18 June 2019

One Little Girl and the Rape of a Nation . .

Where is our Jewish pride when a child is raped by a bestial Arab? 
Is it limited to gay parades?
by Tzvi Fishman

It is written in the Torah: “Jacob heard that his daughter Dina had been defiled. But his sons were in the fields with the cattle and Jacob kept his silence until they returned home. Hamor, father of Shechem came to Jacob to talk. And when Jacob’s sons returned from the field and heard what happened, they were incensed and engulfed with rage.”

To revenge the rape of their sister, Shimon and Levi grabbed their swords and slew all of the males in Shechem. Jacob condemned them for their act, fearing that the heathens would rise up against his family and destroy them. The brothers replied, “Should we allow him to deal with our sister as with a harlot?”

The giant bulldozers of Tzahal could certainly enter the village and raze every building and home.
The Torah tells us that after the act of Shimon and Levi, no one dared raise a hand against the Jews.

All of the Jewish world was stunned to learn that a demonic Arab kidnapped and raped a seven-year-old Jewish girl with the help of his laughing buddies.

I ask, “Should he deal with our sister as with a harlot?” In recalling the rape of Dina, I am not suggesting that Tzahal should enter the village of Deir Qaddis and kill all of its residents. I realize that Israel is handcuffed by the cameras of the world.

But the giant bulldozers of Tzahal could certainly enter the village and raze every building and home.

Where is our Jewish pride? Is it limited to gay parades? Our military weakness and growing spiritual malaise are one and the same. Should Arabs treat a Jewish child in such a savage fashion and we not respond?

What ever happened to “Never Again!”? 
Isn’t that what the Israel Defense Force is for? 
Why bother to have a Jewish State if we let savages do what they please with our daughters?

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