama said...

Thank you Gabriella, didn’t pick up on that. By the size of the debris, it doesn’t look like it went anywhere else. But some of this doesn’t make sense. I’m not convinced about what happened first. I still think maybe just because of the nature of the sand/soil of this near island maybe.... I saw picks of the garage under, where rescue workers were. We’re they trying to dig into debris?? Very confusing.
Someone heard 3 THREE BOOMS. One under and two above???
Notice that FEMA and 911 teams are there also.

Neshama said...

Also SPEAKING OF WATER DAMAGE, the nations of the world are all being attacked by water.
THINK NOAH and the deep opening .....

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I agree, there are many unusual things. Some people heard booms, but most seemed to have heard what sounded like someone doing shiputz (like the Chabad woman). One woman says that as she was escaping from the building, it was cracking around her. I can't even imagine! But, when I saw what the Commander said about the 6 floors that apparently fell into the ground, along with the garage, then it seems that the entire foundation sunk? or the earth sunk below the foundation? or there was no foundation? I don't know. Right now, I just cry about those still trapped inside and daven for Hashem to reveal Himself with amazing neisim right now. B'ezrat HaShem!

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