11 March 2020


An Excellent Correlation Between 
the Corona Virus and the Fake Trump Peace Plan
Kfar Tapuach

Thank you for the best correlation and explanation of our situation right now.
Tremendous. The most succinct I’ve heard.

I just read something that reinforces the above; and it should be clear to anyone with eyes to see.

The following are excerpts of an *article by another website:

On Tuesday, Joint List chairman Aymen Odeh announced the number one condition for even entering into talks with Gantz; a total ban on all Jewish visitation to the Temple Mount.

We have a clear position on the issue of the al-Aqsa mosque. We want to see the cessation of all visits of extremist settlers [i.e. all Jews] to the mosque. This is something that [began] during the Netanyahu era, and we want the status quo to be restored. Al-Aqsa is a Muslim place of worship, and East Jerusalem should be the capital city of the Palestinian state. We will be focusing on the issue of al-Aqsa at the present stage [of negotiations].

Trump’s proposed deal of the century (Kushner) states explicitly that “people of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, in a manner that is fully respectful to their religion, taking into account the times of each religion’s prayers and holidays, as well as other religious factors.” By rejecting the president’s proposal, the Arab party is essentially demanding that the current racist policy under which Muslims maintain a religious monopoly on Judaism’s holiest site will be adopted by a left-wing Israeli government.

Other demands made by the Joint list include:
  • Building new neighborhoods in Jerusalem – for Arabs.
  • No more Jewish construction in Judea-Samaria, and giving in to all PA demands.
  • An end to the drafting of Druze fighters into the IDF.
  • Veto power over all IDF operations.
  • Ending the Jewish Law of Return and Immigration Benefits.
  • Enacting an Arab Law of Return and encourage millions of Arabs to immigrate to Israel.
  • Providing 100% autonomy to Arab schools, and all other Arab sectors. Provide generous subsidies for free housing, etc…
It is important to note that in a speech on Saturday night, Netanyahu said that he rejected a deal with the Otzma Yehudit party that might have given him the necessary two seats. He explained that the party head, Itamar Ben Gvir,  established as one of his conditions the removal of the Waqf’s authority on the Temple Mount, thereby paving the way for a Jewish return to their holiest site.  [this is exactly one of the behaviors of the Erev Rav against the Geulah and Mashiach. This writer succinctly captured the essence of the danger of Netanyahu’s thinking, creating a barrier. And you can throw Rivlin into the same equation. All Erev Rav!]

[…] Without Abecassis, Gantz cannot form a majority coalition of 61 even with the Arab parties.

In conjunction with her rejection of a union with the Arab parties coming on the holiday of Purim, a comparison to Queen Esther is inevitable. Queen Esther saved the Jewish people, paving the way for a return to Israel and the Second Temple. Similarly, it is clear that Abecassis’ intervention prevented a coalition that would see the Israeli government enforcing an anti-Jewish policy that would have blocked Jews from connecting with their holiest site.

Abecassis-Levy was [is] the ninth of twelve children of Moroccan-born former Foreign Affairs Minister David Levy. She lives on Kibbutz Mesilot. Despite the kibbutz defining itself as secular, Abecassis-Levy observes the Sabbath for “health reasons.”

*Admittedly, this article, A ‘Modern-Day Esther’ May Have Just Saved Israel From Muslim Rule
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, was a comment by Meir - Ivri Anochi, on the endofdays blog years of awe.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Wowwwww, bit by bit , piece by piece, every angle is hashgacha pratis...

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