27 March 2020


By Roy S. Neuberger

My friends, did you ever wonder what Mitzraim was like during the Eser Makkos

The sense of danger surrounded you. You felt as if you were in the grip of something totally beyond your control. You were completely powerless, unless you had access to the Power Who controls all. Dvaikus with Hashem is the only lifeline!

Ancient Mitzraim was the center of the world. The Makkos destroyed it and the Children of Israel were freed. 

Today, world systems are near collapse because of a microscopic organism which entered the world from a seafood market in China.

I have often quoted the Malbim on Yechezkel 32:17. He foretells events preceding the advent of Moshiach ben Dovid and predicts a war between Yishmael and Edom, followed by the collapse of their cultures.

The culture of Yishmoel-Edom dominates the world. It is axiomatic that, when Moshiach appears and the Bais Hamikdosh is rebuilt, Yishmoel-Edom will no longer be dominant. One need not imagine every step, but somehow, the world domination of Yishmoel-Edom will end and the worldwide preeminence of Torah, levhavdil, will begin. How will it happen?

I would like to point out that all problems in the world began with unrestrained eating. In Gan Eden, Chava and Adam ate a fruit which was forbidden to them and brought all tzouris into the world. The Torah instructs us, “Lo sasuro acharei levavchem …. Do not explore after your heart and after your eyes….” (Bamidbar 15:39) The Al-Mighty has commanded all nations concerning permitted and forbidden foods.Bnai Noach – all human beings – are prohibited from eating the limbs of a living animal. (Beraishis 9:4) This is relevant to the current world situation. 

Eating restrictions for Am Yisroel reach their highest point during Pesach. Apparently, we need to increase sanctity in order to free ourselves from subjugation to foreign cultures and prepare for the Geula. The eating habits of the nations of the world are at the opposite end of the scale from what is permitted for Am Yisroel, lehavdil. We need to understand this. 

At this moment in history, the nations of the world are in a state of deep rebellion against Hashem. It seems that the Ruler of the Universe wants to free His Children very soon from subjugation to these nations. Hashem told Avraham Avinu that the “fourth generation” of his children would enter Eretz Yisroel “for the iniquity of the Emorite shall not yet be full until then.” (Beraishis 15:16; see also Sotah 9a. Thanks to Rabbi Shaul Geller Shlita”h)

My friends, it may well be that the iniquity of the nations is nearing the level termed “fullness.” It may be that the world moral decline has reached levels which the Ruler of the Universe will not tolerate. When this madreiga is reached, we can expect world-shaking events.

At Har Sinai“The sound of the Shofar was very powerful and the entire people shuddered.” (Shemos 19:16) At this very moment in history, we are preparing to hear the sound of the Shofar Gadol and witness events which will change the world forever. May this happen soon in our days and may the world be transformed from darkness to light!

Roy Neuberger, author and public speaker, can be reached at
His new book, “Hold On: Surviving the Days Before Moshiach” (Mosaica Press) is available in Jewish bookstores and online.

© Copyright 2020 by Roy S. Neuberger

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