25 January 2021

Distressing News . . .


It is most distressing to realize that the State of Israel is contributing to the Anti-Semitism plaguing the Jewish People and Jewish communities in the world – by their treatment of Haredim in Israel.

Police Officer Fires Weapon In The Air Amid Violent Clashes With Peleg Protesters

Clashes between Chareidim and Israel Police occurred in Mea Shearim, Ashdod, and Bnei Brak on Sunday, as police arrived at yeshivos and schools that had opened in violation of lockdown regulations. In the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem, police clashed with residents as they attempted to close a yeshiva. Police fired tear gas and “boash” (putrid-smelling water) to disperse the protesters.

Policeman grabs boy and throws him
Another policeman grabs boy
Arresting Frum Yid
Policeman aims his gun, but then shoots into air


Dvorah Davida said...

No no no! Oy Gevault.

ל.ל. said...

Who is building incarceration facilities in the Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv???

Neshama said...

Leah, it’s the Israel Erev Rav DS govt., like in America, where they want to send those who do not “behave”.
The sound of which was voiced by Ohlmert against the religious Jew–loving “Adelman” while still warm in the earth!!

moshe said...

What do our Sages teach us - 'that the Erev Rav will be our worst enemy' because they enable and join from within the powers of both Esav & Yishmael to rise up against us. The Erev Rav had only one objective when they came along for the ride at yetziat Mitzrayim and that is to undo Torah, Judaism and hold off the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu! Hashem will totally undo them!

moshe said...

There seems to be more erev rav amaleikim in Israel than we even thought; thought it was the ruling class, supreme court, the higher echelons of the IDF, etc., but it seems they have all these gestapo-like policemen and others who are doing the dirty work and the infiltrators committing violence. Who would have ever thought that there would be a time like this in 'our' Eretz Yisrael! H', al t'acher, t'rachem aleinu!