04 January 2021

Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon, the RAMBAM

My friends in Chabad, Brooklyn, always remember the Yarzeit of the Rambam:

He is interred in Tverya (Tiberias), Israel.

Today, Teves 20, is the yartzeit of the Rambam, Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon, whose Torah scholarship was legendary, his leadership exemplary and his life extraordinary. Most notably, his magnum-opus, the Mishneh Torah - which was and remains a game-changer in the organization and codification of Jewish Law - has become part of daily Torah study, based on the cycle instituted by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5744 (1984)

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The Rambam's Tomb in Tiberias was inaugurated 'with Great Splendor(by Alon Einhorn 12/31/18)

The new and mesmerizing complex for the tomb of Maimonides in Tiberius has been officially introduced to the public, in memory of Moses Ben Maimon's, commonly referred to as 'Rambam', day of death, which occurred on Friday [in 2018].

It took four years of planning and having extensive works, but the new complex for the tomb of Maimonides, a site that attracts thousands of visitors a year, has been officially introduced.

Many senior Rabbis took part in the impressive ceremony, including the Rishon LeZion, Rabbi Yithak Yosef, and Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Lau, as well as the benefactors from Mexico Alberto and Sharon Kochav.

Approximately 700,000 visitors flock to the tomb of Maimonides every year, and this year the visitors would be able to witness the new addition to the place. The complex includes the tomb of Maimonides, his father and his grandson.

The project has cost close to 14 million shekels and includes new roads and accessibility for the handicapped and shading.

1 comment:

moshe said...

Interesting to note, that the Rambam wanted to be buried in Eretz Yisrael and gave instructions that he be carried by his camel and wherever the camel will stop in EY, that's where he is to be buried.

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