30 May 2021

Rabbi Abuchatzeira: “We Are ALREADY in The Final Redemption” . . .

the following is an excerpt from a larger article on the coming Eclipse on Rosh Hodesh Tammuz. It is worthwhile to read the full article



The solar eclipse comes on Rosh Chodesh, the first day of the Hebrew month Tammuz. Kabbalists consider Tammuz to be one of three dangerous months because of its extreme energies. It was in this month, the 17th of Tammuz when the walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Romans in 69 CE.

Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, emphasized that eclipses, both solar and lunar, are described in Jewish tradition as being powerful omens.

“The month of Tammuz began the spiritual exile of the shechina (holy presence) and it is also the end of the exile,” Rabbi Berger said. “The exile began with a fire on the Temple Mount and it will end with a fire, lit by the Arabs, on the Temple Mount, just as the prophecy told us.”

Rabbi Berger cited a recent message he was personally given by Rabbi David Abuchatzeira, a leading Kabbalist of this generation. 

“The rabbi said that we are not in the days leading up to the final redemption,” Rabbi Berger said. “Rabbi Abuchatzeira said that we are already in the days of the final redemption. This is clear from what is happening around the world and this was what he saw with his *inner vision.”

“When the exile ends, there is no longer any divine protection over the Jews who choose to remain in exile. This happened when the Jews left Egypt and again when they returned from Babylon. The Jews who remained behind were lost. This is what is happening outside of Israel right now.”

In its discussion of eclipses, the Talmud (Sukkot 29a) specifically described solar eclipses as being a bad omen for the nations who base their calendars on the solar cycle. Indeed, the complete solar eclipse that transversed the continental United States in August 2017 ushered in the most devastating hurricane season in US history.

At the end of this section describing the omens contained within eclipses, the Talmud states a disclaimer: “When Israel does the will of the place (God), they have nothing to fear from all of this,” citing the Prophet Jeremiah as a source.

Thus said Hashem: Do not learn to go the way of the nations, And do not be dismayed by portents in the sky; Let the nations be dismayed by them! Jeremiah 10:2

“This eclipse is clearly a warning to the nations that the Jew were commanded to live in all of Israel,” Rabbi Berger said. “The Palestinians do not want this land for themselves. They hate God so much that they want to force the Jews to leave. This, of course, will never happen.”

The mitzvoth (Torah commandments) were given to be performed in Israel,” Rabbi Berger said. “They are an aspect of the land of Israel. The only hope for Jews to be safe in the exile now is to strengthen themselves in mitzvoth, thereby holding on to an aspect of Israel. But this is, and always has been, a temporary method for a Jew to be safe in the exile. The only sure way for Jews to be safe is to come to Israel right away.”

“The destruction of the Temple in Tammuz was horrible but even worse was Israel rejecting the Land of Israelwith the spies,” Rabbi Berger said. “Jews who refuse to come to Israel despite the obvious benefits of the country are reenacting this sin every day they stay. The war we just went through was because the government once again did the sin of the spies, who were the princes. They did this by throwing Gush Katif onto the garbage heap, by rejecting the holy Temple Mount, and by refusing to declare that Judea and Samaria are an essential part of Israel.”

This eclipse is clearly a warning to the nations that the Jew were commanded to live in all of Israel,” Rabbi Berger said.


*one’s inner vision is pivotal to assessing what is happening in the world. The hand of HaShem moves the chess pieces around to produce a certain outcome, and we are watching this now.  As the Torah tells us, when ‘misfortunes come one after the other we are to assume Mashiach is nearing (coming).’ The enemies of G–d and His servant Mashiach will do anything to prevent this from happening. Hopefully, he will be revealed in a clandestine manner to fool our enemies, before revealing.


ל.ל. said...

good news, thank you Neshama and Shavua Tov!

moshe said...

Halevai, by Sukkot, may we see the revelation of Moshiach, whether MBY or even our eternal Moshiach Ben Dovid. There are two auspicious times in a year for Redemption and that is Pesach and Sukkot. Whenever Hashem deems it to be, it will be! May it be with great Mercy from Above for Klal Yisrael!

Thank You Hashem!

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