08 January 2021

Basic Law of Human Dignity and Liberty

Netanyahu threatens everyone must be vaccinated before Pesach!
'Green passport, vaccine certificate violate Basic Laws of State of Israel'

Informed Choice Association Chairwoman: 'Country built on ruins of Holocaust is supposed to grant equal rights to all its citizens.'

"The green passport and vaccine certificate are in violation of the Basic Laws of the State of Israel,. This, […] according to Vaccines - An Informed Choice Association Chairwoman Oshra Belapolsky.

"The procedures made in the Knesset of Israel are illegal moves that call for selection and denial of human rights, and are contrary to the basic laws of the State of Israel."

She went on to say, "The very idea of a green passport and vaccine certificate leads to a blatant violation of basic human rights such as freedom of movement, freedom of occupation, the right to privacy, and other rights

"This is a gross violation of the Patient Rights Act. Every person in the State of Israel has, according to the law, medical confidentiality and the right to informed consent to any medical procedure.

"The idea of issuing a permit for movement or to participate in daily life activities for those vaccinated is a coercive manipulation of a person who wants to live his life, to perform an invasive medical procedure - not-risk-free - just so that he can regain his most basic human rights.

"There is no place for such mechanisms in a democratic state that has enshrined in its banner basic laws such as the Basic Law of Human Dignity and Liberty, according to which 'no one shall be harmed in life, body, or dignity of any person,' 'Every person is entitled to privacy and the privacy of his life,' and all the more so in a country that was built on the ruins of the Holocaust and is supposed to grant equal rights to all its citizens."

The Informed Choice Association Chairwoman concluded: "We call on the 120 Knesset Members to come to their senses and do everything in their power to repeal these decrees.”

Let’s see how long we have “human rights” after the DS forces Bibi to push?

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