13 May 2021

. . . in the times of the Baal Shem Tov and the Chatam Sofer . . . and brought down in the writings of HaRav Chaim Falagi

Why Write A Sefer Torah? 

There is no need to expound on the importance and the huge mitzvah involved in taking part in writing a Sefer Torah. This is an explicit Torah commandment and happy is he who merits fulfillment of this mitzvah. And still, as there have of late been epidemics, misfortunes and disasters, may HaShem spare us, this mitzvah takes on added importance, as brought down in the names of many great scholars, Rishonim and Acharonim, that the merit of writing a Sefer Torah in unity among all Israel, helps to lessen and annul harsh decrees, disease and disaster, as was done in the times of the Baal Shem Tov and the Chatam Sofer to terminate the disease, and as is brought down in the writings of HaRav Chaim Falagi.

After the horrible tragedy at Meron in which 45 people After the horrible tragedy at Meron in which 45 people were taken as atonement offerings to Am Yisrael in such tragic and extraordinary means, we heard from one of the hidden tzaddikim of our generation regarding what is written in the Torah in parashat Vayelech in such tragic and extraordinary means, we heard from one of the hidden tzaddikim of our generation regarding what is written in the Torah in Parashat Ya’Yelech, “and now, write out this song for yourselves,” that immediately following this pasuk commanding us to write a Sefer Torah, the next pasuk continues, “and the many evils and troubles befall them—then this song shall confront them as a witness, since it will never be lost from the mouth of their offspring,” meaning that if an abundance of troubles befall us, may HaShem spare us, and especially as happened much to our sorrow at the site of the holy Rashbi whose name is hinted at in this pasuk, and as brought down in our holy books, then it is incumbent upon us to unite as one with uninhibited love for all of the People of Israel and to write a Sefer Torah which will contain all of the souls of all Israel. B’ezrat HaShem, may this enable us to merit the Geulah, as it is written at the end of this pasuk, “For I know what plans they are devising even now, before I bring them into the Land that I promised on oath.” And in this right may we merit a speedy and complete redemption in mercy, Amen. 

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