20 June 2019

Another Israeli Day, Another Jewish Catastrophe

Father on Reserve Duty
Nine (9) Children
Fifteen (15) Years on this Hill
 7:00 am IDF TEAR DOWN YOUR (1/2 mil-NIS) HOME


Filming at the temporary tent of the Herzlich family, Rav Richter delivers a response to surge of demolitions aimed exclusively against Jews and carried out by the IDF.


Mr. Cohen said...

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan taught:

“A temporary evil in his world may
bring a permanent good in the next.”

SOURCE: Faces and Facets
(part I, chapter 1, page 27, article titled:
Questions We Ask G_d) by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan,
year 1993 CE, Moznaim Publishing Corporation,
Brooklyn, New York


Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan taught:

“Just as fine steel is tempered
by fire and water, just as it is hardened
and formed by the blows of the smithy,
so must a true faith be tempered
by trials of fire and water, and strengthened
and formed by the blows of oppression.”

SOURCE: Faces and Facets
(part I, chapter 2, page 32, article titled:
Your Only Son) by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, year 1993,
Moznaim Publishing Corporation, Brooklyn, New York

Mr. Cohen said...

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (of blessed memory) taught that:

In the pre-Messianic Era, the Jews
in the land of Israel would have
“a measure of political independence” –
which seems to mean less-than-complete sovereignty.

The Handbook of Jewish Thought by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan,
volume 2 of 2, chapter 24, paragraph 18, page 365.


Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan was an Orthodox Rabbi who lived in New York City from 1935 CE to 1983 CE. During his relatively short life, he wrote approximately 60 books about Torah topics, including the English translation of Yalkut Meam Loez, which is around 20 hardcover volumes. He was listed in THE WHO’S WHO OF AMERICAN PHYSICS.


Since Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (ZTL, ZYA) taught
that in the era before the messiah,
the Jews in the Land of Israel would only
have partial independence, or partial sovereignty,
there is no point in complaining about
Israel sometimes bowing before other nations,
nor is there any point in blaming
a Prime Minister for melting before
those who hate us, because that is exactly
what is supposed to happen to Jews in the era
before the messiah, in the land of Israel.


How can we expect G_d to grant Israel complete sovereignty,
when there is a so-called “gay pride parade” every year in Israel?

How can we expect G_d to grant Israel complete independence,
when most Jews in Israel DO NOT observe Shabbat?

How can we expect G_d to grant Israel respect from other nations, when Israel’s universities are dominated by atheist professors,
who ridicule belief in Torah?


The Biblical Book of Jeremiah,
end of chapter 17, teaches:

If Jews observe Shabbat [the Jewish Sabbath]
then Jerusalem will be ruled by Jews forever
(Jeremiah, chapter 17, verses 24 to 25).

But if Jews DO NOT observe Shabbat,
then the Land of Israel [literally, Jerusalem] will
burn with FIRE (verse 27, last verse of chapter).

Since most Jews DO NOT observe Shabbat,
both inside and outside the Land of Israel,
maybe this explains why there are so problems
with Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem.

Since most Jews DO NOT observe Shabbat,
both inside and outside the Land of Israel,
maybe this explains why there are so many
FIRES in the Land of Israel.

Mr. Cohen said...

Winston Churchill said this in 1937 CE:

“[Winston] Churchill did not accept that the Jews
were a foreign race [to the Holy Land]. He said it was
the Arabs who had been the outsiders, the conquerors.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 10, page 115) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.


According to the Wikipedia internet encyclopedia,
these lands were conquered by the Rashidun Caliphs,
from year 632 to year 661 of the Common Era
(from west to East): Libya, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon,
Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Eastern Turkey, and Iran.

Therefore, Winston Churchill was correct when
he said that the Muslims were the outsiders
and conquerors, with respect to the land of Israel.

Winston Churchill said this in 1937 CE:

“When the Mohammedan upset occurred in world history,
and the great hordes of Islam swept over these places,
they broke it [Palestine] all up, smashed it all up.

You have seen the terraces on the hills which used to be
cultivated, which under Arab rule have remained a desert.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 10, page 116) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.

Winston Churchill said [in year 1955 CE]:

“You ought to let the Jews have Jerusalem;
it is they who made it famous.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 26, page 292) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.

Neshama said...

Mr Cohen, thank you very much.

Neshama said...

the mention of all those neshomos that were sacrificed because they were following the Torah and living on our Homeland, our yerusha, it pains me as each incident replays through my memory.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cohen is correct about the reasons we do not have the full sovereignty over the Land of Israel due to our sins (desecration of Shabbat and the other Biblical sins). But, we do not need to have Churchill being the one who tell us we are the true inheritors of the Land of Israel, even though it's always good to know that there are those who are righteous enough to tell the truth.
In the end, it will be these righteous Jews who settle the Land and observe the Torah who will be the righteous true inheritors of the Land of Israel as H' promised and those who fight the Torah and side with our enemies have the upper hand now, but not in the future world.

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...