22 March 2020


CoronaVirus and Other Plagues
While we are keeping up on all the information being published on the (SARS) Corona Virus keep in mind that the Geulah and Redemption are replicating the Mitzrayim Experience. That means we should be witnessing a resurgence of the Makkos (plagues) that lead to our release from slavery.

The plagues are:
water turning to blood,
livestock pestilence,
darkness and the killing of firstborn children.

We have already witnessed Flooding and Water Turning to Blood (A recent earthquake in Turkey produced an unexpected replay of the first plague in Egypt as a river began flowing deep red. BIN);

Livestock Pestilence (swine flu killing 50% of China’s hazer supply); Locusts, which we are seeing currently eating up the world’s growing crops;

Darkness and Killing of Firstborn:  This may or may not be the “Days of Darkness” of Mitzrayim, but the Corona Virus is killing people all over the world.

Remaining Plagues: we may yet witness the other plagues to come, or they have already occurred “locally” in some countries.

Plague of locusts set to descend upon Middle East in time for Passover ‘Extremely alarming’ desert locust swarms forming in Horn of Africa — but will skip Holy Land timesofisrael

A plague of locusts the likes of which have been unseen for over 30 years is about to hit Africa and the Middle East. Adding to the perfect biblical storm, the current coronavirus pandemic is affecting travel of international experts and in-country gatherings for training to combat the locust threat, said Rome-based Senior Locust Forecasting Officer Keith Cressman on Monday.

Cressman works at Locust Watch, a division of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization, which gives emergency assistance to countries facing desert locust invasions and constantly monitors the status of potential infestations. According to the organization’s most recent forecast report, there are new “extremely alarming” swarms forming in Horn of Africa.

We have already seen crops *devoured in many countries: (LocustWatch)

- January: the first swarms left the Empty Quarter to Yemen and Saudi Arabia, reaching southwest Iran where heavy rains fell.
- February to June: widespread spring breeding in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Iran caused large numbers of swarms to form. Control operations were less successful in Iran and Yemen.
- June to December: swarms invade the Indo-Pakistan border from Iran and up to three generations occur due to longer than normal monsoon, giving rise to large numbers of swarms; In Yemen, swarms form and move to N Somalia and Ethiopia where breeding occurs and more swarms form.
- October to December: Swarms move from Ethiopia and N Somalia to Eritrea, Djibouti, E Ethiopia, the Ogaden, C and S Somalia to reach NE Kenya; hopper bands and swarms form along parts of the Red Sea coastal plains in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea and Sudan.
- January: Swarms continue to invade, spread, mature and lay eggs in Ethiopia and Kenya. Hatching occurs in NE Somalia. Other swarms move into interior of Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
- February: Swarms continue in Kenya, a few reach Uganda and South Sudan, groups reach Tanzania. Widespread hatching and bands in Kenya. Other swarms reach both sides of Persian Gulf.

Interesting Article: NYMag: So There’s a Locust Plague Too?

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