15 December 2019

Miracle: Fifty Children Saved — One Tragedy Averted By Another Tragedy

“The Ribbono Shel Olam watches over his children and guided these vicious animals to first go into the store. Hy’d, Klal Yisroel should know of no more pain.”

CHILLING UPDATE: Jersey City Terrorists Were Planning On Killing 50 Jewish Children In Yeshiva Next Door

Just one door away from the JC Kosher Supermarket, the scene of the Jersey City terror attack, is the local Cheder with approximately 50 children. Many were speculating that the terrorists had more than enough ammunition to kill a few people in a supermarket, and feared that the intended target was the school.

This fear seems to be turning into a confirmation on Friday morning, as Jersey City mayor Fulop tweeted the following moments ago:

My opinion is that as more info comes out it’ll become increasingly clear that the target was the 50 children at the Yeshiva attached to that store. We will never know 100% but the doorway to the yeshiva was 3 feet away + it seems he goes in that direction 1st.

This is a horrible tragedy but even in so much darkness with lives lost there is some light in that without question had the bravery/quick response of the police not trapped them in the store this could have been much much worse.”

Watch the videos below, where you can see the security camera footage of the terrorists running towards the supermarket.

Source: YWN

RELATED: NBC: Pawn Shop Owner Arrested in Possible Link to Jersey City Shooters vosizneias.

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