31 July 2018

Rabbi to be Disciplined for Holding to the Torah

This is the terrorism of which the 200 Rabbis came out against. Punishing someone for standing up for the Torah, for his opinion, and joining the distinguished Rabbis for stating the truth about this unnatural immoral subversive cult who desire to make their immorality legal, to receive financial aid (to foster surrogacy), to corrupt the raising of non-Jewish surrogate children as Jews and inside an abnormal family enclave. [Prominent Rabbis have differing opinions as to who is the authentic “mother” in surrogacy cases. “In Search of the Halakhic Definition of Motherhood, B’Or HaTorah, pp.51-59, Issue 25,] (A male cannot be a “female” because there is no natural womb from birth, in order to produce offspring. Surrogacy is vastly complex.) 

Everyone must take a position against this abnormal immorality before they cause others to become confused and disoriented about how G-D created humankind. This abnormality will cause the deterioration of the Israeli society and the Israeli army that Israel holds dear. To be “punished” for holding an opinion not “politically correct” is 'undemocratic and oppressive’. 

READ: Only Fake Jews Are Afraid of a Jewish State, by Daniel Greenfield

ARUTZSHEVA: A police rabbi has found himself in hot water after joining his rabbinic counterparts in signing a petition decrying the LGBT community's 'aggressive terrorism".

Last week, over 250 rabbis wrote a letter criticizing what they called the "terror" of the recent pro-LGBT campaign.

In the petition sent to Walla News, the rabbis accuse the LGBT advocacy groups of "aggressive terrorism" and "brainwashing the media as if there is some kind of family concept" in order to "turn the perverts into heroes."

The rabbis, including prominent names such as Rabbi Yigal Levinstein, Safed Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, and Rabbi Dov Lior, claim that the children who will be born surrogate to gay couples "will be miserable if they are not adopted in normative families."

Joining the prominent rabbis was Border Police Rabbi Yoel Shem Tov, who supervises the coastal and northern region. According to Haaretz, police management said that Rabbi Shem Tov will face disciplinary action for joining the protest, adding that public servants should not be weighing in on divisive issues.

"The police do not take a stand on any issue of protest or legitimate demonstration. The Israel Police acts throughout the year to approve and secure demonstrations and protests and to actualize the democratic right of every regular citizen to freedom of expression," said the police.

"In order to allow this, it is inappropriate for a policeman to actively participate in the public discourse, and to allow the police to behave with the necessary neutrality on every issue, as is appropriate in a democratic state. We see strict exceptions in this area certainly as regards the officers. The matter will be clarified and subject to the findings, it will be dealt with on the disciplinary level," added the police.


NOTE:  Citizens employed in any capacity should be allowed to have an honest personal opinion on any matter raised in the society, despite his/her employment position; otherwise, such denial of self-expression could be deemed ‘undemocratic and oppressive’. Such opinion comes under “Personal Opinion” and not “Professional Position”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Police Rabbi should be COMMENDED and praised for being a true Rabbi and standing up for Torah; no matter what the consequences of the idiotic ruling of the police is. He should quit and tell them to go to .......

Torah is the lifeline of the Jewish people and is what keeps this world going. Without it, there is NO world.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...