13 January 2021

Surge in Coronavirus Infection


'Populists to blame for surge in coronavirus infections'

9,589 new infections diagnosed in a single day, with 7.6% of tests coming back positive. So says screaming Edelstein.

One must ask themselves, “Is this from HaShem?”

 “What does HE want from me?”

Initiative aims to vaccinate every Holocaust survivor worldwide

 [now to finish them off].

"On the other hand, many reports that describe post-vaccination autoimmunity strongly suggest that vaccines can indeed trigger autoimmunity. Defined autoimmune diseases that may occur following vaccinations include arthritis, lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE) diabetes mellitus, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, dermatomyosiositis, Guillain-Barre syndrome and demyelinating disorders. Almost all types of vaccines have been reported to be associated with the onset of ASIA.”

[…] ASIA – or Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (also known as Shoenfeld's syndrome) -- first appeared in the Journal of Autoimmunology four years ago. It is an umbrella term for a collection of similar symptoms, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, that result after exposure to an adjuvant – an environmental agent including common vaccine ingredients that stimulate the immune system. Since then an enormous body of research, using ASIA as a paradigm, has begun to unravel the mystery of how environmental toxins, particularly the metal aluminum used in vaccines, can trigger an immune system chain reaction in susceptible individuals and may lead to overt autoimmune disease.

Full article at:  

<a href=>greenmedinfo<a>

'17% of serious COVID-19 patients received one *vaccine dose' – so let’s give them more!

Miami Obstetrician Develops Bleeding Disorder, Dies After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine. Gregory Michael, MD, an obstetrician in private practice at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach received a first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 18 and died 16 days later of a cerebral hemorrhage (stroke). Within three days of taking the shot, he developed symptoms of a severe autoimmune bleeding disorder, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), often referred to as immune thrombocytopenia.

The answer to this by the “CDC: “The known and potential benefits“ of COVID-19 vaccines

 “outweigh the known and potential risks”

Four Persons Die Days After COVID-19 Vaccinations in Portugal, Switzerland and Norway.  In a news briefing on Dec. 30, 2020, Ohio’s Governor Mike DeWine said that 60 percent of the nursing home staff in his state are refusing to get COVID-19 vaccines. According to surveys, health care workers in the United States have expressed fears of potentially dangerous side effects from the experimental vaccines and concerns about be used as “guinea pigs.”

No Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Will Block Spread of Coronavirus.  On Nov. 9, 2020, Pfizer, Inc. announced that the experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) BNT162b2 vaccine for COVID-19 it developed in partnership with Germany’s BioNTech SE had an efficacy rate of 90 percent, based on the results of human clinical trials on the vaccine. This news was followed up a week later with an announcement by Moderna, Inc. on Nov. 16 that its experimental mRNA mRNA-1273 for COVID-19 showed an efficacy of 94.5 percent

On Efficacy:  Dr. Fauci responded:

That’s the primary endpoint of most of the [vaccines] is to prevent clinical disease, to prevent symptomatic disease. Not necessarily to prevent infection… that’s a secondary endpoint. But the primary thing you want to do is that if people get infected—prevent them from getting sick. And if you prevent them from getting sick, you will ultimately prevent them from getting seriously ill. So that’s what we want to do. The first, which we call the primary endpoint, is that.

Study that found vaccines that don’t prevent viral transmission may accelerate evolution of more virulent strains could mean leading vaccine candidates may make COVID crisis worse.



Natural Selection and Vaccines:

Natural selection is the phenomenon where only the fittest individuals in an environment will survive. “Individuals” in this context can refer to any type of organism — from humans to bacteria and viruses — but the context here is the survival of viruses.

When a virus infects a population of humans, only those viruses that have a living human host will survive. If a virus is so pathogenic that it kills the human it infected, it dies too.

Therefore, mortality of the host kills the most severe forms of any virus over time. Infection rates may go up, but mortality goes down.

In a 2015 study published in PLOS Biology, researchers hypothesized that vaccination can subvert this process by allowing more virulent (i.e., more pathogenic and potentially deadly) strains of viruses to live in vaccinated hosts for prolonged time periods without killing the hosts.

These vaccinated hosts, while infected, shed and spread virus, causing further transmission of the disease.

The researchers demonstrated this hypothesis with experiments on chickens vaccinated for a disease called Marek’s Disease, a viral pathogen known to decimate poultry facilities.

Vaccinated chickens infected with more virulent strains of Marek’s Disease virus became infected and carried the infection over longer time periods. They also became “super spreaders” of the virus and transmitted the virus to unvaccinated chickens co-housed with those that received the vaccine.

Because of the higher virulence of the Marek’s Disease that was spread by the vaccinated chickens, the unvaccinated chickens usually died soon after infection.

However, the partial immunity afforded to the vaccinated chickens prolonged their survival and extended the period in which they were infectious and could continue to spread the disease.

Without vaccination, these more virulent strains of Marek’s Disease would die off with their host and would no longer circulate the virus in the population. Instead, vaccinated chickens became the perfect host to harbor the virus, allowing it to multiply and spread. Full article at

Yes, You Can Still Get Infected With COVID-19 After Being Vaccinated + More

“…the CDC recommends that people not assume they are completely immune to infection after having been vaccinated.

COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout at Nursing Homes Encounters Fewer Residents, Reluctant Staff. Wall Street Journal reported:

Hesitancy on the part of long-term-care-facility staffers to receive COVID-19 vaccinations is slowing the rollout of the shots to the nation’s nursing homes and assisted-living centers, CVS Health Corp. said Wednesday.

Another factor driving lower-than-anticipated rollout numbers: Initial estimates by the facilities overstated the number of people living in them by about 20% to 30%, CVS said. During the pandemic, families have been reluctant to send relatives to nursing homes, which have been linked to more than 115,000 deaths.

“Based on feedback from our field teams, we’ve encountered more vaccine hesitancy among staff when compared with residents,” a CVS spokesman said. Facilities are also staggering dosing to staff because of potential side effects, which has extended the process

Full article at


Big Tech and Big Pharma Merge: Oracle Takes Over Vaccine Data World

The pandemic handed Oracle CEO Larry Ellison what he’s wanted for decades — the power to curate the vast datasets housing our medical, financial and personal information.


Think Global Vaccine Passports Are Scary? Wait Until You See What’s Next.

CommonPass, developed initially to track COVID testing and vaccinations, is setting the stage for biometric surveillance which will eventually be tied in with all your other medical records, digital ID, digital banking and a social credit system.

Anti-Therapeutic Action

Vaccination: All

Vaccination: Mumps-Measles-Rubella (MMR)

Vaccination: Varicella (Chicken pox)

Vaccination: Rotavirus

Vaccination: Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus

Vaccination: Influenza

Vaccination: Hepatitis B

Vaccination: Haemophilus Influenzae

Vaccination: Tetanus

Vaccination: HPV (Gardasil)

Vaccination: Rabies

Vaccination: Lyme disease

Vaccination: Polio

Vaccination: BCG (Tuberculosis)

Vaccination: Pneumococcal

Vaccination: Smallpox

Vaccination: Anthrax

Vaccination: Pertussis

Vaccination: Animal Model

Vaccination: Adult Rubella

Vaccination: Anti-Fertility

Vaccination: Plasmid DNA Vaccines

Vaccination: Combinations

Vaccination: Hexavalent

Vaccination: Nasal

Vaccination: Measles

Vaccinaton: Diptheria

Vaccination: Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Vaccination: Conjugate Vaccines

Vaccine: Plasmid (DNA)

Vaccination: Cholera

Vaccination: GMO Vaccines

Vaccination: Yellow Fever

Vaccination: Oral Polio Vaccine

Vaccination: Oral Polio Vaccine, Bivalent

Vaccination: Varicella Zoster (Shingles)

Vaccination: Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccine

Vaccination: DPT  –  DTP vaccine from Bill Gates killed 10x more African girls than disease itself. A peer-reviewed study published in the highly-respected Elsevier journal EBioMedicine has revealed that the DTP vaccine unleashed by Bill Gates on young girls in Africa killed 10 times more of them than the disease itself would have. [The DPT vaccine or DTP vaccine is a class of combination vaccines against three infectious diseases in humans: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus.] Could be they revised the vaccine due to the deaths, but DPT is still given today.

1 comment:

Neshama said...

Listen up, doc, i’m not interested in your comments, so back off.

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