02 May 2021

מסר חשוב from Rabbi Yaakov Ades – Upcoming Redemption! – המקובל הרב יעקב עדס שליט"א

מסר חשוב מהגה צ המקובל הרב יעקב עדס שליט"א - לקראת הגאולה הקרובה! 

I am hoping that this is relevant to the matzav.


elisheva said...

Baruch Dayan Haemet. Like everyone else, am still reeling from the immensity of the tragedy.

In the video above, the rav says that he is going to reveal a secret, that he has never revealed to anyone, but because of their injustice he is forced to reveal it. If a person wants to merit to do miracles and wonders he has to fight xtianity. But in order to avoid misunderstanding, he doesn't mean to fight a particular person, or to hurt a particular person, but to fight the religion. Just as we say in tefila, "all the inhabitants of the world will be congnizant and will know, that the whole world will know that xianity is a lie, bluff, an abomination, it's disgusting. The more a person prays about this or takes spiritual actions about this thing, this is what gives power for miracles and wonders. Remember too, every time you say the bracha "leminim ulamalshinim al tehi tikva", in the shmonei esrei, have lots of kavana, that the xian religion will disappear from the world."

The rav doesn't make any mention of the tragedy.

Neshama said...

Thank you Elisheva. I’m wondering why it connects to redemption.
I think it relates more about the “imposter kohen”.

elisheva said...

That makes sense (re french hill imposters). I'm trying to think of another translation for 'avla" maybe it's wrong doing / travesty and makes more sense.

It connects to the geula, because at that time the whole world will recognise and know (yakiru veyidu) that Hashem is one etc.

Neshama said...

And the redemption part ties in with Rabbi Glazerson’s Bible Codes about Meron. my next post

Neshama said...

my other thoughts that when the animals erupt against Israelis it means we are getting closer to the redemption which endangers them and exposes their lies. the attacks on the religious ties into this too.

moshe said...

Good comments. But, also think that the Rav brought this particular avoda zora up as the central reason for our troubles is that he sees what others close their eyes to. Very few websites/blogs concentrate on the sheer number of missionaries, evangelicals and messianics infiltrating government, industries and even our own Jewish organizations,etc. Never have we seen so many xtian tourists who all have 'fallen in love' with Israel. The coziness between the pm and other government officials to the xtians who are investing money and it almost seems the country has lost all its Jewish flavor. The evil unsupreme court koshering the Reform, Conservative and other mock joo religions, so their converts can now use the Law of Return to their advantage. This is the evil going on now in EY! Thanks to Neshama who brings this problem to the fore and especially, thanks to Devash at Tomer Devorah who does a magnificent job constantly publicizing this chilul Hashem!
May these bloggers go from strength to strength! There are some others too; but, this must be made a #1 issue so that all of our people in EY and the diaspora know what's going on! We need to make our own 'Country' Jewish again! The secular youth must be saved because they have no idea what a Jew is and yet having the zchut to live in this holy Land which H' gave to we, the Bnai Yisrael! H' Yerachem Aleinu!

elisheva said...

I have heard in at least two shiurim that Moshiach Tsidkeinu will come from the Galil and Rav Anava said that he would come from Tsfat I think. So maybe this connects to Meron.

As for the "animals" we are being attacked on so many different fronts, missionaries and the jews who love them, arabs, Iran, Israeli Left, police, courts, against the religious, Reform against the religious, local and international Left against Israel, the Left promoting the breakdown of society, China Belt and Road, flooding Israel with non Jews via the now hopelessly outdated Law of Return, fake converts and infiltrators, ....

Moshiach is going to have a lot of enemies to fight.

Neshama said...

Elisheva, with one glare from Mashiach, with one blow of his breath, THEY WILL ALL DISAPPEAR!

moshe said...

Neshama - Absolutely, Amen! May it be speedily - hayom, achshav, miyad! Amen!

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