09 July 2018


Rare event to occur in Solar System July 19, 2018

Unique Planatary Arrangement  
In about 2 weeks, all the planets in our solar system will be aligned to ONE SIDE of the Sun. This is expected to last for 7 weeks.

June 18, 2017: 

What I noticed is that in 2 weeks (July 22) we will be spiritually re-experiencing Tisha B’Av and the Destruction of The First Temple and the Second Temple, with the Jewish Dispersion into the Golus.

This Unique Planetary Alignment is to last for 7 weeks. In about 7 weeks, we will be spiritually be re-experiencing Rosh Hashanah, followed by Yom Kippur, and then Succot and Shmini Atzeret.


Anonymous said...

As a Torah Jew, what does this rare event symbolize for us etc.?

Neshama said...

So, why are we amazed at eclipses? why about red moons? That is what I was hoping someone would have an idea about. The fact that it coincides with our Yom tovim seems to pose a question at least. Also the timing of the eclipse and Mars being so close. All of it is min haShamayim. So why not wonder?

This time of year is volatile. I wouldn’t be surprised if we experienced a minor #5 on the Richter scale also near when the next “parade” desecrates our holy Yerushalayim streets!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! So much for this blog. I absolutely agree with you! This is a amazing event, and what does it mean! I think its very significant for all of us. I am also Jewish and sought Hashem on this issue, and shortly after I realized a huge prophecy was fulfilled on the same day the planets moved. If you are interested please watch my video below.

I originally thought the planets were going to be this way for 52 days, but it seems like now it maybe longer.. No one seems to REALLY know anything, which is all very suspect to me.

Thank you again! I feel its important to sound the alarm, which is why I made this video although no one has seen it :)
May Hashem bless you and keep you in His peace.

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