10 January 2021

Medical Errors and Deaths

Medical Errors And The Cult Of Expertise In The Age Of COVID 


Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Ever since the covid panic began in February of this year, medical personnel such as doctors and nurses have been treated to a level of hero worship generally reserved for the government's soldiers and cops. We were told they were heroically slaving away to treat covid victims. And although many of these nurses were apparently spending their time choreographing TikTok videos and dancing in hospital hallways, we were assured by government officials and their obedient allies in the media that medical staffers are the new model for self-sacrifice and civic virtue.  Yet in the two decades leading up to 2020, researchers were repeatedly alarmed by the extent to which medical errors were a persistent problem in American clinics and hospitals. Beginning at least as early as 1999, an increasing number of studies suggested that perhaps nearly a hundred thousand patients per year were dying due to medical errors[…]  

How Many Deaths Are Caused by Medical Errors? 

After years of growing discussion on the topic, Johns Hopkins University in 2016 released a study concluding that “medical errors” were the third leading cause of death [excellent article, read the rest at link above]

ALSO To understand more about what is going on now:

The Origins Of America's Secret Police

also at


Epidemiologist Says Influenza Cases Are Being Counted As COVID-19

Wittkowski, former Head of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design at Rockefeller University, cautioned that, “Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.”

According to CDC figures, the cumulative positive influenza test rate from late September into the week of December 19th was just 0.2%, compared to 8.7% from a year before.

According to Wittkowski, this is because many flu infections are being incorrectly labeled as coronavirus cases.

“There may be quite a number of influenza cases included in the ‘presumed COVID-19’ category of people who have COVID-19 symptoms (which Influenza symptoms can be mistaken for), but are not tested for SARS RNA,” Wittkowski told Just the News.

Severe Allergic Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines Occurring at Higher Rate Than Flu Shots

ALSO: Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot

With reports this morning of another otherwise-healthy patient dying suddenly after receiving her first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, many skeptics in both Europe and the US still have serious reservations about the jabs, even as big pharma and their allies in the US and British governments insist that they are 100% safe. Everyone claiming otherwise is not only wrongheaded, but acting in a deliberately malicious manner.

[…]  Berenson also speculated that this number might be even higher due to possible delays in updating the CDC's data sets. This would seemingly confirm rates of adverse reactions seen during clinical trials. What's more, clinical trials, generally speaking, tend to "UNDERSTATE" unpleasant or unwanted side effects, while they "OVERSTATE" the drug's efficacy.

Portuguese Nurse Dies Suddenly After Receiving COVID Vaccine

[…] when she received her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine) has died suddenly. Health authorities are investigating the death. … 

Hundreds Sent to Emergency Room After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines

Over 1,000 people injected with a new COVID-19 vaccine have experienced an adverse event, with hundreds being taken to emergency rooms. https://www.One patient in Michigan on Dec. 16, 2020, became lightheaded and dizzy, and experienced chest tightness and hand tingling. She repeatedly told doctors, “I think I am having a panic attack.” She was sent to the emergency room for evaluation. That’s one of 308 reports from patients sent to hospital emergency rooms documented on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That represents 0.0064 percent of the total vaccinations done, 4.8 million, as of Jan. 5.

Norwegian Nursing Home Patients Dead After Receiving First Dose Of Pfizer COVID Vaccine

More suspicious deaths have surfaced in Europe involving patients who recently received their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. Following reports about a Portuguese nurse dying shortly after receiving her first dose of the vaccine, our attention turns to Norway, where two nursing home residents have passed away under similar circumstances.

According to RT, the departed were among the first in the country to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Medical authorities said they will investigate the circumstances of these deaths to try and figure out if the vaccines had anything to do with it. Norway's National Institute of Public Health will be leading the charge.

[…] But a smattering reports about adverse reactions and potentially related deaths have raised eyebrows around the world. In Israel, 100s of people were infected with the virus after receiving their first dose of the vaccine. [not found in any israel paper or website; wonder why?]  

As we reported the other day, the rate of "adverse" reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine might already be as much as 50x higher than the flu vaccine. Vaccinations with the drug began in Norway on Dec. 27. Scientists in the US and elsewhere have criticized European leaders for the slow rollout of vaccinations (with France coming in for particularly intense criticism). The pace is set to quicken, however, now that the EMA has approved Moderna's mRNA vaccine for emergency use in the EU on Wednesday.

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