06 March 2020

Synagogue Guidelines

The Jerusalem Great Synagogue on King George St.
Issues Guidelines

Dear Congregent,

Kindly follow the following rules.

These and other rules were published by The Ministry of Health. Please review them in The Ministry of Health's website.

If in the last two weeks, you were out of Israel [in any other country] please refrain from coming to the synagogue.

According to the rules enacted by The Ministry of Health, anybody who was anywhere outside of Israel, should not join any assembly of over 100 people. If you feel you might have a cold please excuse us and return home.

Yes, it is Shabbat Zachor. Please go to a small minyan [for example Shaarei Chesed]

While in the synagogue:

Please do not kiss the mezuza, nor should you kiss the Sefer Torah. This is true both, while the Sefer Torah is being carried by the Chazzan, or if you have an Alia.

Please do not shake anybody's hands. Saying Yishar Koach will have to suffice. So, avoid the need to shakes the hand of The Chazzan, the conductor, members of the choir, officers of the synagogue, or your fellow congregants.

Let us help one another, by simply being disciplined. Our lives depend on it.

Shabbath Shalom,
Zalli Jaffe,
Acting President

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