31 March 2020

Meir Ettinger – Corona and Politika 3/31 Ivrit

קורונה ופוליטיקה

שני אירועים לא שגרתיים נקלעו לתקופה זו בתולדות עם ישראל שכאילו אינם קשורים זה לזה. | מאמר חדש בבלוג של מאיר אטינגר

  • מאיר אטינגר 
  • ו' ניסן תש"פ - 15:05 31/03/2020
(המאמר הזה נכתב לפני כמה ימים, לפני שבני גנץ החליט להיכנס לממשלה עם נתניהו, אבל הדברים המתייחסים לנכונות העקרונית להקים ממשלה עם תומכי האויב, נכונים גם עכשיו, ולכן החלטתי לפרסם אותו, למרות ההתפתחויות הפוליטיות)
שני אירועים לא שגרתיים נקלעו לתקופה זו בתולדות עם ישראל שכאילו אינם קשורים זה לזה.
הראשון הוא המשבר הפוליטי שאנחנו נמצאים בו בשנה האחרונה, שהגיע לשיאו בשבועות האחרונים עם הנכונות והכוונה של מפלגת הרמטכלי"ם להקים ממשלה עם חברי הכנסת תומכי האויב שברשימה המשותפת.
זה לא קרה ברגע אחד, אך ללא ספק ניתן לאבחן כי השבועות האחרונים תקעו את אחד המסמרים האחרונים בארון הקבורה של הציונות. מפלגה של שלושה רמטכלי"ם קיבלה את המנדט להנהגת המדינה בשותפות עם מפלגות אנטי-ציוניות ותומכות טרור באופן מובהק, וביטאו בכך למעשה שהציונות כבר אינה משהו מהותי, אלא שייכת לעבר ממנו "צריך להתקדם". גם אם לא יעיזו לומר כך בפירוש, או אפילו יתקוממו לתיאור הזה, הלגיטימציה שניתנה למפלגות הרואות בציונות אויב, ובכלל את שיבת ציון כהתיישבות קולוניאליסטית, מוכיחה שהציונות כבר אינה נקודת מוצא או אבן יסוד במדינת ישראל
אם עד לפני כשנה היה אפשר להגיד שיתכן וחלק מאותם אנשים אינם מודעים מספיק לכוונותיהם ומעשיהם של נציגי ערביי ישראל ברשימה המשותפת, הרי שבשנה האחרונה נחשפו וחשפנו ציטוטים, מאמרים, סרטונים של חברי הכנסת הערביים שמוכיחים לכל מי שמעוניין לראות את רצונם לבטל את הגדרת המדינה כ'מדינה יהודית', ותמיכתם העקבית בארגוני הטרור שהם מכנים "ארגוני ההתנגדות" חיזבאללה, חמאס והחזית העממית. מי שעדיין מאמין ב'רצונם להשתלב' הוא רק מי שעוצם את עיניו בחוזקה כדי שלא לראות – לא יועילו כעת עוד פרסומים ועוד חשיפות. גם לא תועיל נבירה בארכיוני העבר והצפת אמירותיהם של יעלון, לפיד, גנץ ודומיהם כנגד הרשימה המשותפת. שהרי ברגע שהציונות הפכה עבורם לערך חסר חשיבות מיוחדת, לא שונות אמירות אלו מסתם הבטחות הבחירות המפוזרות ומופרות על ידי פוליטקאים כמעשה של יום-יום.
השני הוא מגפת הקורונה העולמית, המאיים על הכפר הגלובלי שנבנה כאן בעשרות השנים האחרונות, מבחינה בריאותית וכלכלית ועלולה לשנות סדרי עולם במובנים כל כך רבים. איש לא יודע כיצד תסתיים תקופה זו של המגפה במהרה, אבל כבר אין ספק שבמובנים רבים הסדר העולמי הקיים היום כבר לא יהיה אותו דבר.
על פניו נראה ששתי האירועים האלו השונים כל כך במהותם, חסרי כל קשר, האיום הגלובלי מגמד את הוויכוחים הפוליטיים, ואלו אינם נוגעים או משפיעים על יכולת ההתמודדות עם סדרי הגודל של מגפות.  משבר הקורונה חושף את המוגבלות של כוחו של האדם, המאה האחרונה שבה האדם הגיע לתחושה ש'לא יבצר מהם כל אשר יזמו לעשות' הביאה את האנושות לחיי שפע, עד כדי מחשבות על תחושת הניצחון על קללת אדם הראשון. והנה תוך זמן קצר העולם מזדעזע, אל מול וירוס קטן,  במחשבה ראשונה נראה שהעמידה בפני גודלו של אלוקים, אמורה לגמד את הפוליטיקה, אחד הביטויים ששמענו הרבה בשבועות האחרונים הוא ש"הקורונה אינה מבדילה בין בני האדם".
אבל אם נתבונן נוכל לשים לב בכמה קווים מקשרים בין שני האירועים האלו.
  1. אם בעולם, הצלחתו של המדע לשנות את פני החברה, ובראש ובראשונה להעלות את תוחלת החיים, סימלה את הצלחתו של הפרויקט האנושי לנצח את קללת החטא. בתוך עם ישראל הפרויקט הציוני, שהצליח להעלות לכאן מיליוני יהודים, להפוך ארץ שממה וחרבה למקום יישוב פורח ומשגשג, סימל את הצלחתו של העם לחסל את קללת הגלות בת כמעט-אלפיים שנים. כשם שהמגפה משמשת כמעין תמרור אזהרה, לגאוותו של האדם שיוכל לגבור על הקללה בלא תיקון החטא, כך האיום הממשי לכינון 'מדינת כל אזרחיה', והחזרה למציאות של גלות, וכפיפות קומה מול אויבי ישראל, מכניסה לפרופורציות את הישגי 'כוחי ועוצם ידי'.

  1. הקורונה יכולה גם לתת הסבר לצורך במדינת לאום, ובקיומם של מעגלים חברתיים פנימיים. סמוך להתפרצות המגפה, וכאשר הבינו מדינות העולם את פוטנציאל הסכנה, נסגרו גבולות בינלאומיים, ובהמשך גם בתוך המדינות עצמם הוחלו תקנות המצמצמות ככל הניתן את מעגל האנשים שאיתם הוא נפגש, בבת אחת העולם הפך מ'כפר גלובלי' לעולם שבו אנשים מתכנסים עם התא המשפחתי המצומצם. סכנת ההתדבקות שהובילה לבידודים יכולה לשפוך אור על הצורך ב'עם לבדד ישכון' החסין מנגיפים רוחניים ותרבותיים. המחשבה שיהיה ניתן לקיים מדינה יהודית, יחד עם היותה דמוקרטית מתבררת כיוהרה חסרת בסיס, בסופו של דבר בעולם של שוויון מוחלט אין יכולת לעמוד בפני השפעות זרות ולשמור על צביון ואינטרס יהודי.

  1. מצבי חירום עולמיים ואסונות טבע, ובכלל, כל תקופת ייסורים שעוברת על אדם או על עולם, מציפים שוב את השאלה 'למה'. זו שבשגרת היום יום מודחקת תחת העיסוק האינסופי ב'איך'. השיגי המדע והטכנולוגיה הצליחו לשפר את איכות החיים ולייצר פתרונות למצבים שהיו מורכבים בעבר, יחד עם מגוון תחומי העיסוק, ותרבות הפנאי נדחקו שאלות המהות, אל פינה מוגדרת בחיינו. משברים כמו זה של הקורונה, המערערים את יציבות החיים, יחד עם הבידוד שבו נמצאים עשרות אלפים בארץ ומיליונים בעולם. מציפים שוב את שאלות ה'למה' לשם מה נברא העולם? למה קיימים ייסורים?
 גם הציונות עסקה בשאלות ההישרדות של העם היהודי, היא קיבלה את היותנו יהודים כעובדה קיימת, שהתעצבה ע"י רדיפות ואנטישמיות, חיפשה פתרון מעשי והצליחה בגדול. השאלה 'למה אנחנו יהודים' הודחה בצד, גם האמונה בבעלותנו על הארץ התקבלה כהנחה קיימת, מבלי לעסוק בשאלה 'למה לנו ארץ' בכלל. ממילא, הייעוד היה קיומו של 'מקלט בטוח' ומשזה התממש - קץ הציונות, היה מתבקש ובלתי נמנע. פשיטת הרגל של הציונות היתה מתבקשת, בלי יעד וחזון עתידי לא היה לה שום סיכוי.
הרי כמה אפשר להישען על העבר, ולדבוק ב'נרטיב' השייך ללפני 70 שנה, ועליו לשלם מחירים פוליטיים. הרי לציונות אין כל משמעות, כאשר כבר אין צורך במקלט בטוח, השאיפה להקים עם ככל העמים – מתפוררת כאשר 'בכל העמים' כבר לא מאמינים במושג 'עם'. איזו סיבה יש ליאיר לפיד ולמשה יעלון להיאבק עבור חוק השבות? וכי מה אכפת להם האם העולה יהודי או לא? איזה ערך יש להתרפקות על זכרונות העבר ממלחמת השחרור, מול ההווה שבו עומדים לפנינו חצי מיליון ערבים שאינם מסוגלים להזדהות עם הנרטיב הזה.
במקום לבצע פעולות החייאה כושלות בציונות, ולנסות להזכיר ערכי-עבר יש צורך להפנים, שגם אם למעשה בעוונותינו לא זכינו לגאולה 'במוחין דגדלות' מתוך תשובה לה', והגענו כאן לארץ ישראל כנסים מן הגלות, מסתבר שהגענו לשלב שבו לציונות כבר אין שום מענה – שלושה רמטכלי"ם – הדובדבן שבקצפת כביכול שבגידולי הציונות לא מסוגלים לתת מענה להיבא יזבק אחת, ומכופפים את עצמם בפני יועצי רבי מחבלים, ומעריציו של נסראללה. זהו זמן שבו הקליפה שעטפה את הפרי מתפרקת באופן סופי. הניסיונות הנואלים של אנשי הימין להציב מראה בפני אותם פושטי רגל, נתקלים בחומה אטומה של קשיחות ועליבות. אך גם בהם יש מידה רבה של עליבות, כל עוד הם לא נותנים מענה לריקנות שנותרה בליבם של אותם רמטכלי"ם שלחמו כל חייהם מכוח האינרציה, וכעת שואלים את עצמם למה כל זה?
הקורונה כמו גם המשבר הפוליטי הם עדות לצורך להחזיר לקדמת השיח את האמונה. את החלל שהותירה הציונות צריך למלא באלטרנטיבה של כיסופים למדינה יהודית – מדינה הנאמנה לתורה ולמצוות. מול "מדינת כל אזרחיה" יש להציב חזון של מדינה יהודית – מדינת אמונה, מדינת תורה, מדינת הלכה. ויש לקוות שדווקא היום, כשאנשים רואים את התפוררות המדינה החילונית, ומסלול ההתאבדות שהיא עולה עליו, והתפוררות העוגנים היציבים שהחזיקו את העולם וההעלם – בבריאות, במשפט ובאמון במערכת הביטחון – תתקבל האלטרנטיבה היהודית ברצון.

Meir Ettinger – Corona and Politics 3/31

Corona and politics
Two unconventional events occurred during this period in the history of the people of Israel as if they were not related to one another. | New article on Meir Ettinger's blog

Meir Ettinger  Nissan 5780 15:05 31/03/2020
(This article was written a few days ago before Benny Gantz decided to go into government with Netanyahu, but the things that relate to the principled willingness to form a government with enemy supporters are true now, so I decided to publish it, despite the political developments)

Two unconventional events occurred during this period in the history of the people of Israel as if they were not related to one another.

The first is the political crisis we are in for the past year, culminating in the last few weeks with the willingness and intent of the Ramathalam Party to form a government with members of the Knesset Enemy supporters on the joint list.

It did not happen in one moment, but it is undoubtedly possible to diagnose that the last few weeks have stuck one of the last nails in the coffin of Zionism. A party of three chiefs received the mandate for state leadership in partnership with anti-Zionist and anti-terrorist parties, expressing that Zionism is no longer something substantial, but belongs to it "should move forward", even if they dare not say so, or even In this description, the legitimacy given to parties that see enemy Zionism, including the return of Zion as a colonial settlement, proves that Zionism is no longer a starting point or a cornerstone of the State of Israel.

If until a year ago you could say that some of these people may not be sufficiently aware of the intentions and actions of representatives of Israeli Arabs on the joint list, this past year we have unveiled and unveiled citations, articles, videos of Arab Knesset members who prove to anyone who wants to see their desire to cancel the state as Jewish state, and their consistent support for the terrorist organizations they call "resistance organizations" Hezbollah, Hamas and the Popular Front. Those who still believe in "wanting to integrate" are just those who close their eyes so hard not to see - there will be no more publications and more exposure now. Nor will a search be carried out in the archives of the past and the flooding of the statements of Ya'alon, Torch, Gantz and the like against the joint list. For once Zionism has become a value of no particular importance to them, these statements are not dissimilar to the promises of elections that are scattered and violated by politicians as an everyday act.

The second is the global corona epidemic, which threatens the global village that has been built here over the past few decades, health and economic, and can change the world order in so many ways. No one knows how this period of the epidemic will end soon, but there is no doubt that in many ways today's world order will no longer be the same.

On the face of it, these two different events are so fundamentally unrelated, the global threat dwarfed the political debates, and these do not touch or affect the ability to deal with the scale of epidemics. The Corona crisis reveals the disability of man's power, the last century when man came to the feeling that "they will not do anything they can do" brought mankind to abundance, to the point of thinking about the feeling of victory over the curse of the first man. And here in a short time the world is shocking, in the face of a small virus, at first thought it seems that the size of Gd is supposed to dwarf politics, one of the phrases we have heard a lot in recent weeks is that "Corona does not differentiate between humans".

But if we look at it, we can notice a few lines linking these two events.

1. If in the world, the success of science to change the face of society, and first and foremost to increase life expectancy, symbolized the success of the human project to win the curse of sin. Within the people of Israel, the Zionist project, which succeeded in bringing millions of Jews here, turning a wasteland and a ruin into a flourishing and prosperous settlement, marked the success of the people to eradicate the curse of exile for nearly two thousand years. Just as the epidemic serves as a warning sign, to the pride of the person who can overcome the curse without remedying sin, the real threat to the establishment of 'all its citizens', and the return to the reality of exile, and subordination to the enemies of Israel, puts into proportion the 'mighty and powerful' achievements.

2. The Corona can also give an explanation of the need for a nation-state, and the existence of internal social circles. Near the outbreak of the epidemic, and when the countries of the world realized the potential for danger, international borders were closed, and further within the countries themselves, regulations that were reduced as much as possible to the circle of people he met with, suddenly became a "global village" to a world where people converge with the limited family unit. . The danger of contagion that has led to isolation can shed light on the need for 'people to dwell alone' that is immune to cultural and cultural viruses. The idea that a Jewish state can be sustained, along with being democratic, turns out to be baseless arrogance, ultimately in a world of absolute equality unable to withstand foreign influences and maintain Jewish character and interest.

3. Global emergencies and natural disasters, and in general, every period of agony that passes through a person or world, again begs the question 'why'. The one in the daily routine is repressed under the endless preoccupation with How. Science and technology achievements have been able to improve the quality of life and create solutions to previously complex situations, along with a variety of occupations, and leisure culture has pushed the essential questions into a defining corner of our lives. Crises like that of the Corona, which undermine the stability of life, along with the isolation of tens of thousands in the country and millions in the world. The "why" questions are again flooded with what the world was created for? Why do anguish exist?

Zionism, too, dealt with the survival questions of the Jewish people, accepted us as an existing fact, shaped by persecution and anti-Semitism, sought a practical solution and succeeded in a big way. The question 'Why are we Jews' was rejected aside, even our belief in the land was accepted as an existing assumption, without engaging in it. The question was, "Why do we have a country" anyway? The purpose was the existence of a "safe haven" and that was fulfilled - the end of Zionism, was sought and inevitable. Zionism's bankruptcy was sought, with no future goal and vision.

After all, how much you can lean on the past, and stick to the 'narrative' of 70 years ago, and have to pay political prices. After all, Zionism has no meaning, when a safe haven is no longer needed, the aspiration to establish with all peoples - crumbles when 'in all nations' no longer believe in the concept of 'people'. What is the reason for Yair Lapid and Moshe Ya'alon to fight for the Law of Return? And what do they care about whether a Jewish immigrant or not? What value is there to dwell on the memories of the past from the War of Independence, in the face of the present where we have half a million Arabs unable to identify with this narrative.

Instead of performing failed CPR actions in Zionism, and trying to mention past values, it is necessary to internalize that, even if, in fact, in our grievances, we did not receive redemption 'in mind,' and we arrived at Eretz Israel conferences from exile, it turns out that we have reached the stage where Zionism has no answer - Three Ramtalam - the icing on the whipped cream in Zionist crops unable to respond to a single import, and bend over to the terrorists' advisers and Nasrallah's fans. This is a time when the shell that wrapped the fruit is finally falling apart. Bankrupt, encountering an impervious wall of rigidity and misery, but also in it They have a great deal of misery, as long as they do not respond to the emptiness left in the hearts of those chiefs who fought all their lives by virtue of inertia, and now ask themselves why all this?

The Corona as well as the political crisis are evidence of the need to restore faith to the forefront. The space left by Zionism must be filled with an alternative of yearning for a Jewish state - a state devoted to Torah and commandments. In front of the "State of all its citizens" is a vision of a Jewish state - a state of faith, a state of Torah, a state of law. And it is to be hoped that today, when people see the disintegration of the secular state, and the suicide path it surpasses, and the disintegration of the stable anchors that held the world and disappear - in health, law and trust in the security system - the Jewish alternative will be accepted willingly

Who is Responsible For This Pandemic?

This topic was wisely posted about by  TomerDevorah and she says, in part “...this pandemic and its resultant carnage falls into that category - a thing perpetrated by human beings - and therefore, I believe it is wrong, very wrong to attribute it to HKB”H.”

While this Pandemic was created by the evil DS operatives (so-called human beings), we also KNOW that EVERYTHING COMES FROM HASHEM. Even the Shoah was Divinely Orchestrated, לא עלינו, See *A Divine Madness: In Defense of Hashem in the Matter of the Holocaust, by Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt”l, a Rabbi that Rabbi Mizrachi shlit”a has spoken of very highly. Yes, like that evil German, the DS operatives have no love of humanity.

For my readers: I have posted the complete source of her reference from Dreaming of Mashiach here for further understanding, without comments. And I have also added a special post from April 2009 below. As usual, Nava of Dreaming of Mashiach has given us some of the most profound references and has tremendous sources.

This  extremely interesting essay was originally translated from Hebrew and annotated by Reb Nutie Abrams.

The Alter of Kelem, Rabbi Simcha Zisel Ziv zt”l says on Parshat Shemot that the Jews in Egypt were not worthy to be redeemed without the merit of “Faith.” Without their faith, no miracle would have occurred for Moshe Rabenu and Aharon HaKohen when they appeared before Par’o. The Alter concludes, “The redemption from Egypt is a model for the future redemption. Let us merit to properly prepare ourselves in this manner, so that it will go well for us through this period.”

Chazal (the Sages) says (Hoshea 2:22), “And you will be betrothed to Me through faith.” In the Yalkut Shim’oni on that verse (Remez 519) it states: You will find that the in-gathering of the exiles happens only as a reward for faith... . Also, we find that our forefathers were redeemed from Egypt only in the merit of their faith, as the verse states, “The nation had faith.”

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov zs'l in Sichos HaRan says "a great disbelief would grow in the world because of our many sins. Praiseworthy are those who hold on to faith in these times. And he said, even though he is forewarning of this phenomenon, and urging a strengthening of faith, it will not prevent it from happening. Disbelief and confusion will prevail. Have not Daniel and others like him already informed us that many will be selected, whitened and refined like ore (smelting) in this test of faith. He who merits passing the test and remains with his faith is praiseworthy and will merit all the good that will come to us, speedily, in our days. The good that all our prophets and sages have prophesized. Now since this has all been revealed in advance, it is fitting that each person should be perceptive and be compassionate on himself by insuring that he remains strong in his faith. And then he will not have any test and refinement like ore (smelting) at all since he has already been informed of this beforehand. However, truthfully, even though these people might be informed beforehand, it will still be a great test. Many will fail and become wicked as the verse states “The wicked will become wicked”.

However, even so, I inform of this beforehand for the sake of those few proper people who will strengthen themselves in their faith. Even so, there will certainly be great battles in their minds, so this foreknowledge will be soothing to the soul and will strengthen them and give them courage when they see that this has been foreseen."

“I will now reveal a secret to you. There will be great disbelief in the world. The disbelief will come from above as a test. Now I know that my people will truly strengthen themselves in faith and remain firm in their belief even without this. However, I reveal this to you now so that they will strengthen themselves even more, knowing that this has been foreseen and discussed.” Words like these were heard from his holy mouth several times. He would heave many sighs about this matter and would say: “Woe, how will a few people be able to stand against the whole world?.”

Rabbi Ya’akov Teitelbaum zt”l was a foremost disciple of the great Rabbi Meir Arik zt”l said he wanted to convey something before passing away and requested that I publicize it in any place in the world that it might reach.

“My grandfather on my mother’s side,” began the Rav, “was a regular guest in the home of the great Rizhiner Rebbe zt”l. I heard from him that the Rizhiner would often say that just like a fire descended from heaven for Eliyahu the Prophet on Mount Carmel (validating the Torah and invalidating the Baal worshipers, as is related in Melachim I,18:39), so too, before the coming of the Mashiach a fire will descend, but this time, for the Prophets of Baal, and it will be as difficult (for the Jews) as scaling a straight wall to cling to the faith.

I related this to many Jewish leaders,” continued the Rabbi, “until I reached the Skullener Rebbe (zt”l). When the Rebbe heard my words he requested that I repeat them. After repeating them, he asked me to repeat them again, and so I did. Then I asked him why he had requested that I repeat the matter twice? The Rebbe answered that he had a similar tradition, passed down to him from the Slonimer Tzaddik zt”l, that before the coming of Mashiach the Jewish people would lose patience. They will not want to wait for Mashiach to rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem (as explained by Maimonides, in Mishneh Torah, Laws of the Kings, chapter 11, paragraph 1) but will erect it on their own initiative and will bring sacrifices on the alter. And a fire will descend from heaven and will accept their offerings. However, the Jewish people will be expected to understand that this fire that descended from heaven came from ‘the side of evil,’ not from ‘the side of good’ (since they should have waited for Mashiach to come and do it properly). The Skullener Rebbe explained that he had asked me to review the words of the Rizhiner Rebbe several times because he wanted to determine if I would also mention that this ‘descending of fire from heaven for the Prophets of Baal’ will occur on the site of the Temple, as he had heard.

“I answered him,” continued Rabbi Teitelbaum, “that even though my grandfather never mentioned that the Rizhiner Rebbe specified the site of the Temple, I understood on my own that a momentous thing like this would most likely occur in a very holy place.”

The Rabbi then said to me, “Imagine what a tremendous test this will be for all Jews - to hold on to their faith even though they are witnessing the fire descending from heaven for the benefit of the Prophets of Baal. Therefore, I request of you: Publicize this matter in the whole world, wherever life brings you, in order that the Nation of Israel will prepare themselves and be ready for this great test.”

Yalkut Haro’im, which was printed in 1885, contains a collection of volumes including: The Wellspring of Wisdom (attributed to Moshe), The Tractate of Atzilut, The Tractate of Gehinom, and others. It also includes The Book of Eliyahu and the Chapters of Mashiach. In that volume, I was dumbfounded to find these awesome words:

And Israel will say to the king of the Arabs, “The Holy Temple is ours - take gold and silver, and leave the Temple to us.”

And the Arab king will say “You have no claim to this Temple. However, if you will first choose an offering, as you did in days of old, and we will also present an offering. And we will all become part of the nation whose offering is accepted.”

Israel will present their offering and it will NOT be accepted, because Satan will prosecute us in front of Hashem.

And the sons of Kedar will present their offering and it will be accepted, as the verse states: “All the sheep of Kedar will gather together to you.”

Then, the Arabs will say to Israel, “Come, believe in our faith.”

And Israel will answer, “We will kill, or be killed, but we will not deny the Essence.”

Then, swords will be unsheathed, bows will be drawn, arrows will be fired, and corpses will be felled from the Gate of Efraim till the Gate of Pinah. And Nechemiah (most probably, Mashiach ben Yosef) will be among those that are killed.

Those who escape will flee to the desert of Moav and to the land of the Sons of Amon. There, the Israeli refugees will remain, and Hashem will perform miracles for them there, and a wellspring will emerge from the depths, etc., and they will eat the roots of thorn bushes, for forty five days. At the end of forty five days, Eliyahu HaNavi and King Mashiach will sprout from there, etc., etc.
The hairs of our head should stand on end, when we imagine this great test that all of Israel will undergo opposite the Arabs. The Jewish People, and, most likely, the Jewish leaders and the righteous of our generation, will pray - and we will not be answered. And opposite them will stand the leaders of the Arabs and their shamans, and they will pray - and will be answered from heaven.

Therefore, Rabbi Teitelbaum commanded me to publicize this matter in order that we should prepare ourselves, sons, daughters, grandchildren, students and friends to strengthen our faith and trust in Hashem, so that we not be influenced by any test, heaven forbid. (I don’t know if we are obligated to accept all that is described above literally. Perhaps this all falls into the category of the verse, in Mishlei 1:6, “To understand parable and prose, words of Sages and their riddles.” In other words, there will be great tests in the matter of faith before Mashiach comes, and in order to merit redemption we must pass those tests with Hashem’s help).

May Hashem strengthen us and rescue us from tests, always. And may He send us the Righteous Redeemer, in the merit of our faith in the Creator of all Worlds, and redeem us soon, with all of Israel, speedily, in our days, Amen.

Labels:  Prophecies

See also:  Battles of the Agendas
Rav Elyashiv, the  Vilna Gaon’s Lottery and Coronavirus: “[…] from Deuteronomy 1:8, where it states, “See, I have set the land before you; come and possess the land which the Lord swore to your forefathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them and their descendants after them.” This led the holy rabbi to explain to his grandson that this is a revelation and a clear sign that it is time for world Jewry to make their way back to the Land of Israel. “Israel is the safest place for a Jew to be now,” the rabbi said, “We are very close to the final redemption. It will all be over very soon here.”]

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
6 April, 2009
Jews of America,
I beg you to realize that you are soon going to be in great danger. Start packing your bags and be ready as soon as you can.

July 28, 2008
"American Jews in the Diaspora should begin preparing returning to Eretz Israel - the latest possible date to return to Israel is Rosh Chodesh Sivan, 5769 (May 24, 2009). Those that will not return by that date, will 'miss the boat'"

"Although things change in Shamayim, the decree to leave America by Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5769 has not been changed!"

The Tzaddik Nistar told my husband, "Although Eretz Israel is bought with pain, regardless it will be better and safer in Eretz Israel than anywhere else." He again stressed, "Jews should leave to Eretz Israel ASAP - while they still can.... deadline is Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5769.” (me: between 2010-2011, coincidentally this is when we moved to Eretz Yisrael, the last month of 2010)

Hatzlacha raba and may HaShem be with you to make the only right decision for you and your family. For American Jewish families that will choose to stay behind, may HaShem bless and protect you in these apparently turbulent times.

Labels: Prophecies


* A Divine Madness: Rabbi Avigdor Miller's last word about the origins of the Holocaust. Though the Rabbi often alluded to this book in his lectures, it remained unpublished for over forty years. At last, this remarkable work is available, describing as only Rabbi Miller could the shocking, disturbing origins of the Holocaust. Read the riveting story a nation estranged from its Creator, slipping farther and farther from Torah observance and towards its own annihilation. See pre-war Europe through the eyes of a Torah sage who was there.


We are now being *preached to by the PM. Netanyahu, after saying, "Those who don’t comply are endangering not only the public, but themselves as well.” then he says "Those Defying Health Restrictions Violate Two Biblical Commandments”
You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen.
Love your fellow as yourself: I am Hashem.
(Leviticus 19:18)

Netanyahu added that it violates another Biblical prohibition of “do not stand idly by your fellow’s blood” [could it get any crazier?]
Do not deal basely with your countrymen. 
Do not profit by the blood of your fellow: I am Hashem. 
(Leviticus 19:16)

Regavim: The Govt Taking Shape Under Netanyahu Endangers the Land of Israel
By BIN staff March 30, 2020
(h/t Meir Ivri Anochi)
“See, I place the land at your disposal. Go, take possession of the land that Hashem swore to your fathers, Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, to assign to them and to their heirs after them.” Deuteronomy 1:8
The Regavim Movement is deeply concerned by the agreements that are being formulated between the Likud, Blue and White, and Labor, which include the repeal of the Kaminitz Law, placing the Bedouin Authority in the Labor Party’s hands, and setting aside the commitment by Netanyahu and the Likud to extend Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. Regavim’s spokesperson explained: “An emergency government that abandons Zionist values presents a clear and imminent danger to the Land of Israel and to the preservation of Israel’s national land resources.”

“In Judea and Samaria – moving forward toward the “Deal of the Century” without establishing Israeli sovereignty means handing over 70% of the territory to the Palestinian Authority without establishing safeguards for the remaining 30%.”

“In the Galilee – repealing the Kaminitz Law equals a seal of approval for the epidemic of illegal construction that is swallowing up the open spaces that are vital to Israel’s development.”

“In the Negev – handing the responsibility for the Bedouin Authority to the radical left equals green-lighting the continued rampage of illegal Bedouin land seizure throughout southern Israel.”

“Let’s call a spade a spade: This isn’t a unity government, it’s a leftist government.”

*Netanyahu believes he is in control and it is his directives that are accomplishing the best, as the US has stated, approach to this virus, but we know it is HKB”H Who is in control!

Don't we know the Leftist ideology on religion, 
on Haredim, on HKB”H?

HKB”H will not allow the 'division into pieces’ 
the Land of Eretz Yisrael


Efforts to remove sick from Bnei Brak intensify

The government stepped up its efforts to tackle the coronavirus outbreak in the ultra-Orthodox sector on Monday, especially in Bnei Brak, where the rate of infection is extremely high.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday night that the police and army would begin enforcing compliance with the shutdown regulations in all areas that were not complying, adding that it was a minority of the haredi population.

Appearances say the Govt is helping it’s citizens. BUT with open eyes it resembles “Collect and Isolate into Camps” (dare I make such a comparison)

Health Minister Ya’acov Litzman reportedly is recommending a total lockdown of Bnei Brak due to the high numbers of residents infected with the coronavirus.

A quarantine center has been established at the Or Hahayim girls school in Bnei Brak and will begin functioning on Tuesday, Avidan told The Jerusalem Post. Until now, people who require quarantine have had to remain in their homes.

Three treatment centers for the haredi sector in hotels have also been designated, including one at Kibbutz Lavi in the North and one at the Kinar Hotel by Lake Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee).

In the ultra-Orthodox and Arab sectors there are families with large numbers of children and many families on the lower socioeconomic level, and therefore we are working quickly to isolate the ill and prevent the spread of the disease,” he said.

Avidan said his team and the municipal authorities are beginning to go house to house to check the status of residents and find those who may be infected and need testing and quarantine.

Litzman again requested a lockdown for Bnei Brak, meaning no one would be allowed in or out, Channel 12 reported. A decision has yet to be taken.

The ones who determine what happens in the ultra-Orthodox community are the rabbis, and just like it took time for state officials to understand the size of the tragedy that the coronavirus poses, so, too, it took them [the rabbis] time as well,” he said.







US expert: Israeli response to coronavirus crisis is ‘right on target’
Compared with the decentralized health system in the US, the Jewish state’s reaction to COVID-19 has been relatively swift and well-organized, says data scientist Dr. Martin Zand timesofisrael

Figures offer cautious hope that restrictions may be curbing coronavirus spread timesofisrael
“[…] Cohen said the current count of how many Israelis are infected suggests that by following restrictions and mostly staying at home, the nation is fighting the pandemic. “It’s most likely due to confinement and the measures that were taken,” he commented. “From the moment you cut off social connections, you expect to see a slowing of cases.”

30 March 2020

Numbers Don’t Lie

BD”E for the Jewish Communities of New York

I remember those days I spent in Crown Heights, learning, sharing, and enjoying delicious heimishe delicacies. Now my heart is saddened.
I remember the years I walked the tree lined streets of Boro Park, a lovely neighborhood. Sharing with others on Shabbos, divrei Torah, and Shabbos delicacies.
My younger memories have faded, replaced by all the wonderful neshomas I have known in Crown Heights and Boro Park. The full groceries of every kind of kosher foods. The aroma of the bakeries Erev Shabbos, that was when I could still eat gluten, The slow demise of communities is more than my heart can hold.
And yet I know this is from HaShem, my G-d. The Might Awesome One that saved me from being lost in those days before becoming religious. I owe my life to HaShem.
All those memories will become IY”H also faded memories as soon as they are replaced by the arrival of Mashiach, please very soon.

Mayor DiBlasio, have you no heart.
Don’t you see that this is a decree from G-d.
You cannot close the Shuls “Permanently”

After reading the article below, this comes to mind: Imagine what it was like “In the Desert” as the children watched their parents enter the graves in the evening not to arise in the morning? What we are witnessing is so painful and soul-wrenching. Imagine “millions ....” everyone is blaming it on “the virus” but open your hearts and realize this is ....

JCN The Jewish communities of New York and New Jersey are reeling, as COVID-19 rips through its population, robbing us prematurely of many precious neshamos.

New York’s coronavirus death toll is nearing 100,000, and Governor Andrew Cuomo estimates that there will be “millions of cases.” Funerals in Crown Heights have been postponed due to the high number of passings. It seems the wave has just begun, and what was once fear and apprehension has turned to grief.

The first level of tragedy is that of those who lose their lives: Ultimately they die in isolation for fear of spreading the disease, and do not receive a full ‘tahara.’ Painful video footage shows chevra kadisha in NY preparing bodies in plastic bags for burial.

The next level of tragedy, however, reaches its gruesome grasp into the next generation: Many orphans are now left behind to grieve in poverty. The pandemic has hit the economy hard and unemployment rates are skyrocketing. Those who have lost a parent to COVID-19 are now grappling with shock, grief, a lack of income, and the upcoming holiday to prepare for. It is an unbearable task.

Emergency funds are being raised by tzedaka organization Ezras Yisroel to help these families cope through this painful time.

One of the most destructive aspects of the virus is that it has isolated us: The Jewish People have been forced to stay in their homes, without guests, without family for the seder, and for those who lose their lives, without the warm touch of a loved ones hand as they leave this Earth.

This is our opportunity to rise above this isolation and to join together as a global community, to support those who have been hit hardest.

Hashem should comfort them, and all of us.

Redemption Comes After the Nekoma of HaShem

We must know that all Jews will do Teshuva

After the Revenge of HaShem comes our Redemption

“Because of me, this great storm.’”

The only truly indispensable prelude to the geulah, 
says the Rosh Yeshivah, 
is that our aveiros must be addressed

Labor Pains by Eytan Kobre

Not long ago, I observed on these pages that most of the commentary in the frum media on the recent resurgence of anti-Semitism was focused on the perpetrators of the violence, or on what law enforcement or government or the media were or weren’t saying or doing. Precious little ink has been expended, however, on taking the uptick in Jew-hatred as a prompt to turn the lens inward, toward communal and individual introspection.

I cited the famous first Rambam in the laws of Ta’aniyos, setting forth that the Jewish response to tragedy and persecution is to engage in soul-searching, and that when that doesn’t happen, the troubles just repeat themselves until the message is received. I also related that once, during a very difficult time for Jews, the Brisker Rav was sitting with a group of people, each of whom sought to ascribe their travails to yet another cause.

Then the Brisker Rav spoke: “The ship Yonah Hanavi was fleeing on was filled with wicked idolaters, and when a storm kicked up at sea and threatened to sink the ship, he could easily have attributed it to their behavior. But instead, Yonah said to his fellow shipmates, ‘Cast me into the sea and the sea will quiet, for I know that it is because of me that this great storm has come.’ That is the hashkafah of a Torah Jew: “Because of me, this great storm.’”

But there’s another type of common reaction to difficult, confusing times like the ones we’re all living through right now. When unprecedented, cataclysmic events like the ones now shaking the globe occur, there’s a tendency to speak of them as portents of Mashiach, sure signs that the geulah is nigh. And indeed they may well be just that. The upheavals of ikvesa d’Meshicha and the disorienting dislocations of chevlei Mashiach are certainly addressed in authentic Torah sources. What, then, could possibly be amiss in linking them to events in our world?

The issue, however, isn’t whether such concepts are true. It is instead whether focusing on them might be not just irrelevant but perhaps even spiritually inimical. In Tishrei 5734, as the Yom Kippur War raged, Rav Eliezer Menachem Shach stood before the aron kodesh of Yeshivas Ponevezh and told an overflowing beis medrash: The above-mentioned Rambam writes that when in troubled times, people aren’t moved to cry out in repentance to Hashem, but instead say “this is the minhag ha’olam, it’s the way the world works,” they are cruelly inviting further troubles.

Attributing one’s troubles to living in the era of Mashiach, the Rosh Yeshivah explained, is a way of saying “this is the minhag ha’olam,” that this is just the way things are in the days preceding yemos haMashiach. That kind of thinking is an example of what the Torah refers to as halichah b’keri, treating events as random, since if events at large are merely a function of this being Mashiach’s tzeiten, then it has nothing to do with me and there’s no Heavenly wake-up call to which I need respond.

Elaborating this idea, Rav Moshe Mordechai Shulzinger writes of the danger when people respond to baffling, painful current events by quoting the words of Yeshayahu HaNavi, “Ki lo machshevosai machshevoseichem velo darcheichem derachai, ne’um Hashem -- My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are My ways your ways, says Hashem.” Sometimes if we’re saying that what befalls us is the result of Divine mysteries to which only He is privy, it can let us humans off the hook, for how can we possibly be expected to decipher His lofty, inscrutable intentions?

Because we can, indeed, know what Hashem wants of us in sending difficulties our way: They serve as prods to bettering ourselves and making our way back to Him. At times it might be possible to use the Divining rod called middah k’neged middah to discern that Hashem is seeking something very specific from us. But even without that value-added yardstick, is there someone among us who really struggles to find an area or two -- or ten -- that needs major improvement?

In his commentary to Mishlei (16:4), the Vilna Gaon writes that although in days of yore, we had nevuah, and later, ruach hakodesh, to guide our decisions, now that we are bereft of such direct access to knowledge of the Divine will, our responsibility is a much more modest, yet well-defined one: To align ourselves with that Will by fulfilling the positive and negative mitzvos precisely as set forth in the Torah.

During one particularly rough period for Klal Yisrael, a group of Jews posed an anguished query to the Brisker Rav: “Rebbe, mah yih’yeh? What will be?” To which the Rav replied, “What will be, I don’t know, since I’m not a navi. But what I do know precisely is what must be done, what is muttar to do and what is assur to do…”

But the fact that the chevlei Mashiach cannot be invoked as some sort of free pass to shirk the responsibility we bear for our actions, has a deeply hopeful flip-side to it, too. In Machsheves Mussar (2:387), Rav Shach writes that the severe pre-Messianic birth-pangs are not a given, since Mashiach can appear at any moment, with or without those pains having preceded his arrival.

The only truly indispensable prelude to the geulah, says the Rosh Yeshivah, is that our aveiros must be addressed, and our spiritual slates wiped clean before we can be redeemed. If we do so through teshuvah – which, as the Rambam (Hilchos Teshuvah 7:5) states, Klal Yisrael will indeed do before the geulah -- we can spare ourselves the need for the soul-cleansing effects of the yissurim known as chevlei Mashiach. May it be so in our time.

Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 804. Eytan Kobre may be contacted directly at

Battle of Agendas — NWO vs. G-D

Two dangerous men on the loose.
ALL this new world order stuff is the work of the opposite of G-dliness. Do not be confused, as it says will happen before Mashiach shows.

"Fauci Warns Coronavirus Could Become Seasonal Affliction
[Because of the intricate specifics of this virus and disease manifestations,  does this equate to a gradual culling of the elderly on a yearly basis??] See following article below.

Bill Gates Calls for Vaccine Certificates as Requirement for Travel
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Some in the Alternative Media are beginning to use the term “Plandemic” instead of “Pandemic” as there is clear evidence that the events unfolding today over the Coronavirus scare have been planned for some time, even before the breakout in Wuhan China late last year. This is a MUST READ article, go to healthimpactnews

Dr. Fauci and COVID-19 Priorities: Therapeutics Now or Vaccines Later? (Video)

Across the country, a debate is raging about the nation’s medical response and how best to apportion available resources. Many argue, quite reasonably, for the importance of identifying safe, effective and affordable therapies that can provide immediate help to those who are sick. On March 22, The New York Times reported that there are at least 69 existing drugs or compounds that might be effective in treating the coronavirus. In China, researchers are studying intravenous vitamin C as a potential nontoxic treatment, while a paper published by French researchers on March 20 described promising COVID-19 results from the off-label use of hydroxychloroquine (an antimalarial) and azithromycin (an antibiotic).

The head of the French team, Didier Raoult, MD, PhD, is one of the world’s top infectious disease and virology experts, with roughly 2,000 peer-reviewed publications and multiple awards to his name. Raoult and coauthors point out that a major advantage of “repositioning” older drugs for this coronavirus is that their safety profile, side effects, dosing and drug interactions are already well documented. However, Ian Lipkin, MD, of Columbia University recently told MSNBC, with a grin, that investments tend to go toward treatments that are “sexy and new and patentable” rather than to “tried-and-true, classical sort of methods repurposing drugs and strategies that have already been shown to work.”

Fauci’s tired rhetoric
For biopharma companies that are poised to profit from COVID-19-related misfortune, older drugs that have outlived their patent terms are not terribly helpful for the bottom line. Could this be why leading White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci, MD, long-time head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), recently pooh-poohed the published chloroquine evidence as merely “anecdotal”? Fauci is a stalwart enthusiast of “patentable” vaccines, skilled in attracting massive government funding for vaccines that either never materialize or are spectacularly ineffective or unsafe.

For example, Fauci once shilled for the fast-tracked H1N1 influenza (“swine flu”) vaccine on YouTube, reassuring viewers in 2009 that serious adverse events were “very, very, very rare.” Shortly thereafter, the vaccine went on to wreak havoc in multiple countries, increasing miscarriage risks in pregnant women in the U.S., provoking a spike in adolescent narcolepsy in Scandinavia and causing febrile convulsions in one in every 110 vaccinated children in Australia—prompting the latter to suspend its influenza vaccination program in under-fives.

In 2010, then-Senator and physician Tom Coburn, MD, called out Fauci for misleadingly touting “significant progress in HIV vaccine research.” Coburn stated , “The study [Fauci] referred to was a clinical trial in Thailand finding a vaccine to be 31% effective at preventing HIV infection. Unfortunately, the results of this study have been found to be statistically insignificant and the findings of the study have received much skepticism. [. . .] Most scientists involved in AIDS research believe that an HIV vaccine is further away than ever . . . and may never be possible. . . .” Senator Coburn also noted that Fauci’s agency had spent over $5.2 million over a four-year period on lavish “HIV vaccine awareness” events.

Without the least hint of embarrassment, however, Fauci reappeared on YouTube in 2016 to once again push his HIV vaccine agenda, even citing the unimpressive Thailand trial. Fauci’s mobilization of billions for a never-completed Zika vaccine followed a similar playbook. And now, Fauci is predictably shining a spotlight on risky and uncertain coronavirus vaccines that may not be available for two years, rather than prioritizing the short-term therapies that patients need right now.

First off the block
According to the WHO, up to 35 COVID-19 vaccines are in the offing, including experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines and formulations that attach coronavirus to genetically modified measles vaccines. As biopharma companies position themselves to reap blockbuster profits, the first off the block is a vaccine thrown together at record speed by Fauci’s NIAID in collaboration with Massachusetts-based biotech firm Moderna. NIAID and Moderna began developing the vaccine before a single COVID-19 case had appeared in the U.S., completing the first batch of vaccine “within 42 days of the company obtaining genetic information on the coronavirus.”

[...] Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, is no stranger to coronaviruses, having developed a vaccine for an earlier coronavirus in 2016 that stopped just short of commercial development. Despite having “tried like heck” to obtain funding to move his vaccine into clinical trials, Hotez just told a U.S. Congressional Committee (on March 5 ) that coronavirus vaccines are scientifically challenging and have a “unique potential safety problem,” namely a “kind of paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon.” When Hotez observed this immune pathology in his coronavirus laboratory animals, he thought, “Oh my God, this is going to be problematic.”

People of the world, we are in trouble from the vaccine enthusiasts who think we need one for every illness and annoyance. But their agenda a.igns with the UD Agendas to control all life and reduce populations not deemed necessary to their “anti-God progressive climate-change terrorists”.

PLEASE Read more of this revealing information at childrenshealthdefense


Thinking along the lines of Holland and their building up “natural herd immunity”, I found the following very interesting. Please have an open mind. Now, this does not mean that people are not getting sick and people are not dying, it’s just that every year the same thing happens:


Pulmonologist Wolfgang Wodarg, M.D. explains the how, who and why the coronavirus panic was created

29 March 2020


*PSAK HALACHA: HaRav Chaim Kanievsky: “Assur To Daven In A Minyan, Din Rodeif To Anyone Who Violates Health Ministry Directives”

Based on New Info: STOP ALL MINYANIM – Even Outside Minyanim!
Is this on purpose? Against Frum Yidden?

Based upon new information in the most recent Journal of the American Medical Association, it is clear that



We have made a colossal error in how we have responded to the COVID-19 virus based upon incorrect information from the authorities.

Previously, we assumed that distancing ourselves 6 feet away from others offered us safety. The latest results from a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study, published in the most recent edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), however, tells us otherwise. The gap should be 26 feet.

MIT has known this weeks before the info went to publication! 
Why the wait? Why no public notice?

Please do not ignore this information or dismiss it as alarmist. This author has lost 3 friends to the virus – with a family member in critical condition. Just this past Shabbos in teh United States, the death toll rose by over 1000 and 11 people from the Torah Kehillah passed away.

There are even more immediate implications to this new information:

It is a grave danger to attend any minyan, bris, or Simcha because of the sheer number of infections out there and the possibility of getting infected or giving it to others.

The study found that viral droplets expelled both in coughs and sneezes travels at speeds that range between 22 miles per hour to 68 miles an hours. This translates to 33 feet per second and 100 feet per second. The speed rate depends upon the strength of the original expulsion and how warm and moist the atmosphere is. The study can be viewed at

Droplets can even be suspended in the air for several hours. Indoor ventilation systems that do not have cross ventilation can create turbulent clouds of air, changing the direction of the droplets, that can infect others as well.

The studies authors urged that the social distancing requirements perhaps be updated and changed to some four times the previous recommendation.

There is a concept in halacha called, “chamira sakanasa m’issurah – a danger must be viewed more stringently than a prohibition (e.g. a food).” We are careful to ensure that we only eat from kosher shechita, cholov yisroel, and no bugs in our food – this is even a more stringent matter. Even if there is a doubt as toa sakana we should be stringent.

Further halachic implications of this study are that no one should venture outside without an adequately protective mask – where he or she will be exposed to others who may carry the virus – even in a supermarket.

Health care workers must wear personal protective equipment even 26 feet away from infected patients.

Even mechiras Chometz should be done online this year on account of the risk. If anyone needs to do a mechirah online, email the author below. The mechira is done with an araiv kablan, six kinyanim, and done safely.

BD”E Could This Be Another Plague of Darkness?

Angel of Death Ramming through Haredi Communities in US

The corona virus is spreading in the United States, and hitting hard Haredi neighborhoods in several cities, where dozens of Haredim have succumbed to the plague and thousands more are hospitalized, including Rebbes, Roshei Yeshivas, and millionaires, some of whom are in very serious condition.

Many Haredim passed away over Shabbat, including Rabbi Shimon Susholtz, Rav of Congregation Keren Orah in Kensington, Flatbush;
Rabbi Boruch Hersh Feder, 73, a teacher in a Satmar yeshiva in Williamsburg;
Rabbi Dovid Don Reiss, 77, distinguished member of the Belz chassidut in Boro Park;
Rabbi Yisroel (Izzy) Fogel of Boro Park;
Rabbi Mordechai Zev Halberstam, 42, of the Bobov chassidut in Boro Park;
Rabbi Aharon Hersh Kleinman of Boro Park;
Rabbi Mordechai Gurary, 84, Rav of the Chevra Shas Shul in Crown Heights;
Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Schmidt, of Lakewood, one of the owners of Paskez Candy;
Rabbi Chaim Weil of Lakewood; and
Mrs. Pacifico, whose husband, Alexander, passed away a week ago.

A member of the burial society Hevra Kadisha said painfully Saturday night that he had not seen this kind of carnage in the religious Jewish community in decades, and added that Hevra Kadisha teams were rotating round the clock to prepare the dead for proper interment.

“I can tell you the situation is crazy, and you have no idea how many people have been killed,” he said, musing, “The angel of death seems to have been given the green light to act, God forbid.”

202 new cases of the coronavirus were identified in the US as of Sunday morning, with 2,229 deaths so far.

In Israel, 246 new cases have been detected, bringing the national figure as of Sunday morning to 3,865, with 13 dead.

Interestingly, the lead headline on JTA’s website Sunday morning was: “The coronavirus hasn’t stopped immigration to Israel.” The article cites the Jewish Agency’s figure of more than 800 new olim arriving since the beginning of March, with another 200 expected before the start of the Passover holiday on April 8. Apparently, only about 100 new olim have canceled their plans.


Forgive me, but could there be any doubt that this is min HaShamayim?

Rav Elyashiv, the Vilna Gaon’s Lottery and Coronavirus

There is a ancient Jewish tradition, that in more modern times is attributed to the Vilna Gaon, called the “Goral HaGra”.

It is a lottery which is done at times of extreme need. When divine assistance in required to answer a question of national significance. Great rabbis have passed down this tradition, which allows for a query to be made via a specific protocol and then a Chumash is opened to a random page and a Pasuk is pointed to. This verse is understood to be the answer to the query that was posed.

It was used during the Holocaust to determine in which direction the Mir Yeshiva should escape to (eventually leading them to Shanghai) and again by Rav Aryeh Levin z”l to identify the remains of the mass grave of Jews killed in the Old City of Jerusalem during the War of Independence.

There are very few rabbis alive today who are knowledgeable and qualified to conduct this ceremony. But it was performed this past week in Jerusalem by none other than Rav Aryeh Levin’s grandson and son of the famous Posek, Rav Binyamin Elyashiv Shlit”a.

Rav Binyamin Elyashiv is recognized as one of the poskim, leading Halachic deciders, in the Haredi community in Israel today.

Rav Elyashiv was asked by a American Jewish supporter of Torah institutions how they should be responding to the CoronaVirus in this time of crisis and whether they should relocate to Israel. The response received by the divine lottery was nothing less than miraculous.

The verse that was chosen came from Deuteronomy 1:8, where it states, “See, I have set the land before you; come and possess the land which the Lord swore to your forefathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them and their descendants after them.”

This led the holy rabbi to explain to his grandson that this is a revelation and a clear sign that it is time for world Jewry to make their way back to the Land of Israel. “Israel is the safest place for a Jew to be now,” the rabbi said, “We are very close to the final redemption. It will all be over very soon here.”

He also said that those who are left outside of the Land, but continue to support her, will also be recognized as being native to the land.


Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu – Birth Pains or Torment of Dying (Ivrit)

Holland has taken a different approach — A Natural “Herd Immunity”

Dutch authorities aren’t imposing movement restrictions, seeking to build up herd immunity. But that will result in many people dying, especially in the tight-knit Jewish community

maybe or maybe not
*Building herd immunity does PROTECT for LIFE
No need for vaccines

Holland has taken a different approach.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte has essentially argued that social distancing will only prolong the disastrous effects of the virus. He believes — supposedly based on the knowledge of medical professionals — that the Dutch population should be somewhat exposed to the virus so that immunity can be formed and society can return to a sense of normalcy as quickly as possible.

The Dutch government did shut down schools, cafes, movie theaters, houses of worship and many offices, but we are still free here to move around, shop, pick up takeout and receive packages in the mail. Our extensive public transportation network hasn’t skipped a beat.

Sweden has a similarly lax policy. The United Kingdom, whose prime minister, Boris Johnson, had adhered to the same “herd immunity” policy as Rutte, introduced stricter measures on Monday, telling residents to stay home and ordering shops selling non-essential goods to shutter. Johnson on Monday finally ordered a full lockdown.

That makes Sweden and Holland the exceptions in Western Europe. Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland have all gone into total lockdown, along with parts of Germany.

Our relative freedom is of course a huge privilege and a convenience that at times feels reassuring. But as bodies pile up across the continent — the Netherlands has had over 200 deaths — our reality is also a growing source of fear that not enough is being done to prevent the rampant outbreak that is ravaging Europe and the rest of the world

I have lived through four or five major missile attacks, two intifadas [Palestinian “uprisings”] and combat army service in my native Israel, as well as reporting assignments in several war zones. But the footage taken at Italian hospitals has me fearing for my life for the very first time.

I can see the logic of the Dutch approach, even if I’m not fully convinced by the immunity plan and the murky science behind it. After all, there’s a limit to how long a lockdown can be imposed. The virus will still be around when it’s lifted, and an outbreak will occur later on, after several weeks of lockdown will have ravaged our national resources.

But pandemics are so unpredictable, and letting one spread on the basis of a bunch of assumptions feels like playing Russian roulette because the odds are in one’s favor.

I’m not the only one questioning the wisdom of allowing the population to spread the virus. On Sunday, Belgian Health Minister Maggie de Block for the first time openly criticized the Dutch policy.

“They’re letting the virus run loose,” she told the De Morgen daily about the Netherlands, with which Belgium shares a porous border.

Marino Keulen, mayor of the Belgian border town of Lanaken, called the Netherlands “the weakest link in the European chain.”

I already see the virus’ effects around me. My rabbi from when I lived in the Hague until 2015 is in intensive care. On Thursday, I learned that two friends of mine, one in the Hague and another in Antwerp, had caught COVID-19.

Over the weekend, an acquaintance of mine, Rabbi Andre Touboul, a founder of the Beth Hanna Jewish high school in Paris, suddenly passed away at the age of 64. A short and energetic guy with an informal and chummy demeanor, which he brought with him to Paris from his native Marseille, Touboul was healthy with no underlying medical conditions.

In London, the disease claimed the lives of at least six Jewish people, including Zeev Stern, an 86-year-old rabbi and philanthropist who survived the Holocaust, and a 97-year-old woman, Frieda Feldman. Italy has had about 5,500 deaths, including a former leader of Milan’s Jewish community, Michele Sciama.

And as most of us know, it’s going to get worse, not better. German Chancellor Angela Merkel shocked the continent when she said on March 13 that about 70 percent of her country’s population will catch the disease.

Some Jewish communities here are bracing for a much higher infection rate because of what is normally their biggest strength: a sense of cohesion. That will now become their biggest weakness, and policies like the Dutch response don’t protect them.

“The local Belgian person has a circle of about 15 friends and family. In Antwerp’s Jewish community, that figure is 150,” Michael Freilich, a Jewish lawmaker in the Belgian parliament, told me. “Antwerp Jews all know each other, each synagogue is an extended family.”

Two Jews walking down a street in Antwerp, Belgium, August 22, 2018. (Cnaan Liphshiz)
Citing this reality, leaders of the predominantly Haredi Jewish community of Antwerp expect an infection rate of 85% — well above projections for the general population, which range from 50% to 70%. According to this model, some 17,000 people from the community will catch the virus, resulting in more than 550 deaths.

My family is not religious, but we’re feeling very vulnerable all the same. We’re using the freedom we enjoy right now to tie up loose ends.

On Sunday, my father came to see us in the park. He is 73 and prone to coughing colds, but he’s refusing to stay indoors.

As we walked to the car, he walked me through the whereabouts of his will and other information I need to know in case he dies.

“We could be locked down tomorrow, who knows. This disease moves very quickly,” he explained to me in a rational tone.

We said goodbye without hugging or kissing. My children, engrossed in their own little worlds, waved goodbye to him indifferently as they climbed into the car. We pulled away and I watched in the mirror as his slender silhouette became a blue speck against the gorgeous spring bloom.

*Building NATURAL herd immunity is what should have been done and should be done for the measles. This is what brought down the infections to nearly zero (in the 60s) at about the time they invented their measles vaccine. Since then the numbers of infected rises gradually because the NATURAL herd immunity. Group has moved on. Vaccinations gradually weaken the immune system, and that is why some people succumb to the corona virus because of many yearly vaccines upon the immune system. They become Over 30% more vulnerable to the disease. This is exactly what leads to death, the immune system cannot handle the virus and then weak bodily functions deteriorate, causing complications, leading to demise. The doctors yearly have stressed the elderly and pregnant women should get vaccinated, and they are now the most vulnerable for this coronavirus. The campaign to vaccinate every person in nursing homes has led to their infection and death.

So just imagine the new campaign to vaccinate every world citizen with over 60 vaccines ? = mass depopulation! That would make BG very happy and rich!

Most Inspiring - Vayehi Noam, Yosheiv B’Seisar Elyon and Ana B’Koach.”

Mekubal Hav Gamliel Rabinowitz —
HaRav Shimon Bar Yochai

Hagaon Harav Mordechai Gross, Av Beis Din of Chanichei Hayeshivos, traveled with a group of ten students on Tuesday night to the kever of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron to recite a rare tefillah for ending epidemics.

During the tefillah, the mispallelim held lulavim used on Sukkos and carried out seven hakafos around the kever while saying tehillim and mizmorim, including Mizmor L’Dovid, Ana B’Koach and Yosheiv B’Seisar. Harav Gross and his talmidim spent a full hour carrying out the hakafos and reciting the tefillos. At the tefilla’s conclusion, they blew the shofar.

According to a source quoted by B’Chadrei Chareidim, the source for the special tefillah is a Gemara in Masechtas Sukkah that says that the Arba Minim eradicates evil spirits.

According to Kikar H’Shabbos, the source is the Maggid Mesharim, a kabbalistic sefer authored by Rav Yosef Karo, the Beis Yosef, which writes about a segula for ending a mageifah in which hakafos are carried out around the kevarim of Rav Elazar and Rav Shimon Bar Yochai with the lulav from Sukkos.

The Mekubal Hav Gamliel Rabinowitz also carried out the segulah on erev Rosh Chodesh.

Rav Gamliel said: “The Beis Yosef said that the Maggid said [the Maggid is referring to a malach, a representation of the Mishna, that appeared to Rav Yosef Karo over a period of 50 years as recorded in his sefer Maggid Meisharim] that if we’re in any tzara we should do hakafos around the tziyonim [in Meron] and the tzaros will be nullified.”

“We’re now doing hakafos that Hashem will remove the coronavirus from all of Yisrael and from all the nations of the entire world. Hakadosh Baruch has many ways to get rid of the reshaim through other means. The coronavirus should be removed completely. We’re going to say Vayehi Noam, Yosheiv B’Seisar Elyon and Ana B’Koach.”

May Hashem answer their tefillos and send a yeshua to Am Yisrael and the entire world b’karov.

Source: YWN

HOLD ON! Due to High Demand . . . .


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Attorney General Barr — Indictments Unsealed


The Storm Begins = Big Times Ahead
This is important because it means the evil ones working against the good of our world are beginning to be charged with their crimes to humanity. Stay tuned and watch for more.

Q drop 79

Missiles From Yemen to Yerushalayim

Missiles shot from Yemen at Jerusalem - 21 hours ago  (never heard the siren?)