25 June 2018

They Will Stop at Nothing to Bring Down PM Netanyahu

“They" Will Stop at Nothing to Bring Down PM Netanyahu

"For the first time in history, a wife of a leader is indicted over food and take-out trays," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

[i also find this absurd. Maybe the chef and helpers were not talented an not on a par for creating a menu appropriate for  political figures the PM was entertaining?]

Sarah Netanyahu: Fraud case based on false testimony

The prime minister’s wife’s lawyer Yossi Cohen argued in defense of the fraud indictment filed against her on Thursday that it was based on false testimony given against Sarah Netanyahu by a former housekeeper Meni Naftali.

He has already confessed to wrongdoing.

The allegation of fraud in aggravated circumstances filed by the state attorney in the Jerusalem magistrate’s court referred to orders of meals for the official prime minister’s residence from high-end restaurants at state expense to the value of INS350,000 (App. $100,000), while a cook was employed there. The alleged outlay took place from September 2010 to March 2013.

 Yossi Cohen further argued that the amount could easily be reduced to one-tenth of the total, given the cook’s times off duty for holidays, sick leave or Saturdays, leaving a sum too paltry for an indictment. Mrs. Netanyahu had formerly offered to reimburse the state for any sums in question. The prosecution is not expected to ask for a jail sentence for the prime minister’s wife – more likely public service. DEBKA

Sarah Netanyahu:  [. . .] Not Mentally Fit to Stand Trial

Sara Netanyahu, the wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is probably not mentally fit to stand trial, the head of the Movement for Quality Government in Israel, attorney Eliad Shraga, said on Saturday.

“The truth that nobody wants to say must be spoken,” Shraga said at a cultural event in Beersheba. “That woman is probably not mentally fit to stand trial.” Shraga suggested that this is something many people think but do not say aloud, including in his view, Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit and Sara Netanyahu’s lawyer, Yossi Cohen. Both men, Shraga said, “hinted to this truth.” [Mandelblit should stand down or be replaced if this is what he believes: biased personal opinion clouds his professionalism]




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems the crazies of the world have taken over, whether in Israel or in the U.S. and everywhere. The news sometimes is so absurd and ridiculous, you feel you're in either a bizzaro world or just practically everyone has gone nuts. It seems this is the methods the leftists use because that's how they are wired. Since they never need facts or truth, anything, no matter how crazy, that pops into their minds, and since the media people are of the same makeup, they become their spokesmen and influence the uninformed and ignorant population - a domino effect. I think it's because H' has a sense of humor and is using them to self-destruct. Kidding aside, this is all part of the global plan (reincarnations of the migdal Bavel generation) to destroy democracies and individual freedoms, (i.e., they want all the power).

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