05 June 2018

Eritrean Independence Day RIOTS

Eritrean Independence Day RIOTS

Dozens of infiltrators threw stones and attacked each other in mass fights between opponents of the Eritrean regime and his supporters - 13 were arrested and several injured - Documentation

In honor of the Eritrean Independence Day, dozens of Eritrean infiltrators rioted in the streets of Neve Sha'anan in Tel Aviv and Kiryat Malakhi.

Dozens of Eritreans threw stones and attacked each other for a long time until the arrival of police forces. Police said they arrested 13 suspects in violent riots. According to the police, the background to the riots is apparently "differences of opinion between opponents of the Eritrean regime and supporters of the Eritrean government."

During the incident a number of participants were injured in a fight, and during the police takeover of the rioters a policeman was injured.

Police reported that five of the suspects were released and eight of them will be brought to the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court for a remand hearing.

In another incident in Kiryat Malachi, an Eritrean young man who was evacuated to Barzilai Hospital was moderately injured overnight. Police arrested two suspects.

It should be noted that the police statement reinforces the claim that many of the Eritrean infiltrators who came to Israel are supporters of the regime, suggesting the claim of danger to their lives if they return to their country. In the past, residents of South Tel Aviv have documented the festivities of hundreds of Eritreans in honor of their country.

On Saturday night, dozens of South Tel Aviv residents demonstrated in the streets protesting the continued violence of the infiltrators and the helplessness of the government. Protesters blocked road and police arrested two protest leaders.

Source: hakolhayehudi

We Don’t Have Enough Rioting in Gaza, Now There is Rioting in Tel Aviv? I Hope The “Supremes” are Satisfied With Their Ruling.
Hidden documentation of 'so far' shows that infiltrators who leave for the third country receive a work permit. The documentation comes as a response to the claims disseminated by the leftist organizations Source Article



Johun said...

Which is precisely what Nir ben Artzi foretold some time ago!!
Which raises the question-when are going to receive the latest translation of his shiur?

Anonymous said...

If the State was really sovereign, would it not have stopped this insanity already? Where are the masses of Jewish citizens all over Israel demonstrating and demanding that these infiltrators be expelled immediately. At the same, demanding the dissolution of the unholy supreme court.

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